Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Select Company!"

Are you easily led? Do you always follow the leader in every instance? I think most Americans are pretty independent in their thinking, and we don't like to be thought of as "lemmings" that will follow the pack "over the cliff". When I was in school, most of my teachers encouraged independent research and thought on their subjects. You could get extra credit from some teachers if you proved you actually took time to do additional research on specific projects. I liked history very much, so additional reading wasn't much work for me. History and English were my favorite classes; although math and science were never much fun for me: I gave them my best shot. I would often read sections of my geometry books over and over again to try to grasp the "beauty of geometry"; although it often escaped me. I would use the high school library and our community library when working on term papers in order to get the most viewpoints on the subjects I was researching. One author or teacher can never give you a complete picture of any academic pursuit; the more knowledge the better! If a teacher tells you to disregard the teachings of others, it should raise a "red flag" about that teacher; he is trying to close off your mind!

"The chief function of propaganda is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time so they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on their mind", Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda under Adolph Hitler. Mr. Goebbels job was the management of the minds of the people of Germany, and silence those who opposed the NAZI philosophy. Literature, music, newspapers and public events were censored by Mr. Goebbels organization. There was also an attempt to censor mail and private conversation. Violation of NAZI policy could result in deportation, imprisonment and even death in a concentration camp. News management is a bad thing. Limited information is a bad thing!

Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va) expressed his opinion on cable news outlets recently. His idea of free expression is to ask the F.C.C. to shut off MSNBC, FOX NEWS and other cable news outlets. I guess too much information seems like a dangerous thing to Senator Rockefeller. He said "It would be a big favor to political discourse; to our ability to do our work here in Congress....". I find the Senator's statements very disturbing. What work is he doing in Congress that outside examination would cause it damage? When are less examination and less knowledge better? Narrow viewpoints lead to starvation of the mind. Whether conservative or progressive, all opinions and all facts must be open to examination in the public forum. When Mr. Rockefeller makes these types of remarks, he should be very careful as he is putting himself in some very "select company". I hope he doesn't want to be the next "minister of propaganda"!

Monday, November 29, 2010

"You Don't Have to Believe"

Darth Vader, Dracula, Goldfinger, Snidley Whiplash and Ming the Merciless are all well known villains of screen and literary fame; to Bears fans, the Green Bay Packers are our favorite villain. We go to movies and boo the bad guys and villains with gusto. We give cat-calls to opposing teams in support of our athletic teams with vigorous chants and insults. It's fun to cheer the heroes and curse the villains in all those venues. We all like the "Good Guys", and we all love to hate the "Bad Guys". We like the virtues of those heroic characters in movies and novels; and we all think the "home team" is more virtuous than the opposition. At times, some teams and people are demonized to help us feel better about ourselves. We all contain the elements of villain and hero within us; and none of us want to admit to the villain part.

We are now entering the Christmas season; we are now, once again, seeing the beginnings of the "Christmas attacks" by those who resent Christianity. I'm sure I will hear from Bill Maher sometime during this Christmas season; he is certainly one of the most vocal of the Christian haters in America. Rosie O'Donnell is another Christian hater and I'm sure her perverse opinions will be displayed again. Now, the American Atheists are being heard from with a string of billboards demeaning Christmas. "Season of Reason" and "It's a Myth!" are featured on some of these road signs. Oddly, I never saw a sign from those atheists about Islam. Why don't those haters attack the Muslim faith with the same vigor with which they vilify the Christian believers? Is it possible that you can say anything you like about Christians, but Islam is off limits when it comes to any type of criticism?

I've never heard of a price being put on the heads of anybody who drew a cartoon about Jesus, or a television show being afraid of posting "satirical" visions of Jesus. We have a double standard in this nation when it comes to our attitudes about Islam and Christianity. As a Christian, I'm offended when I see those disrespectful portrayals of my Savior, yet as an American, I understand the free speech principles that are involved. Oddly, Mohamed is totally above any type of "satire" or criticism in the same forums which so freely vilify Jesus. Where is the ACLU when this "hate speech" is directed against Christianity?

We all want Santa Claus, Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman during the Christmas Season; yet, we don't seem to want the Jesus part of it. I believe America needs a history lesson: Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus! If you don't believe in Jesus, then don't celebrate, you have no need to; He's not a Savior you believe in! If you don't have the marbles to criticize Islam, then don't criticize Christianity either. Oh, by the way, for those of you who believe in Jesus, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Memories and Thanksgiving"

A week from today is "Thanksgiving Day"; I can't wait! A great meal, a loving family and the NFL all in one day, what could be better than that!!?

Thanksgiving Day is unique to America, although I think Canada also has one. Those first settlers suffered through some pretty tough times that first year; sickness and the elements took their toll on those pilgrims. I'm sure if they knew what the New England climate was like, they would have opted to go further south; no Weather Channel to scan back then. They persevered and found a home in North America. Those settlers learned all about self reliance and trusting God in all situations. The only "welfare program" they had was the goodness of their neighbors and the providence of God. With all the trials those folks faced, they still took time to thank God and celebrate His goodness. We could all take a cue from those faithful pilgrims.

I walked around my house this morning to our small library, where I sometimes sit and read. It is quiet and cozy there; I have several bookcases with all types of books. One case is basically all history books, with some biographies mixed in. Another case is Theology and religion, with several study volumes and bibles in it, plus some books on other belief systems. I spend some time in these books, as I am an elder in our church and it helps me to be well versed when questioned by members of our congregation. I have a couple of shelves that are filled with sports books; football, baseball and boxing are prominent subjects in my sports interests, and I really enjoy reading about them. I have some opinion books on those shelves also, mostly conservative as many of my readers could probably have guessed. My favorite bookcase contains family albums and yearbooks. Those volumes contain something all my other books don't; a pictorial history of all the people I have loved in my entire life: my Wife, Daughter, Mom, Dad, Brothers and Sisters, plus countless friends, all of whom which I hold dear to my heart. Those pictures recall numerous birthdays, Christmases, Thanksgivings and anniversaries of the past. When I look at those pictures, it is like stirring up a huge soup pot and watching all the ingredients circle to the top; the ingredients of my life. I have favorite pictures that make me laugh or bring up a tear or two. I thank God for the inventor of the camera. I hope each of you have family albums to look at; remembrances of the best times of your lives. Those are the things we need to remember when we sit down to Thanksgiving dinner next week. Remember to look around the table at those faces seated near you, these are your most precious to you, always remember how they look and carry them in your heart.

We, who have loved ones close, are most blessed by God and we should never forget that. We, who live in a free nation, have much to be thankful for and we should continue to be thankful for that. I hope all of you have a glorious Thanksgiving Day next week. Enjoy your dinner, have fun with the football games, and tell the ones you love how much you love them. Be blessed!

(This is my last blog until a week from Monday. I will be celebrating for a few days with those I love!)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Good-Time Charlie!"

When you were little, did you ever had the "shame, shame" finger pointed at you? I remember several occasions where I had that dreaded gesture pointed toward me. This is the punishment used on the very young when they do something wrong and get caught. I've seen little ones reduced to tears when confronted with this embarrassing moment. The next punishment level after that was standing in the corner. This bit of toddler exile was pretty tough, especially if one has siblings to taunt you during your term of separation. Going to your room was the next step in the punishment ladder for those youthful transgressions. Today, if you send a child to their room, you have to have stipulations; no television, no computer, no cell phone and no music. Back when I was a little kid, all I had in my room was a bed and a dresser, with some scattered toys on the floor, which I was told not to play with. I couldn't bring in a book; no distractions were allowed. I was supposed to think about what I had done: most of the time I spent feeling sorry for myself, and blaming someone else for my "sentence" in the bedroom. Corporal punishment was saved for the most severe offenses, and was given rarely. The worst thing one could do was to show disrespect to an elder of any household. This was usually met with immediate punishment at the speed of a "heat seeking missile".

Yesterday, Charlie Rangel was found guilty of numerous ethics violations by the House Ethics Committee. Rangel has been the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Commission for a very long time; perhaps the most powerful seat in the House other than Speaker. "Good-Time Charlie" was found guilty of tax avoidance and hiding "special favors' while he was in control of much of America's money. Charlie's violations run into the millions of dollars in fraud and tax evasion. Poor Charlie walked out on Ethics Committee hearings two days ago, citing his lack of legal counsel. For nearly two years, Charlie has been aware of these charges, and did have a legal team which resigned from his case. Evidence must have been found by Charlie's former legal team, and that evidence must be made available to any new council Charlie would hire. With the many influential friends Charlie has, I'm sure he could get a qualified attorney with little delay, yet Charlie chose not to do so. Charlie, it seems, has retreated to his "bedroom" in protest of his impending punishment. Sadly, the probable outcome of Charlie's guilty verdict will be a minor slap on the wrist from his Congressional colleagues.

Eric Holder can bring charges against Rangel for tax fraud, but that is unlikely. As we have seen in the past, this administration picks and chooses who they will charge and who they won't! If you or I did the things Mr. Rangal has been found guilty of, we would be spending some serious time in Federal Prison.

Is Congressional Censure really a fair punishment for the breach of the public trust that Rangel has committed? Is the "shame, shame, shame" finger all that we will see for "Good-Time Charlie? Those in power should be held to the same standard as the citizens of this country when they violate its laws. If anything, public officials should receive the maximum punishments, for they have cheated every person in the United States when they decided to "work the system". Perhaps the Congress should revoke Charlie's Congressional pension; I'll bet that would send a message to those who are contemplating taking Charlie's path.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Remember Rex Grossman, he was the quarterback who led the Bears to the Super Bowl in 2006? Rex is now a back-up, I think in Washington. Rex's claim to fame was that '06 Super Bowl, since then, not much interest has been exhibited toward "Sexy Rexy". As a fan of the Bears, I had hope for a victory in '06, but the reality of Peyton Manning took that dream away. The Colts were the best team on that Sunday, and the weakness of Rex was obvious to all of us who love the Bears. Rex was personable enough; he had a boyish charm at the press conferences, and he was a runner-up for the Heisman Trophy. Young girls all liked "Sexy Rexy"; his face was on posters and in commercials. For a while, he was being compared to Bret Favre, later he was compared to someone who needed a guide dog. He had some last minute heroics to win some games that were interspersed with costly interceptions that were an early warning of what was to come from the hands of "Sexy Rexy". In the beginning of the season, sports writers were in love with Grossman; touting him as the savior at quarterback that Chicago hadn't had since Jim McMahon in 1985. I remember a writer saying "Grossman can make things happen on the field"; little did he know some of the things Rex made happen would lead to disasters on the gridiron of monumental proportions. Rex was a "flash in the pan" for part of one season. Rex couldn't produce and fan pressure ran him out of town. Not too much to celebrate in Chicago about Rex Grossman, other than his leaving. Sadly, there were no "Super Bowl" parades in Chicago in 2006; there wasn't a reason to cheer!

It has been two weeks since the mid-terms and a new Congress will be taking office in January. This has been an unusual Congressional season. Barack Obama has had the most partisan Congress I can remember in many years. Mr. Obama, with the help of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, has been able to push legislation without the need of non-partisan support or approval. Health-care was shoved through Congress strictly down party lines with the help of some costly earmarks to sweeten the pot for some votes. The scenes of thousands of Americans standing outside the Capitol Building in protest of the legislation went unnoticed by Ms. Pelosi as she walked out of the House with her "huge gavel" held in her hand, as a symbol of her partisan victory. It seems that the American people perceived this legislation more of a failure than a victory for the current Congress; even though it was hailed by the White House as a great triumph. Approval ratings have been falling at record rates for months on end, yet the Congress continued to move forward on an agenda that most Americans didn't want. The result of this disregard of the will of the people was an election drubbing of immense proportion. Not much to celebrate for the Democrats after this election! Oddly, Nancy Pelosi had a party to celebrate the "accomplishments" that were made by these out-going legislators. This Congress is leaving with an approval rating of around 20%; even Rex Grossman had a higher approval rating than that!

Rather than having a party, Ms. Pelosi should be holding a wake and a bereavement dinner for the passing of this Congress; it seems much more fitting. I'm afraid there won't be any parades for this Congress; but a "funeral procession" might be in order! REST IN PEACE!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Street Fight!"

When I was a freshman in high school, I used to walk to school with a friend who lived down the block from me. His name was Frankie "T". Frankie was almost two years older than I, and Frankie weighed about 250 pounds. Every day we would walk to a local coffee shop and have coffee before we walked to school; it wasn't "cool" to take the bus. There was another guy in school named "Big Joe", he was a body builder and had a reputation for being pretty tough. "Big Joe" was a gym leader, and led our class with calisthenics. "Big Joe" was also a bully; he would pick on anybody who was smaller or weaker than he. Frankie was big, but he wasn't muscular; he got the nickname "Rhino" and it was quite appropriate. Frankie was as strong as an ox, yet he was never a bully. "Big Joe" would walk the halls like a "tyrant king", intimidating underclassmen at every opportunity. One day, he decided to try to intimidate Frankie. There was some name calling in the halls, but nothing would be resolved until 3:10 that afternoon, in the parking lot. "Big Joe" thought his reputation would be enough of an edge to win any conflict. All afternoon, the school was abuzz with talk of the upcoming conflict, and who would emerge victorious. Back then, T-shirts and combat boots were in vogue; it was almost a uniform for "tough guys". Well, 3:10 finally showed up and the battle was ready to start. "Big Joe" started out with a verbal assault of "fat jokes". This turned out to be a strategic error; Frankie came to fight, and fight he did! He lit into "Big Joe" with the fury of a bull elephant, bowling him over and mercilessly pummeling him until four guys finally pulled him off the hapless bully. "Big Joe's" reputation couldn't save him; it had no influence over Frankie.

Last week, President Barack Obama went to the Far East on an economic tour to gain support from some Asian nations. His economic policies have already been discounted by several major European nations and some South American nations. Mr. Obama's policy of continued pursuit of higher spending by the government is rapidly losing credibility around the world. We are now monetizing our debt which will lead to runaway inflation if it is not put in check. Even the Red Chinese are telling the President to revise his economics. Mr. Obama seems to be sticking to his guns of higher spending and a new stimulus. He is still fighting extending tax cuts for all Americans, which will put further pressure on our ailing economic situation. It seems Mr. Obama is depending on his reputation as the "Great Communicator" to sell his programs to the rest of the world. The rest of the world is seeing the results of mass spending and entitlements in Greece. They are seeing the results of runaway inflation already, and know a change must be made. The President of the United States usually wields great influence in world politics and economics, yet this time, the President's "rep" isn't enough to win this "street fight".

It will take more than a "REP" to save this economic disaster; your opponent isn't buying your "rep" anymore. Mr. Obama can't back it up when it comes to the economy, here or in the rest of the world. He'd be better off backing away from this fight; or he may meet a "BAD END"!

Friday, November 12, 2010

"God's Gift"

Yesterday was "Veterans Day". I celebrated by putting out my flag and taking a long look at my home and neighborhood. I live in the greatest nation on this earth; each day I thank God for our republic, and I remember the cost of freedom. Every battlefield came with a price; the most precious gift God has given us; our lives were laid down to protect our citizens from enemies who envy our nation. Life is the only thing each of us has that cannot be replaced. I sometimes spend time looking at our photo albums. During my "trips down memory lane" I see the faces of past loved ones from my life; Mom, Dad, my brother Bill, my uncles and my grandmother Nona. Each year, the face count gets a little bigger; each year there are a few less friends to see. I even spend time looking at pictures of my old pets, they are also lost loved ones, and have left an empty space in my life. Each day I give prayer for my Daughter and my Wife; I ask for health and longevity, for their lives are precious to me. They are irreplaceable to me! Life is priceless!

A couple of weeks ago, I read an article about a Florida mother who had pleaded guilty to the shaking death of her 14 week old son! To those of us who are parents and grandparents, this is an unthinkable act. Alexandra V. Tobias, 22 year old mother, said she was playing "Farmville" on Facebook and the child's crying irritated her to the point of shaking him not once but TWICE! She faces 25-50 years in prison for second degree murder.

We have had many years now of legalized abortion; and there is always talk about the merits of euthanasia. We have retreated into our living rooms, separating ourselves from our neighbors and communities. We watch television and play video games that make the taking of human life something that seems unreal. Doctor Kevorkian was the "high priest" of assisted suicide until he went to prison for some extra assistance he gave to a follower. In the last 50 years, we seem to be devaluing human life. We seem to want to take something that is God's province and use it to our own purpose; and by doing so, we have taken His greatest creation and cheapened it. Our society has turned human life into a disposable commodity; a thing that when it becomes inconvenient, can be removed from our lives.

I have never done an anti-abortion or anti-euthanasia blog before. When I read this account of a young mother with so little regard for the life of her child, I felt I had to make a statement about the position our society has taken on the value of life. At the founding, of our nation the life expectancy was somewhere around 40 years old, and back then, life was held in high regard. Today our life expectancy is around 75, and we seem to regard that longevity as a curse instead of a blessing. We regard unborn children as an inconvenience and a burden, instead of a new life and a gift from God.

I've heard all the arguments about rape, incest and economic burdens in regard to abortion; some are compelling. On the other hand, we must ask ourselves, "Has the cure for cancer or the answer to world peace been placed in a dumpster in Harlem in a plastic bag?" The next time someone asks about abortion rights, we need to raise the question of the rights of those who are unable to speak. What have we lost?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thank You Veterans!"

Sylvester Stallone, John Wayne and Chuck Norris have all portrayed the American serviceman at one time or another. They showed a persona of a "super hero" in their performances, able to do all types of unbelievable acts, against insurmountable odds. Fearless and larger than life is the Hollywood perception of those who take the field of battle for America in time of conflict.

What are the real American Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Airman actually like? When I was in the service, I never met any Rambos'. Most were average guys, with average families, from average American towns and cities. I would like to talk about two American servicemen today.

Alvin C. York, born on December 13, 1887 in Pall Mall, Tennessee. Alvin York: was quite a carouser and drinker in his youth; he was arrested several times for drunken brawling. Alvin was a handful, yet when his father died in 1911, he dedicated himself to the welfare of his family. Alvin's mother was a "Pacifist Protestant", a devout Christian and churchgoer. During a revival meeting in 1914, Alvin experienced a conversion, dedicating his life to Jesus and His words. Alvin didn't ask to be a "hero", he said in an interview, "I was worried clean through, I didn't want to go and kill. I believed in my bible." The man who didn't want to "go and kill" became the most decorated soldier of WWI. York, single handed, killed 28 Germans and captured an additional 132 more. This "dirt poor" bible reader received the Congressional Medal of Honor. He started out as a plain American, who rose to the occasion!

Audie Murphy, born on May 20, 1924 in Hunt County Texas, the sixth of twelve children to a share cropper father who deserted his family early in Audie's life: Audie took over the role of father to his younger siblings. He worked for $1.00 a day, picking cotton and plowing fields to support his family. Audie was known as a "crack shot" to all his neighbors. He told a friend, "Well, Dial, if I don't hit what I shoot at, my family won't eat today." Murphy's experiences during WWII were captured in the film "To Hell and Back", which documented his life. There were stories of Murphy leaving the set to weep after certain scenes; he was greatly affected. Murphy also received the Congressional Medal of Honor, along with 32 additional United States medals and citations, plus honors and medals from other allied nations. He was the most decorated soldier of WWII. He was a share cropper's son, who came from poverty to become a legend; another plain American.

In November of 1919, Woodrow Wilson declared November eleventh as "Armistice Day", to honor those who served in the "Great War for Civilization"," the war to end all wars". In 1954, Dwight D. Eisenhower declared the re-naming of "Armistice Day" to "Veterans Day", to honor all who have served their country. Giving thanks to veterans is something every American should do, regardless of where they stand ideologically. Every day of our lives in America are here, courtesy of the men and women who have chosen to take that step forward and put themselves second to the welfare and safety of the people of the United States of America. If you know a veteran, make it a point to say thank you to them; they put it all on the line for you.

(No blog tomorrow, I'm taking a day off, it's a holiday!)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Plumber or Electrician?"

Did you ever seek advice from an expert about a problem? I used to watch my Dad whenever he did repairs around the house; I was fascinated by the way my Dad could do all of those different jobs that came up; it seemed Dad could fix anything! He had a workbench in our basement with numerous tools hanging on a peg-board. He told me, "Each tool has a specific use for each job; when you know what each tool does you will be able to make your repairs more easily." Whenever Dad was working on a home project, I was there standing close and asking a lot of questions, I'm sure there were times when Dad wished I would go and play somewhere, yet he always answered my questions with patience and good humor. My Dad had many friends who were tradesmen; plumbers, electricians and contractors. When my Dad ran into a problem he couldn't solve, he would try to consult a friend who was more knowledgeable in the field helpful to Dad's problem. My Dad had a friend named Rocco, he was a building contractor, and he was very successful. Rocco couldn't read or write, but he could tell you how to pour cement or build a wall with great expertise. Dad said Rocco could build something that would fit perfectly without being able to read a word; but he knew his business because his father was a master carpenter and he learned from his Dad. My Dad wouldn't call a plumber to do the job of an electrician; he would be smart, but not smart in the area that needed correction. Specific jobs call for specific skills.

Last week, I read an article saying that Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, was consulting Jon Stewart of the "Daily Show" for advice on the economy. I don't know about how you may feel about this, but I'm a little confused. Why is a Cabinet Member consulting a comedian about the state of our nation's economy, and discounting the opinion of the Republicans. A spokesman for Geithner, Steve Adamke, said "Jon Stewart is influential in America, so we took the opportunity for the two to meet and discuss the economy"; isn't this just a little disturbing? I believe Mr. Stewart is a talented humorist and does have influence over his audience, but I know nothing of his expertise in national or global economics.

We live in a nation filled with colleges and universities with numerous economics professors. We have numerous billion dollar corporations with "real world" economic experienced businessmen. We have millions of American housewives who regularly balance their home budgets. I believe all of those I have mentioned are more qualified to give economic advice than the host of a comedy show, regardless of his audience. Is this not "Pop Culture" gone wild? Mr. Geithner needs to get his advice from people who actually know what they are talking about!! When I read this, I said to myself : "It's no wonder this economy is in the shape it's in!"

Mr. Obama, you need to stop calling plumbers to do the job of electricians. Mr. Obama, your lack of experience is showing. Please call on those Americans that can actually help us out of this economic mess. We don't need "Comedy Central", this is NO JOKE!

Monday, November 8, 2010

"The Man in the Mirror!"

Do you like carnivals? I remember them touring the Chicago area when I was a kid. They had rides and games of chance that were practically impossible to win. Lights and "piped in music" were everywhere. As I walked through the carnival midway, there were mirrors that distorted one's image. You could have a huge head or a giant bottom, depending upon the mirror you chose. You could move your body up or down to change your image. You could be something you were not just by stepping in front of this mirror. It was fun changing my face and body; even though the image I saw wasn't really mine. At times, we color our childhood to make the image different than it was. We like to forget those things that weren't much fun, and we magnify those things that brought us pleasure; this is human nature. In today's life, we have a tendency to put our mistakes aside and focus on our triumphs and good decisions. There are times when we will even deny making poor choices to preserve our collective pride. The words "I don't remember doing that" is part of every one's dialogue at one time or another. We also say things like "Are you sure I said that?" We like to be winners: we like to be right all the time. We don't like to be caught on the losing side of anything; that is also human nature.

How many of you remember last summer? I remember the demonstration in front of the Capitol Building on the day that "Obamacare" was passed. Thousands of Americans stood outside urging our representatives not to pass this policy into law. Our representatives decided that they would choose to ignore those demonstrators and the polls that showed that 70% of Americans didn't want this bill passed. Last week, those same legislators found out that they should have paid more attention to the voters and less attention to agenda. I remember watching the health-care conference that Mr. Obama chaired. I remember him totally discounting every alternative that the Republican leadership proposed, and his insulting tone to John McCain, in a "school-boy" dressing down. He said at the close of that conference "I want something on my desk in the next four to six weeks", his tone was stern and dictatorial. We ended up with over 2000 pages nobody read and passed along party lines.

Last week, the mid-term election sent a message to this administration; "LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA!" After the results were finally in, Mr. Obama made a speech about cooperation, and how he has made an effort to be cooperative since he took over the Oval Office. As I listened to him speak, I was astounded; this President is the most partisan I've seen since Richard Nixon. From the White House all the way to Congress, an attitude of arrogance and disdain of the Republicans has been pervasive since "Day One" by virtually every Democrat in office. Closed doors have been the accepted practice over the last twenty months by this administration; cooperation has been non-existent because of deliberate Democrat exclusion of the Republican Party in all decisions. Now, it seems Mr. Obama perceives himself as the "Great Uniter"; honestly, I don't see that anywhere in his past actions.

I think Barack Obama is standing in front of that "carnival mirror" distorting his image to fit his perception of himself. You better get a new "mirror" Mr. President. America has seen you for who you are without the aid of that "CARNIVAL MIRROR"; we saw you, WARTS AND ALL!

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Intermission Time"

In 1956, I went to the "Bug" theatre on Damen Avenue in Chicago to see Cecil B. De Mille's production of "The Ten Commandments". I was nine years old, and it cost me 20 cents to get into the movies. This was a Saturday afternoon practice I had throughout my childhood. Back then, a child could walk to the movies alone and be safe. My grandmother, Nona, would give me food to take along; this was a typical Italian practice. Back then, you could bring food into a movie house and management didn't care. The theatre was always packed with kids; you would see everybody you knew. The thing I remember about this particular movie is: it wasn't the usual Saturday fare; not horror, or science-fiction or a western; it was about the bible. Due to the ignorance of my youth, I didn't know the bible was supposed to be boring. I found it easily as exciting as the other action genres I was accustomed to. It had armies fighting for the Pharaoh, a good guy, Moses, a bad guy, Ramses and the most "super" of all "super heroes", "GOD"! This was also the first movie I saw that had an intermission in it. The "Ten Commandments" was a long movie, yet it seemed to fly by. I was a bit surprised to have a movie stop in the middle; the lights went up and then there was a mass exodus to the bathrooms and concession stand. Many of us talked about the first half of the movie, and were anxious to see the second half. Could there be more action, more fighting, more cool effects; we were all excited to see what was coming next! I'll let you guys read the book, it was better than the movie!

Tuesday was the mid-term election, the halfway point of this current administration. Now, we are at "intermission time" as a nation. How has the first half of this "production" gone so far? We've had plenty of action on both sides of this "drama". Unemployment, health-care, and high government spending have been "center stage" for almost two years. Public demonstrations that rival those of epic films have filled our screens for many months. Americans have become participants in this "epic production", playing a major "role" in its unfolding plot. There are "good guys" and "bad guys" in this play; you decide who is who. Before we got to "intermission" we've had a chance to listen to all major "role players" give a final soliloquy. Americans are now out in the lobby, discussing where this "drama" will go next. Will the "king" yield to the invading "army"? Will the "generals" of those armies make any concessions available to the "king"? A lot of discussion during "intermission"!

In reality, this is not a movie: it's all about the direction of the United States of America for the next two years. We will now see what changes will be proposed, and who will be cooperative, and who will be obstructionists. It seems a clear message was sent to the administration on Tuesday; a change was called for by the American voter. "Intermission" is almost over, and America is waiting for "part two". Is our government ready for a "CLOSE UP"?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Double Standard!"

When I was a little boy, just starting my love affair with baseball, I had a coach who taught me a valuable life lesson. I don't think it was his intention to do so, but I learned about "double standards" from Mr. "A". I remember the day I got my first official baseball uniform, "the Barons"; my eight year old heart raced as I ran to my bedroom to try it on. I stood in front of my mirror admiring my image, with thoughts of Mickey Mantle dancing through my young mind. My Dad and I practiced catching and hitting for a long time prior to my "debut" in a real uniform, on a real team. This was the maiden voyage of my new Eddie Matthews baseball glove, given to me by my favorite Uncle Sammy. Our first team practice was all about finding out who were the best players on the squad. We all took positions on the field, and I was on fire that day, making catch after catch, retrieving ground balls like a vacuum and throwing like a rocket. I took my place at the plate and hit like Ted Williams, not missing a pitch. When I returned to the bench, my fellow team mates all congratulated me on my performance at the plate with handshakes and smiles (back then, the high five hadn't been invented yet). I went home that afternoon with visions of being on the starting nine on opening day. Well, on "Opening Day" I was in for a rude awakening, Mr. A's son started in my position on the field. Paul was a nice guy, but he was a marginal ball player at best. The guys on the bench all were surprised to see me sitting while Paul started, and in private, they all told me I got cheated. I felt bad, I knew I should have been playing; but I wasn't the coach's son. My first experience with the "double standard", and I didn't like it!

Last week, I wrote about Juan Williams and his spurious firing from NPR . The firestorm resulting from his firing was amazing. Even some of the liberals came to his defense over his mild remarks made on the "O'Reilly Factor". The figure I heard was about 60 calls to NPR in protest of Williams' remarks on O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly usually has an audience in the millions; 60 calls in protest seem rather minimal; yet, they were enough to warrant the dismissal of Mr. Williams from NPR.

Bill Maher is one of my "favorite liberals". He has made a career of castigating the right as being haters, racists and neo-Nazis. His disdain of our Constitution is well known, and his dismissal of the intelligence of the American people is well documented. Last week, Mr. Maher made some statements about Muslims in our western civilization. Maher said, "(He felt no need to) apologize for being a proud Westerner....Muslim people are in these (Western) societies having babies at faster clip than non-Muslims." It seems Mr. Maher is alluding to a Muslim plot to populate the Western World with more and more Muslim children. I'm not a Muslim, yet I find this a very divisive and insulting statement, as I believe any American would. I'd like to ask HBO if they are considering any action over Mr. Maher's statement? I guess George Soros didn't give any money to HBO. When will the "main-stream media" start using equal coverage of those issues that are so similar in content they must be connected to one another. When will this double standard cease? I guess they need the permission of George to take action!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Legendary Victory!"

I remember Super Bowl XX with very fond memories. My Chicago Bears were awesome; they ran over the hapless Patriots like a steamroller over an ant. Those poor Patriots were never in the game. Tony Eason, the Patriots starting quarterback, was running for his life from the first minute of play; there was no place to hide from the jaws of the Bears defense. Craig James, their star running back, was held to only two yards at half time. The score at the half was 23-3 in favor of the Bears; one announcer said if, it was a fight, they would stop it. In the second half, Steve Grogan took the heat as Eason couldn't continue. Grogan fared no better than his teammate; he was pummeled mercilessly by the wall of Bear defenders. All the while this defensive devastation was taking place, the Bears offense continued to score via turnovers and drives of the entire field; it was not a good day for the New England Patriots as the Bears scored a record 46 points allowing only 10 from the Pats. To this very day, defensive coaches use the '85 Bears as the defensive "gold standard". For an entire season, this team dominated the league in legendary fashion. I remember camera shots of the sidelines of numerous games where coaches stood vigorously drawing up play after play in an attempt to find some path to victory. Only the Miami Dolphins were able to keep the Bears from having a perfect season; the only "chink" in the Bear's armor. I still watch replays of those old Bears with fond memories; victory was sweet!

Yesterday, America spoke loudly. The Democrats were sent a message by the American electorate. Like the Bears defense, the American people said "We will not allow you to move any further!" The House of Representatives were taken back in unprecedented fashion. The Senate, although remaining Democrat controlled, was certainly rocked by several key victories by Republicans. Many states elected Republican governors, 17 in all, changed from the Dems. This is a serious message to all American politicians; it is beyond Washington, it is local as well.

I hope the Republicans don't get too enamored with themselves just yet. This was more about the will of the American people than party politics. Health-care shoved down the AMERICAN THROAT was a key issue in this election. Americans don't like to be forced into anything; ask King George about that. The people flexed their muscles yesterday, like those Bear linemen in 1985, and they knocked liberal policies to the turf.

I wonder what the "Quarter Back" will do now that his "game plan" seems to be failing? Will he adjust, or will he continue a "game plan" that won't hold up? Will he end up like Steve Grogan, knocked on his butt, pounding on the ground with clenched fists, like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum?

The "second half" has just started America; a new beginning for America; a chance to take our nation back from the brink of fiscal and philosophical disaster. I hope in the coming years, I can look back on this election as the "Super Bowl Moment" for the American people. GO TEAM, GO!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Blue Suit and Straw Hat"

When I was a very young boy, I remember my great uncle Salvatore getting all dressed up to go to the polls and cast his vote. He looked quite the "gent", all decked out with a suit and tie, in a crisp white shirt and his straw hat perched on his head. I asked him "Zio, where are you going?" He replied to me, "I go to vote for Presidente of the United States today!" He was very proud as he walked out of the house that day; it was a great honor to be able to have a voice in the choosing of our nation's leader. Mom would go across the street to the grade school, while our upstairs neighbor, Mrs. Garrity, watched us until her return. My Dad was usually a little late coming home on Election Day; he would stop to vote on his way home from work, so our dinner was a little late that night. I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed that Dad was always a little happier after he voted. My Dad was in the service during WWII, as were all of my uncles on both sides of our family; they really understood the cost of freedom and the gift of a self- determining government of the people. I remember sitting in front of our black and white television watching the election returns. Back then, it was Edward R. Murrow and John Cameron Swazey who gave America election commentary; and America couldn't get enough of it.

Since the conception of America, we have had the privilege of voting for our leaders. Not many other nations have a system as free as ours. The precious right to vote should be guarded with all of the fervor our judicial system can muster. This year, as in previous years, we have heard rumors of voter fraud. Bus loads of people brought to polling places, given different types of "gifts", and told for whom to vote! We always hear about the voting "dead"; Cook County is famous for that constituency. As Americans, we all should be aware of these attempts to steal our process. No person has the right to intimidate or unfairly influence any voter, in any election. I hope our election judges are on their toes today. I got up at five A.M. today; I was at the polls at six A.M., I was third in line behind an older man and my lovely wife. Like my Dad I, felt happy when I walked out of the voting booth. I felt privileged to live in America.

I didn't put on a blue suit this morning, or a fine straw hat; but I did puff out my chest a bit, and pull back my shoulders. We are a fortunate people; we get to vote! Regardless of your preference, I urge everyone to vote today. America; there is no other place like it; love it and guard it, so we don't lose it! GOD BLESS OUR GREAT NATION!

Monday, November 1, 2010

"The Fuller Brush Man"

How many of you remember door-to-door salesmen? When I was a little boy, I remember the "Fuller Brush Man" calling on us during the day; his sample case holding numerous brushes for every purpose imaginable. I remember the salesman from Encyclopedia Britannica showing my mother the wonders of having this treasure of knowledge available in your own home. I recall a bible salesman who came to our house with this beautiful white bible that had a gold cross in the center of the front cover; Mom bought that. Way back when, door-to-door sales was a common practice; more wives were at home during the day and they had great purchasing power. The salesmen were all well groomed fellows, with a personable attitude and a dark blue suit; they were like clones of one another.

Today, I have a "no solicitors" sign on my front door. I don't like door-to-door sales as much as I did when I was a kid. I guess now that I'm the target, it isn't such an event to have a stranger come into my home and try to get my money! I'm also a lot more wary of people now than way back then; you never know what people are up to when they knock on the door today. I am suspicious of uninvited "visitors". I don't really know them, or what their motivation is.

It seems that George Soros, the TIDES FOUNDATION and some unions are employing criminal illegal aliens to go door-to-door campaigning for Democratic candidates. A spokesperson for OneAmerica Votes, Pramila Jayapal, said "The campaign is about empowering (illegal) immigrants who feel they cannot contribute to the campaign because they can't vote." Jayapal also said,"(illegal) immigrants really do matter, if we can't vote ourselves, we're gonna knock on doors, or get family members to vote." OneAmerica Vote receives funds from George Soros organization, the Open Society Institute, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, the TIDES FOUNDATION and several other leftist organizations. Criminal illegal aliens have no place in America's election process! This is a sinister agenda from a leftist demi-god, and his puppet organizations to steal the democratic process from the American citizenry. We have seen the results of voter intimidation in the last election by "New Black Panthers" in the 2008 election, wielding weapons in front of a polling place. This is more insidious than those "Black Panthers". This is a direct invasion into our political system, knocking at your door!

Illegal immigration is a huge issue today. It is an American decision, not a decision which should be made by those who wish to invade our nation.

Tomorrow, the people of America will go to the polls for our mid-term elections. Perhaps, this is the most important mid-term in American history; it will dictate the direction of America for a very long time. We must ask ourselves; "Who will direct America?" "Who will influence our votes?"Be careful of that door-to-door salesman America, he may be selling you something you don't really want!