Friday, September 28, 2012

"In This Corner!!!!"

Ali vs. Frazier, Robinson vs. La Motta, Saddler vs. Pep; these names are forever connected in boxing history as some of the sport’s greatest rivalries. I remember all of the Frazier-Ali fights vividly as probably the best heavy-weight fights of all time; each fighter brought out the best of their opponents. I have watched films of Ray Robinson and Jake La Motta, and the same statement applies to them; Sandy Saddler and Willie Pep are legendary and films of their ring action are certainly proof of that. Well matched fighters always yearn for re-matches.

On Wednesday, October 3rd, we will be watching the first Presidential Debate of the 2012 Election. In Denver, Colorado at the University of Denver, Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney will “square off” in the “ring of debate”. At 9:00 P.M. EST, the political arena will be center stage in America, as the “contender”, Mitt Romney, will stand “toe to toe” with the current “champion of politics”, Barack Hussein Obama, in a much anticipated face-off.

This first debate is crucial to both men, as the winner will establish credibility with the American people, and the loser could be damaged for the remainder of the campaign. This is the first of three encounters that are scheduled; the other two are at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York and Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, respectively.

The real burden of these debates will rest on Barack Obama, as he must defend his last 46 months in office; all of his policies and all of his decisions. Mitt Romney will be trying to deliver “body blows” to Obama with facts about the impact Mr. Obama’s policies have had on America since he took the reins of power in January of 2009. This can be an advantage to Mr. Romney, as he can quote all the facts and figures of the last several months, from unemployment to the National Debt, and these numbers can deal some real damage to Mr. Obama.  Mr. Obama can try to deflect those blows by calling on the condition of the nation when he took office, but I don’t believe most Americans want to hear the “blame Bush” mantra he has been using since his first day as President. Mr. Romney would be wise to bring up the name of George Bush early and take the “wind out of the sails” of his opponent. This first debate is supposed to be about domestic policies; this must include unemployment, debt and illegal immigration issues; Romney must connect our current situations to Obama to disperse the strategy of blaming the former administration. If Romney is successful in putting the responsibility for America’s domestic failures on Obama, he will deliver a strong blow to Obama. Barack Obama doesn’t do well without a teleprompter or speaking under pressure. Obama has a tendency to stammer and take long pauses when he can’t respond well; this will transmit to the television cameras poorly for Mr. Obama.

I believe this first debate can expose Mr. Obama as more of a politician than a President to the American people. Romney will only have one chance to establish strength and that can only be exhibited through a confident demeanor and factual presentation of Obama’s failure in the Oval Office.

I am hoping for a lively event on Wednesday, an event that will cry for a rematch. The question is: Will it be “Ali-Frazier or Ali-Spinks”?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Protectors of Your Vote!!"

The only actual influence each of us has is our individual vote; we can speak or write about the available choices in any election, but when it is all said and done, the voting booth is where it all comes to fruition.

I remember mayoral elections in Chicago, and most of the time nobody knew who the Republican candidate was; Mayor Daley (both of them) were the presumptive winner in every election. Chicago is a Democrat-controlled city and no one with any political savvy would argue that fact. Chicago is famous for the saying “Vote early and vote often” and the voting rolls that were filled with the deceased who rise from their resting places as every good Democrat would to cast their ballots.

We have the most important Presidential Election in our history coming up in November, and proper voting procedures should be carefully guarded by our election judges in every district in every state in America. Several states want voter identification cards to verify the identity of potential voters. Some states are reviewing their voting rolls and clearing out those who are no longer residents of the districts or are deceased. Strangely, these actions are being fought by our Justice Department and I don’t understand why the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT would find protection of a legal elective process as something not to be desired. I know Mr. Holder has real problems with due process when it comes to vote fraud and intimidation, as he refused to prosecute New Black Panthers caught on video wielding batons and hurling epithets at prospective voters. I guess, as long as you don’t have an UZZI, you can do whatever you like outside of a polling-place in America as long as Eric Holder is Attorney General of the United States.

I live in “small town America” and we don’t seem to be having much trouble with voter intimidation here; I know the election judges at our polling place, even the Democrats!  We have some mutual respect here, and we all see each other at the grocery store all the time, so it isn’t too easy to intimidate anybody; we’re stuck making cogent arguments about our beliefs.

I now have some really good news for all of you potential voters; that violent New Black Panther Party has announced they will be back at America’s polling places again during this election. Their Chairman, Malik Zulu Shabazz, made a statement saying “We will be there….legally and lawfully go to the polls again to make sure there is no intimidation against our people….”!

Yes, my fellow Americans, you can rest easy knowing the New Black Panthers will be protecting your voting rights this year!! I wonder what methods of persuasion they will use to encourage potential voters during this election year.  Perhaps black-jacks or switch-blade knives are in order; I’m sure they will definitely keep the people mindful of whom they could vote for.  

I don’t know how to combat this obvious attempt to give inappropriate influence to people who want to exercise their franchise. Police or military presence could help dissuade potential intimidators, but I hate the thought that an American election needed this type of protection from fraud or potential violence.

I hope we can have an election in November that is reflective of the freedom that the United States should have for all of its citizens, and no citizens ever fear for their lives when casting a ballot. Whether it is Black Panthers, Klan members or NAZI brown shirts, no one should interfere with our freedom at the polls. I wonder what Mr. Holder and Mr. Obama think about this?

Monday, September 24, 2012


Having grown up in a large family, I had my share of troubles for not doing what I was told to do and getting caught not doing it. This is a time when we learn to “think on our feet”, feverishly making up any explanation we can to excuse our misdeeds. I always liked to “shift the blame” to another member of the family when I could; you know “My sister did it” or “I thought she was supposed to do that” are pretty common phrases when trying to escape consequences of childhood misdemeanors. As we grow older, we don’t have the convenience of siblings to blame for our errors and misdeeds and we must face the reality of TAKING RESPONSIBILTY FOR OUR ACTIONS. Yes, we must “face the music” when we are grown up and screw up! If our employer gives us a task and we fail because of our own incompetence, we have to answer for it without a “scapegoat” to take the blame. If our mistake is severe enough, we can possibly be demoted or even discharged from our position. We are paid to discharge our duties with competence, or we face consequences that won’t be pleasant.

On Saturday, our President, Barack Hussein Obama , accused members of Congress of “ducking their elected duties…” because they were “more worried about their jobs and their paychecks”.

I found the President’s statements very interesting, as I see more of Mr. Obama campaigning and playing golf than doing much of anything else. I believe that chair in the Oval Office doesn’t really see too much wear from Mr. Obama’s derriere. With tension at an all time high in the Middle-East, Mr. Obama chose to go to Las Vegas and make a speech rather than talk to the Israeli Prime Minister. Mr. Obama hasn’t spoken to his Jobs Council since February of this year, even though American job numbers are light years from being adequate; after all, he has a campaign to run! Mr. Obama said “He can’t fix Washington from the inside” even though for two years, he had a “super majority” in Congress and he could have fulfilled practically all of his campaign promises from his 2008 campaign. It seems to me somebody else is “ducking his duty” here. In his first two years in office, no Congressional Budget was passed, even though Mr. Obama held the whip hand in Washington. Now a passed budget is in the realm of a fantasy as every budget that comes from the House has been shelved by the Democrats without consideration, even after Mr. Obama urged members of his own party to attempt cooperation in legislation.

It seems odd that the real party of “obstruction” seems to be the Democrats, as every proposed budget and jobs bill has been stonewalled by them. It appears that the Republicans want to move forward and the Democrats are committed to “gridlock” until the November election is over.

The Democrats in Congress are reflective of their leader, who continues to kick issues down the road in hopes that they won’t be noticed until the November election is over. It is the “Campaigner-and-Chief” who has failed in the execution of his duties, not the Congress. President Obama needs to stay in Washington and do his job for a while, if he remembers where his office is!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

"Inconvenient Life"

Lately, we have heard quite a bit of talk about rights from both political parties. I like my rights and I am a big advocate of the “Bill of Rights”, our first 10 amendments to the Constitution. I like the words “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” a lot. I notice LIFE is listed first in that famous phrase. We are told that is endowed by our Creator, you know, God. What does that mean? My best interpretation is that it doesn’t belong to any man, woman or political philosophy to determine who gives out those rights; it also says government can’t take those rights away.

Whether you like it or not, those beliefs are rooted in the Christian Bible; those Founding Fathers used that book as their guide, not Marxism, not socialism and not Islam. Now I know I’ve just offended someone, but truth is truth and cannot be denied. Our Founding Fathers recognized Christian standards as the most honorable and just in the world and they integrated them into our Constitution.

As I said earlier, LIFE is listed first, as life is our most precious gift from God, and the taking of life is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let’s see what society believes about who merits death. Obviously, if a person is attacked and their life is in imminent danger, they have the right to defend themselves, even to the point of killing their attacker. In time of war, soldiers have the right to use deadly force in time of battle and they are the “armed forces” who act in defense of the United States of America. The State has the right to execute those convicted of murder and heinous crimes as proper punishment for their criminal deeds.

Our government and our people should hold human life in great regard, and look sternly at any policy or institution which advocates the taking of human life.

We have been hearing quite a bit about “women’s rights” during the present election season, and I agree that women all deserve equal rights under the Constitution. I also believe we all should take responsibility for our actions. Men who beat their wives should go to jail (or worse). Men that father children should be responsible for the upbringing of those children, along with the women who birthed them. Those innocent children are of no fault and should suffer no consequences from the “inconveniences” of their births.

As we move away from Christian principles and toward a “Libertine Society”, we have allowed the lives of the innocent to fall by the wayside. We look at unborn children as “non-people”, an inconvenience which we can remove without conscience. Women who advocate this practice say they should have control of their own body. I know women are raped and molested and sometimes pregnancy results, but the life within them is life given by God, not man. Other instances of killing the unborn are because of what trouble they will be in the routine of the lives of those who chose to have relations without proper “protection”; that was your time to make a “choice”. At the moment those cells started to develop into a human being, small and helpless, they deserve the same rights as every human being that has been granted life by God; your time of “choice” is over; you are now a mother. Our Constitution put LIFE first; we have NO RIGHT to take innocent life, no matter how INCONVENIENT!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Did you ever go to a restaurant or store and run into an old friend? Sometimes I think about a certain person and suddenly my phone will ring and it will be that person: WOW, what an amazing coincidence that is! I believe in coincidence, because that stuff really happens. It isn’t a coincidence when you plan for something and it happens. If you plan a family reunion and your relatives show up, that is not a coincidence that is a plan.

Why do people plan things? Plans are usually made so an event or task can cause a specific end or response. Football coaches and baseball managers always have a plan when they go into a game situation. When one plays chess, he must have a plan to cause his opponents to play into his strategy. Victory always has a plan, failure seldom does.

What is spontaneity? It is an action that takes place without any previous planning; it happens all at once. A bunch of friends may make a spur of the moment decision to go to a movie, or go out for pizza; that is spontaneous.

During this election year, we have seen numerous demonstrations about both major candidates. At these demonstrations we see signs, speakers and marching. Those things weren’t put together the day of the demonstration; they we preplanned, not spontaneous.

September 11th is a very important date to the American people; this is known throughout the world. Friends and enemies alike know how America feels about that date. Our President should understand how sensitive this date is to our nation and our nation’s enemies. When we have flags flying at half-mast and speeches being made across our country, our enemies become angered; they hate to see a united America. Bin Laden is dead and that is a fact that they cannot resolve to themselves. Radicals want to make trouble for us whenever possible, and on this date, they have an even bigger reason to do so.

As our embassies have been assaulted and Americans have been murdered, we have heard it was done because of some innocuous video produced about Islam that no one even heard of two weeks ago. Our State Department even issued an apology for the video to the murderers; how ludicrous was that? They continued on by saying that having this happen on “9/11” was only a COINCIDENCE and all of this was a spontaneous action. Libyan officials said there was intelligence of these actions long before their occurrence, and the United States was notified of the possibility of trouble. The State Department continues to stick to this story of coincidence and spontaneous demonstration even after this embarrassing admission from Libya.

If the Libyan government is telling the truth, and a logical mind will probably believe this, then why did the Obama Administration not take the proper actions to protect our citizens abroad in our own embassies? I know Mr. Obama was busy in his reelection campaign; but his FIRST DUTY IS THE PROTECTION OF AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! Now we have dead Americans and burned out embassies and a lame story about a video from this weak leader’s administration.

On September 11th, our intelligence community should have been in overdrive! Extra protection should have been the order of the day from the Oval Office, especially in countries where we have been called “Great Satan” and “Evil Infidels” by the lunatic radicals that live there. This tragedy is just one more example of what a poor President we have in the White House today. What will his next major mistake be? Maybe next time, we will be burying thousands of American’s on our own soil because of our “Travelling Candidate”, Barack Hussein Obama!!!