Monday, September 24, 2012


Having grown up in a large family, I had my share of troubles for not doing what I was told to do and getting caught not doing it. This is a time when we learn to “think on our feet”, feverishly making up any explanation we can to excuse our misdeeds. I always liked to “shift the blame” to another member of the family when I could; you know “My sister did it” or “I thought she was supposed to do that” are pretty common phrases when trying to escape consequences of childhood misdemeanors. As we grow older, we don’t have the convenience of siblings to blame for our errors and misdeeds and we must face the reality of TAKING RESPONSIBILTY FOR OUR ACTIONS. Yes, we must “face the music” when we are grown up and screw up! If our employer gives us a task and we fail because of our own incompetence, we have to answer for it without a “scapegoat” to take the blame. If our mistake is severe enough, we can possibly be demoted or even discharged from our position. We are paid to discharge our duties with competence, or we face consequences that won’t be pleasant.

On Saturday, our President, Barack Hussein Obama , accused members of Congress of “ducking their elected duties…” because they were “more worried about their jobs and their paychecks”.

I found the President’s statements very interesting, as I see more of Mr. Obama campaigning and playing golf than doing much of anything else. I believe that chair in the Oval Office doesn’t really see too much wear from Mr. Obama’s derriere. With tension at an all time high in the Middle-East, Mr. Obama chose to go to Las Vegas and make a speech rather than talk to the Israeli Prime Minister. Mr. Obama hasn’t spoken to his Jobs Council since February of this year, even though American job numbers are light years from being adequate; after all, he has a campaign to run! Mr. Obama said “He can’t fix Washington from the inside” even though for two years, he had a “super majority” in Congress and he could have fulfilled practically all of his campaign promises from his 2008 campaign. It seems to me somebody else is “ducking his duty” here. In his first two years in office, no Congressional Budget was passed, even though Mr. Obama held the whip hand in Washington. Now a passed budget is in the realm of a fantasy as every budget that comes from the House has been shelved by the Democrats without consideration, even after Mr. Obama urged members of his own party to attempt cooperation in legislation.

It seems odd that the real party of “obstruction” seems to be the Democrats, as every proposed budget and jobs bill has been stonewalled by them. It appears that the Republicans want to move forward and the Democrats are committed to “gridlock” until the November election is over.

The Democrats in Congress are reflective of their leader, who continues to kick issues down the road in hopes that they won’t be noticed until the November election is over. It is the “Campaigner-and-Chief” who has failed in the execution of his duties, not the Congress. President Obama needs to stay in Washington and do his job for a while, if he remembers where his office is!!

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