Monday, September 10, 2012

"Bad News Barack, No Matter How You Say It!"

I like Mel Brooks’ movies very much; they always make me laugh. One of Mel’s movies is called “Robin Hood: Men in Tights”; a brilliant parody of the Robin Hood movies. Carey Elwes acted as Robin Hood and he was a perfect satire of the Errol Flynn portrayal of the character; he even took a shot at Kevin Costner saying that “He speaks with an English accent, unlike some other Robin Hoods.” There is a scene in the movie where the Sheriff of Rottingham has to give bad news to Prince John, and Prince John asks him to tell him the bad news in a good way; obligingly the Sheriff begins telling the Prince the bad news by laughing hysterically; when he’s finished, Prince John screams at him saying “That’s terrible news, what’s wrong with you!” The telling of bad news in a good way wasn’t working too well for the harried Prince John; there was no good spin in this situation. Sometimes there is no way to disguise bad news!

Last week, the August job numbers were released the day following the closing of the Democrat’s big show in Charlotte. Mr. Obama had his speech filled with his usual platitudes and asking America to back his continued agenda, pleading for more time to implement his plan which has yet to produce positive results on any front.

The August numbers were lower than even the Republicans expected, producing only 96,000 jobs and the unemployment rate falling by only two-tenths of a percent to 8.1%. The administration was expecting an increase of 124,000 jobs and a substantial lowering of the unemployment percentage; neither of these things happened! Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have immediately gone into overdrive on those disappointing statistics bringing Mr. Obama’s poor economic performance once again into the focus of the campaign. To make these figures even worse, it has been stated that 350,000 more people have left the job market and given up looking for work, thus skewing the numbers that have been reported and they are actually worse than they appear. Mr. Obama stated that America shouldn’t take too much from those poor numbers, and things really aren’t that bad! Do Mr. Obama’s remarks sound disturbing to you?

Mr. Obama continues to posture and smile to crowds as if nothing wrong is happening to the American economy and he can in some way “magically” restore jobs that he has been unable to do for the last four years. He has not addressed America’s lack of drilling for domestic oil even as prices have skyrocketed at the pump as if oil will appear out of nowhere to solve our problems. His party added God and support for Israel as an afterthought in a blatant move of political appeasement that is more of an insult to people of faith and the people of Israel than a way to gain their support. Mr. Obama says he wants to continue his “green initiative” as the former head of SOLYNDRA paraded around the convention as an honored guest! I don’t think advertising a 528 million dollar blunder is very good press for the failed “Green Jobs”.

I don’t think there is any good ways to tell the BAD NEWS OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, and America doesn’t need any more half- truths and trick figures from the “smiling fool” in Washington.

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