Saturday, February 27, 2016

"Anybody's Guess!"

I'm back again. Since I last wrote, the Republican herd has thinned out quite a bit, and it looks like more will be dropping out soon.

Trump looks like a runaway train, although, I have yet to see anything specific about his plans. Cruz and Rubio are in "attack mode" against "The Donald", but it may be too little, too late.

The Republican debates have degenerated into little more than screaming matches filled with vitriol and hate filled rhetoric to the point of becoming unlistenable.

If the establishment Republicans really want to "dethrone" Trump, it must be done over "specifics", not trying to match him in the amount of epithets they can aim at him. Let the Democrats do all the name calling and concentrate on the important issues that are now "on the table". Both Cruz and Rubio  are more versed on the actual politics of the issues than Trump and that is where their forte lies, not in a "getcha, gotcha" game.

As for Trump, he must present his actual plans instead of screaming names and ranting. I know Trump is an intelligent man or he never could have accumulated the fortune he now has; he needs some savvy political advisors to help him construct a cogent and easily understandable diagram of his plans and all the particulars of each plan. If he can do this, he will be virtually unstoppable, both for the nomination and the general election. Trump has "struck a chord" with the American voters; he has voiced the anger and desperation that have been building up over the years of the Obama Administration.

Now to the Democrats, where do I start? This is a party that wants to appeal to the most radical of its members and to the most "moldable" of society. It looks like the "perfect storm" for a Democrat defeat in November.

Hillary has more bad publicity and baggage than one could imagine. No candidate for president should be allowed to have a resume like this one. She has been proven, on video, to be a compulsive and really poor liar. Benghazi is a huge weight to carry into a national election, and she can't explain it away, no matter how hard she tries. Her "hubby" is the worst womanizer ever to hold the Presidency, yet she believes she can speak to women's rights, even though she didn't have enough self respect to dump "Slick Willie" when he treated her like garbage.

Bernie Sanders, what can I say about Bernie; he is a self proclaimed socialist, a draft dodger and a man who didn't hold a regular job until he was forty years old. He rants against the wealthy, even though the wealthy have been creating American success since the nation's conception. He says he wants "free college for everybody", but his plan is a fiscal impossibility to accomplish. He wants to expand welfare, a system that is already rampant with fraud and graft. Bernie's base is basically students and people who are looking for a free ride at somebody else's expense; to quote an old country expression, "That dog won't hunt!"

In short, the Democratic slate is a walking disaster, and the Republicans seem to be doing their best at trying to give the election away by appearing divisive within their own ranks.

It looks like the winner will be the one who "screws up the least" in front of the American public. I am at a point now that I believe almost anything can happen, and the prospect is scaring me to death!

Stay tuned, who knows what will happen next!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


It has been over a year since I wrote anything on this site, I apologize for this, but health has been a concern and continues to be one.
Now to business, since I last wrote America has suffered greatly under the continued burden of having Barack Hussein Obama as its so-called president. The 1st and 2nd amendment of our constitution have been under attack from every left-wing lunatic under the sun and American soil has suffered terrorist attacks from those "peace loving" Muslim murderers. The Democrats have a verified liar as the front runner for their nominee for president only to be followed by a screamingly crazy socialist as her challenger. 
We have had riots against the police of our nation with little grounds for protest when facts of these incidents come to the forefront of investigation. This President stated he will work outside the Constitution when it suits his purposes and has little regard for the will of the people.
We have borders as porous as Swiss cheese and our President says not to worry, he is sure no terrorists will sneak into America; he is a man living outside reality and sanity.
The Republican Party has a larger roster then the NFL with only a few who are connecting with the American voter.
Obamacare is proving to be the disaster it was predicted to be, with outlandishly large deductible payments and huge payroll deductions. Oddly if you are unable to afford these plans you are FINED for non-compliance (the logic of the left).
I haven't seen such racial division since the early 1950s; this President is responsible for the decline of racial understanding more than the "Grand Dragon of the KKK", and it appears that Mr. Obama wants it this way.
Our closest ally in the Middle-East, Israel, has been treated like a "red headed step child" by the Obama Administration while we have coddled Iran and even engaged in a treaty that all but insures them the ability to launch nuclear missiles against anybody they wish to destroy.
In November we will be electing a new president and some members of Congress, and the current climate in America is to clean house completely.
As a veteran I am at my wits end over the way Mr. Obama has tried to neuter our military, leaving us open and weak in the face of real danger, both at home and abroad.
In closing I would like to say once Barack Hussein Obama walks out of the White House for the last time I will be giving a huge "sigh of relief", knowing he won't be coming back to do further damage to my country.
I will write again from time to time, but health sometimes dictates my schedule; be blessed and God Bless America!!