Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Is there such a thing as degrees of morality? Is there an acceptable level of perversion or bad behavior? What should we use as a standard for our moral fiber in America? Finally, where do we want America to go in social values?

I know "people are people", and they will have their faults; yet, when do we say "enough"? I've heard all the stories about Jack Kennedy, and I am sad that he had those types of behavior in his life. I also know that way back then, had they been made public, it would have been political suicide, and "Camelot" would not have existed. It has been said that FDR had a "special" lady friend, yet very little was said about that, because America would not have tolerated that behavior from its president. Is has been rumored that Thomas Jefferson had an illicit relationship; I guarantee that would have been a disaster in 1776, had it been common knowledge.

We have taken prayer out of our schools; we have made carrying a bible to work practically a criminal offense. We are more concerned about the rights of prisoners than the rights of our citizens. We have made criminal illegal aliens into victims, instead of invaders to our land. We have allowed the A.C.L.U. to allow one or two people dictate what we are allowed to do in public places, and what language we are allowed to speak. We continue to drift away from what has made America, America.

I am now going to offend some folks. America was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics! ETHICS; a word we all use but few follow, and it seems those who use it the least, are those who serve as our senators and congressional representatives. I know there are some governors and mayors who also have shown "poor judgment" too. We have thrown American values and ethics "under the bus"; in favor of tolerance and political correctness.

A couple of days ago, I wrote about Congressman Anthony Wiener; I'll admit I had some fun at his expense, yet, it seems those allegations are now proving true. Mr. Weiner is just the latest, and not really the worst of our leadership's bad behavior. It is no wonder that those radical Islamists call America the "Great Satan". I'm not saying they are any better than we are; but we are surely giving them fuel with this type of perverse activities from our elected officials.

Mr. Weiner says he will not resign; but he's sorry! Yes, he's sorry; he's sorry he got caught! I didn't vote for Mr. Weiner, yet his life choices reflect on me and every other American. He was chosen to represent us to the rest of the world in our Congress. It now rests with Congress and Mr. Weiner as to what actions will be taken. Because of Charlie Rangel, I doubt any credible action will be taken; they will take care of their own; it is up to us. America must send a message at the voting booth and cast out this type of abhorrent behavior. If someone exposes himself in public, he will be arrested. Mr. Weiner has exposed himself to the entire population of America! What will America do now?

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