Monday, October 13, 2014

"Farewell for Now"

I realize I have not posted anything for some time without any notice to my readers, and I apologize for this.

My health has not been the best and other incidents in my life are taxing me too.

I am concerned that the November elections will not be the conservative success that I hope for, but it will all be in God's hands and His plan is always perfect.

I will not be posting as frequently as I have in the past because of the above statements, but I will post when I'm up to it. I know there are others out there who share my beliefs and I trust they will carry on in the defense of our constitutional republic against this overbearing and oppressive administration.

I want to thank those who take the time to read my observations, I try to serve truth and America as best as I can.

I will now be taking some time off to deal with some life trials, I will pop in on occasion, so peek in now and then; until you hear from me again be blessed because God is in control.

Friday, August 29, 2014

"I Am An American"

I am an American; I've been an American for nearly 70 years. I've seen recessions under several administrations during my life as an American and I've seen America come back from those recessions even stronger than when she entered them. I've seen several military conflicts in my nearly 70 years; I even wore my country's uniform during one of them, and I wore it proudly. I saw demonstrations over many of the decades of my life here in America, some I supported and some I didn't. I remember Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush and finally Barack Hussein Obama.

My experiences over these many years have given me some measure of knowledge about what makes
America what she has been to all of us, and to all of the world. We have been the symbol of peace and strength to the entire free world; we have been the "role model" for humane treatment for most of the world. We have been the giver of aid to many who have no hope from any other source, and the defender of the innocent in some of the world's most devastating situations and those acts always made me proud to be an American.

Since Barack Hussein Obama ascended to the office of President of the United States in 2008, many things have changed in America and the world.

America has taken a tremendous step backward in world leadership, confidence in our government is lower than it has ever been at any time in history (this includes Nixon's Watergate years) , race relations have degenerated to levels prior to that of the 1940s, and our military has been treated like a pariah by those in the White House. Terrorism is now on the increase throughout the world and is knocking at America's door like never before, and our President says he doesn't have a plan in mind just yet.

People are being mutilated around the world and heads are being chopped off on videos to prove a point to America by these terrorist animals, yet Barack Hussein Obama goes to fundraisers and plays golf with his buddies, totally distanced from the crisis laden situations that exist around him.

Every opportunity to divide this nation has been taken by this President; poor against rich, business against labor, and worst of all; black against white. This President has proven that he is more dangerous to America than any of those sources who seem to be trying to destroy her because of his calculated policy of division and hatred, coupled with his total disdain of America's Constitution.

Sometimes one needs to step away to gain perspective on everything that has happened over the course of the last six years; that is what I have been doing over the last few weeks. I haven't written anything lately because of my disgust over the lack of responsibility of those who are in a position to take actions against this BAD PRESIDENT.

I am an American, and I want America to recover its greatness and strength; but this will not happen while Barack Hussein Obama continues to occupy the Oval Office. He can only be removed by impeachment and prosecution, and that will only happen if the Republican Party can gain control of the Senate in November.

If you are an American and you want to see America once again become the "light of the world", I urge you to support the Republican candidates in all offices in the November election, or we may lose America forever.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Due to some family health situations I will not be posting until the second week in August; enjoy some of my older posts if you like, God Bless.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


“Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect, and whistle a happy tune, and no one will suspect I’m afraid!” Those words were from a song in a Broadway show many years ago and those words are sung to make the character feel at ease in a bad situation and to fool those around him about his true feelings. There is also a term “whistling passed the grave yard” which is meant to tell the “ghosts and goblins” that when you walk by, you aren’t scared of them; another phrase is “whistling in the wind”, which has the same meaning as the first expression, whistling to dispel fear or dread. False bravado is sometimes used as a safety mechanism in combat to burn off that foreboding of the upcoming confrontation with the enemy, but no matter what one does, eventually you have to face your fears and consequences in almost all situations.

Little boys engage in all types of conflict while growing up; fist fights are common and usually not too damaging at the grade school level. Sometimes conflicts are avoided by excuses like “this is my good suit and I can’t fight now”, or “my mom wants me at home right away”, or “I wasn’t the guy who said that, it was Johnny”; any statement was made to avoid those awful challenges the poor 10 year olds face as they grow into “men”.

America has been watching the growing crisis at the southern border, and America has seen the plethora of excuses that have been flooding from Washington and particularly the Obama White House.

The President refused to make a personal appearance at the affected areas in Texas because he said he wasn’t interested in a “Photo-op”. Anybody who has lived on planet Earth for the last six years knows that there is nothing Barack Hussein Obama likes better than a photo-op. This president acts more like a game show host on the “E” network and spends more time on television than any of his predecessors. The amount of pictures of Barack Obama with celebrities is astounding. Singers, actors and TV personalities are regulars to the entourage of our current president. Barack Obama loves being around the “beautiful people” and has plenty of pictures to prove it. The folks on the left in the entertainment industry love to “hang with the Prez” at every opportunity.

There aren’t too many “celebrities” hanging around the border in Texas right now, nor are there many standing on the highways of California who are blocking those buses full of illegal aliens. Perhaps that is why Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t taken the time to go to those places.

The alternate reason Mr. Obama hasn’t gone to those places is he is just a little “afraid” to walk passed those “graveyards” because his fear would show up with him.

America is UPSET. Mr. Obama doesn’t like to be held to account for his actions and he will find somebody to blame if it is at all possible, but border security is his job, no matter how LOUD HE WHISTLES!

Watching him on the news, you can practically “smell his fear” as he tries to explain away this gigantic confluence of unwanted and illegal entrants to our nation.

Mr. Obama can Whistle as much as he wants to, but the facts are louder than his “tooting”!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

"Guest of Honor?"

Do you like being invited to parties? I like parties very much; there is usually food, drinks, desserts and friendly conversation. They sometimes play music and dance, depending on the type of party it is. Funny stories are pervasive and laughter is everywhere. Family parties are fun because everybody knows everybody and they almost always get along with each other. Most people don’t invite people they don’t like to parties; who wants to see somebody they don’t agree with or get along with at what is supposed to be a fun occasion? You don’t see many Cub fans at a White Sox convention, or Packer fans at a Bears convention. All that would result from those occasions would be name-calling and possible physical confrontations; not too much fun. It would be best to avoid situations where you are subject to any possible confrontations, if that is at all possible.

Politicians are given their offices at the pleasure of the people and are obligated to those who have given them their office. The will of the people is foremost in conducting the business of government. Sometimes an elected official must face the people on issues that are particularly volatile, and that is not usually a pleasant experience.

Over the last few weeks, the continuing problem of illegal immigration has been festering in the public eye, as thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants are converging on our border and being sent to several American communities by the bus load.

Texas Governor, Rick Perry, has called upon President Obama to act on this situation, as it has put an undue burden on the people of Texas; thus far, no relief has been sent from Washington.

There are currently 50,000 “unescorted children” who have crossed into America and are now a burden on the citizens of Arizona and other surrounding states, and those taxpayers are expected to “foot the bill” for these unwanted visitors.

A policy now in effect is sending busloads of illegal aliens is meeting with great opposition from members of some American communities, as citizens have blocked the path of the vehicles and tried to prevent those criminal illegal aliens from entering their towns and cities. People have been arrested and violence has taken place because of this ill-advised action by the Obama Administration.

These communities have asked that President Obama come to the site of these protests and the sites of this conflagration of illegal entries; he has chosen not to appear there; so much for answering to the people.

This is odd, because President Obama will be in the area in question and would be able to personally address this situation to the affected communities, but he has chosen to go to a Democrat fund raising event instead of obeying his constitutional obligation to the American people. Mr. Obama’s attitude is arrogant and dismissive of the concerns of American citizens and their legitimate request that their President hear their voices.

There is a “party” going on at America’s southern border and Barack Hussein Obama has been invited to attend; in fact, he may even be the “guest of honor”, yet he is turning down the invitation.

Come on down Mr. President; who knows, you could be the “life of the party”!!

Friday, June 27, 2014

"Ratting Him Out"

How many of you remember the “Teflon Don”, former head of the Gambino Crime Family? His name was John Gotti and he died in prison of cancer several years ago.

John “Johnny Boy” Gotti was a young street tough who earned a spot in a Gambino’s associate’s crew. A crew is a group of criminals working for a “Capo”, who commit robbery, burglary and extortion, among other things to bring money into the “family”, and the “Don” gets a piece of everything each crew brings in. The “Don”, his “Consiglierri”, and his “Capos” are all “made men”, or “members of La Cosa Nostra”, and they are the upper echelon of organized crime in the Mafia.

John Gotti “earned his bones” by committing a murder for his Don and was considered a rising star in the Gambino organization. John became a young Capo and was eager to climb the ladder of power in the “family”. John was “old school” as a gangster and he believed in taking what he wanted. Although he didn’t commit the actual murder, he was the man who gave the order to kill Paul Castellano, the head of the Gambino Family; he then assumed the seat of power and controlled all of its operations.

John was a careful man and the “Feds” were having a tough time nailing him for anything; witnesses either refused to testify, or they mysteriously disappeared before trials. Nothing could stick to the “Teflon Don”!

Gotti’s downfall came when some government tapes caught him admitting to planning a killing, but the real catastrophe for Gotti was the testimony of his #2-man, Sammy “The Bull” Gravanno, who turned state’s evidence and sealed Gotti’s fate. Gravanno was given immunity from prosecution on several crimes to “rat out” his boss. Prison is a place nobody wants to go, including a guy as tough as Sammy Gravanno.

Over the course of the last few weeks, mounting scandals have been erupting in the administration of Barack Obama; his popularity is at an all-time low and his approval rating is lower than his predecessor, George W. Bush, at 40% and slipping.

The ongoing investigation into the IRS is becoming more volatile by the day as numerous e-mails have “disappeared” because of a crashed hard drive in the IRS records department; oddly, the same thing happened at the EPA which is also under fire.

Lois Lerner is the person who has taken the 5th amendment previously during this investigation, and oddly, her records were the most affected by the “crashed hard drive”.

This investigation is now heating up and Ms. Lerner is the person who is at the epicenter of the entire inquiry.

Sooner or later everybody makes a mistake, and I believe this committee will use all of its power to get the most qualified technicians to scour those hard drives in an effort to find all, or at least remnants, of all of the “lost-mails” of Ms. Lerner. I have great confidence that new evidence will be recovered and Ms. Lerner will be put in a position much like that of Sammy “The Bull” Gravanno.

There are cracks showing in the Obama Administration and talk of pending impeachment are becoming louder by the day on both sides of the aisle. Obama is already pulling out the “race card” in an effort to cloud the constitutional issues that have been revealed during this investigation. It looks like Mr. Obama may not be “Teflon” and he may fall because of somebody trying to save themselves from prosecution and prison.

Things are looking difficult for Barack “Barry Boy” Obama; somebody may be “ratting him out”!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"The Dreams of Barack and Adolph"

Adolph Hitler had delusions of glory in the early 1930s as he visualized his “Perfect Germany”. His early years were filled with a cruel father, a doting mother and the yearning to be in control of others. As a child, he tried to rule over his playmates as they played “cowboys and Indians”; I found this out researching his life, and he didn’t like those who questioned his authority.

Hitler fancied himself an artist, but was denied admission to art school in Vienna, Austria because the admissions board said his work lacked “humanity” in his sketches. He drew large views of cities with “faceless people”, always focused on a grand scale of “perfection”.

He enlisted in the German Army in WWI, and adopted Germany as his home, although he believed Austria was always part of the Germanic Ideal.

Hitler had an idealized view of the Nordic legends of mythology and gave them great credence to being truthful accounts, rather than “romantic tales” from ancient times.

Hitler served with some distinction during combat and received the “Iron Cross”, a very high honor for a German soldier; he wasn’t a coward. When Germany lost the war, Hitler blamed the leadership of the Army for the loss; he had the belief that a “good German” never surrenders for any reason.

After years of roaming around and seeking an “identity”, he was hired by the Army to monitor a group called the National German Worker’s Party, later to become the National German Socialist Party “the NAZI Party”. Hitler liked what he heard, and quickly rose to the top of this new party.

Hitler went to prison for trying to overthrow the new German Republic, but when released, he became a “Hero of the Party” to all of the NAZI followers. His book, “Mein Kamph” became the “bible of the party”, and described Hitler’s vision for Germany.

Through political machinations and murderous actions, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, and later the ultimate dictator. He twisted and turned the German Constitution to gain his ends, and eventually ended constitutional rule in Germany. He had achieved complete power over the German people, and they happily handed it over to him. He promised a great German nation with a return to the glory of the Nordic past. He provided government jobs and did restore a devastated German economy; he was even “Man of the Year” on the cover of Time Magazine.

In less than ten years Germany was nearly completely destroyed and Hitler committed suicide. Before he took the “coward’s way out”, he ordered his people to fight to the death, never surrender. His “sick ideal” being unattainable, he wanted to destroy Germany for not fulfilling his dreams.


Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii (?). His father WAS Barack Obama Sr. (communist) and his mother was Ann Dunham (communist). In 1964, his parents divorced and the young Obama had little contact with his birth father after that. His mother married Lolo Sotero, a Muslim from Indonesia, not long after the departure of the senior Obama. In 1967, Barack and his mother moved to Indonesia and Obama attended both Catholic and Muslim schools; he was about 6 years old when that began.

Obama’s mother divorced Sotero when his political views conflicted with hers. He admired American capitalism and she didn’t.

Obama grew up and attended Columbia University and Harvard Law School; to this day his school records remain sealed from public view; most people don’t understand why.

Obama never worked in the private sector. He was a “community organizer” but never worked in the “commercial world”.

He served three terms as the 13th district senator in the Illinois Congress, and part of a term as a United States Senator from Illinois, before he won victory in the 2008 Presidential election. Obama was the first black person ever to be elected to this high office, setting a historical precedent.

His slogan during the election was to “Fundamentally change America” and “Change you can believe in”; his vision for an ideal America.

Obama began his first term by installing numerous “czars” that were answerable only to him; most of these people were politically from the “far left” of the political spectrum, many were avowed communists.

Early on in his administration there were scandals; first there was an accusation of voter intimidation by members of the New Black Panther Party who had threatened voters at a Philadelphia polling place. Although there was damning video evidence of the charges, Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, refused to prosecute and all charges were dropped. A young attorney from the Justice Department resigned in protest stating the administration was unwilling to prosecute because the allegations were against black people.

ACORN, a huge supporter of Obama during his first election, was caught in another scandal as counselors at their facility were giving people advice on receiving government funds through deceptive information on official forms; all caught on video and very damning evidence. Obama said he couldn’t have won the election “without the help of ACORN”. ACORN was charged with voter fraud in the next Congressional Election two years later; this does make one think.

The “Green Initiative”, one of Obama’s ways to help “restore America” was kicked off with several investments in corporations which would be of great benefit to the American people. In September 2011, the Obama Administration gave a company named SOLYNDRA, 535 million dollars of taxpayers’ money. Mr. Obama said at a SOLYNDRA facility “…the promise of clean energy isn’t just an article of faith…” and was cheered by the viewing employees. Not too long after that “historic moment”, SOLYNDRA filled chapter 11 bankruptcy and fired all of its employees without notice. What is so strange about this is that months earlier, the accounting firm of Pricewaterhouse-Coopes warned the administration that SOLYNDRA was a bad investment, making a statement that “(SOLYNDRA) raise serious doubt about its’ ability to continue as a going concern”. I guess Mr. Obama chose not to listen to their advice, and bye-bye 535 million dollars of our taxes.

Several other “green companies” also went “belly-up” in rapid order, costing Americans huge losses; the “green initiative” was a failure; another disappointment in the Obama “Ideal America”.

Government healthcare was forced through a Democrat controlled Congress with a series of speeches “guaranteeing” cost effective care and the ability to “keep your own doctor and insurance”, which turned out to nothing more than a purposeful deception to all of the American people; in other words, THE PRESIDENT LIED to achieve his purpose.

So far, thousands of Americans have lost their coverage, countless companies have cut employee health insurance and those who maintain their coverage have found their deductibles go up as high as 100%. This isn’t very “cost effective” Mr. President. One more of the programs in Mr. Obama’s “Ideal America” is shown a failure.

The use of the IRS to pressure and intimidate some conservative groups and individuals has been called to public examination; this is reminiscent of the intimidation tactics used by Germany before Hitler attained “total power”. I don’t see this as an “Ideal America” Mr. President.

Currently, Mr. Obama has released five of the worst Muslim terrorists we were holding at Gitmo in exchange for a soldier who seems to be an alleged deserter and collaborator with the Taliban. Giving our enemy back some of their most valuable murderers is working directly AGAINST AMERCA’S INTERESTS, and it is ENDANGERING ALL AMERICANS, Mr. President!!

It appears that the “Ideal America” and the “Fundamental Change” America was promised in Mr. Obama’s dream for us is turning into a society in chaos and imminent danger from our enemies.

Hitler expected the German people to “go down in flames” when his vision for Germany collapsed; I’m wondering if Mr. Obama feels the same way about the people of the United States.

There are questions as to whether our President stepped outside the law during his recent actions and if he violated the Constitution he has sworn to uphold. These allegations must be addressed by our Congress; no person is ABOVE the law of the land; not even Barack Hussein Obama!!


(This is my last blog for three weeks.  God bless!)

Saturday, May 31, 2014


I’m an older American, a nice way of saying “I’ve been around for a while”. I remember quite a bit of the stuff that has happened over the last 60+ years and I like to think I’ve learned something over the course of all that time. I have formed opinions and beliefs which have made me who I am today, and you know what; I like who I am. I’ll bet most of you like who you are too.

I remember growing up in the 50s and 60s, a time of great change in America; values and policies changed radically during those turbulent years. Young people who grew up watching “I Love Lucy” and “Leave it to Beaver” were suddenly introduced to the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam protests. Fortunately, for most of us, we learned about our “Constitutional Rights” from a cadre of teachers who took those things very seriously (thanks to Miss Pettigrew, Mr. Woll and all those others who taught me well).

I believe the most important thing we have in this nation is the right to voice our opinion, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article; you all know I have definite opinions about my country and its’ leadership, or lack of it!

Way back in the 60s there were “marches and parades and speeches” about every cause under the sun, and that was and is a good thing. I mentioned the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War; there was also women’s rights, the environment and drug legalization. Most of those protests were folks from the left side of the political scale; quite a few were “hippies and yippies”, not so many “crew cuts or conservatives” took to the streets to promote their agenda. The United States was a very polarized nation during those years between those who shouted “Hell No, We Won’t Go” and those who shouted “America, Love It or Leave It”; all of them enjoyed the exercise of their 1st amendment rights.

All of our other rights spring from the 1st amendment; tamper with that right and ALL other rights are in jeopardy.

Several days ago Ted Cruz (R-Tx) made a speech at a pastors’ conference about a proposal that was before the United States Senate about a plan “revising” the 1st amendment of the Constitution to “regulate” political speech. There are those on the left who have said this was pandering to his “gullible base”, but it seems there are 39 Democrat Senators who are on board with this plan.

Harry Reid is, of course, on this list, along with Dick Durbin (D-ILL), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Barbara Boxer (D-Cal), Al Franken (D-Minn); the list goes on and a complete list is available on-line and it is totally from the Democrat Party.

It appears that all of those former “leftist activists” who happily protested so many years ago don’t like people complaining about them too much.

This Administration has been under “heavy fire” for blunders by the IRS, VA, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, SOLYNDRA, inaction on America’s energy needs and “weak-kneed defense” policies, plus many other areas of “poor performance” by this badly run Administration.

The 1st amendment “cuts both ways” and those folks on the left must understand this. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Washington and all of the rest of those brave and intelligent men knew how important that 1st amendment was for the preservation of a free society, and it should not be “tampered with” by any political group or agenda.

Durbin, Schumer, Franken and Boxer are no match for Jefferson, Adams or Washington and it’s time they learned that; LEAVE OUR FREE SPEECH ALONE!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

"Support and Defend"

“I, (American citizen), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

The above oath is taken at the time any man or woman enters the armed services of the United States of America; I took this oath along with many others. I took this oath very seriously; it is a commitment to give everything asked of you in the defense our country, America, land of the free and home of the brave.

Way back then, we had the draft and some of my fellow “oath-takers” weren’t too eager about taking this step forward; I understand their point of view, nobody likes to be forced to do something they don’t want to do; especially if you might get killed for doing it!

Sometime after that, those young men reported to different forts across America for Basic Combat Training, in preparation for their next assignment; some went to Artillery School, some went to Clerk Typist School, some went to Military Police School and some went to Infantry School.

I went to Infantry School at Fort McClellan, Alabama and I earned the title Combat Infantryman, commonly known as “grunts”.

About 80% of those who graduated from Infantry School were destined for a land with a “tropical climate”;  the rest went to places like Germany, Korea, Japan or some stateside duty.

Those young men in the “80%” didn’t have a choice of duty assignment, they just “saddled up” and went where they were told, and some never came home from that “tropical paradise” giving their last breath to the protection of the people of the United States of America. Most of those boys go unremembered most of the year, along with young boys (and women) from WWI, WWII, Korea, Desert Storm, and our current entanglements.

A couple of times a year we, as a nation, spend a little time thinking about what has been given to maintain the freedoms which some of us treat so casually. We even have elected officials who treat these freedoms as something which may be changed or even disposed of at the pleasure of following a “social agenda’ or “political philosophy”; most of them don’t understand the price that has been paid for those rights.

Monday we celebrate “Memorial Day” in America, a day off of work, a day to cook-out and celebrate the coming summer, but most of all, it should be a day to honor all those who gave everything to keep America a free nation; for those who died, who vowed to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” at all cost.

As voters, we have our own way of giving our nation an act of service; it is done in the voting booth every two years. This is our chance to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States”.

We may not be on a bloody battlefield as shells and bullets fly toward our heads, but we are in a battle, a battle for those things all those young people died for; don’t let them down.

Enjoy “Memorial Day”, remember the price!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

"Proof of the Pudding"

I recently wrote about the old saying, “The cat’s out of the bag”, and today, I was thinking about another old saying; “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” and what that actually means.

My Mom used that phrase and said these words,” It’s all about results, not appearance”. Food can look delicious, but if it tastes like manure, the good looks mean nothing.

I used to attend the “Golden Gloves” prelim fights on a regular basis when I lived in Chicago; they were great entertainment and they were cheap entrance, about $1.25 for three hours of boxing, a real bargain. I remember a young fighter who billed himself as “The Magnificent Herd” and he looked magnificent when he entered the ring, white silk trunks, white high-top boxing shoes and laces with tassels, “Ala Ali”. I have to admit that I was impressed by “The Magnificent Herd”; he certainly looked the part of the “master boxer” when he stepped through the ropes.

Mr. Herd’s opponent wasn’t quite as polished when he climbed in to the squared circle; I don’t remember his name, but I do remember what he looked like. The young man was wearing some faded high school gym shorts, and black high top gym shoes; I could even see part of his jock strap showing itself under one leg. He didn’t dance around the ring or do any “showboating” for the crowd.

Making a long story short, the bell rang and the guy in the faded gym shorts dispatched “The Magnificent Herd” through the ropes and into the crowd in under a minute with a series of blows that ended the career of the next “Ali” in short order. Flash and dancing around the ring doesn’t mean much when that bell rings; skill and substance wins every fight, just ask “The Magnificent Herd”!

New York and California both rail against the conservatives about how horrible a “conservative America” would be. There are always charges of racism, and welfare for the rich, and heartless philosophy for the poor being thrown about by these states at every Republican and conservative on an almost daily basis. If we believed all of these charges, we would have to dismiss the fact that the Civil Rights Bill of the 1960s was passed by every Republican in the Congress, even though some Democrats did vote against it. We would have to dismiss the fact that after the Civil War, it was mostly Democrat “Carpetbaggers” that helped maintain the system of segregation that lasted well into the 1960s (apologies to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson).

Today, the most productive states in America are being run by conservative governors, as they have the lowest unemployment rates and are attracting more jobs into their states at record numbers. They also have LOWER TAX rates than any of the Democrat controlled states, and that should tell us all something about economic growth.

Major companies have already left New York and California for more “business friendly” states to open headquarters and factories in those “heartless conservative” states; those poor people will now suffer with ALL THOSE JOBS that are now available to them, while the welfare rolls continue to grow in New York and California. That pudding isn’t quite so delicious in those liberal bastions, is it?

What this all comes down to is this; sunshine and beaches, skyscrapers and Broadway shows don’t necessarily mean success, they just look good in travelogues. Underneath the glitz and the sunshine lies a decaying substrata of poor management and overspending that is eating away at the “Big Apple” and the “Hollywood Hills”.

These two states are by no means the only ones that are falling apart, I myself live in Illinois, a state that has been decimated by years of mismanagement and corruption because of undue influence from the “Chicago” strong-arms and unethical politicians.

In November, we will all be choosing Senators and Representatives for the next Congress; choose wisely, you will be “eating that pudding” for a couple of years, make sure it will “taste good”!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Hang Em High"

Growing up, I must have watched thousands of “westerns” on television and at the movies; I really like “cowboy pictures”. This particular genre of film is always an allegory of “good vs. evil”, where lines are easily drawn and right is always in great contrast with wrong.

In most of these films, the “good guy” is a lawman who is standing up against a “bad guy” or group of “bad guys” that have been doing something evil to the peaceful people of some small community; they all had names like “Shin Bone”, “Rock Ridge” or “Red River” and were the victims of “land grabbing” or “cattle rustling” or some other form of larceny.

One of my favorite movies was “High Noon”, which starred Gary Cooper as Marshal Will Kane, and he was perfect for the part; tall, steely eyed and committed to doing the right thing, regardless of the odds against him.

Kane, the hero, was retiring from his job and leaving town after his marriage to his long time sweetheart when he found out the “Frank Miller Gang” was coming to town on the noon train with the purpose of terrorizing the town and killing Kane. People from the town pleaded with Kane to leave quickly and then, perhaps, Frank Miller would leave them alone. Kane had sent Miller to prison years earlier and Miller wanted to settle the score by burying Kane.

The town’s people ended up leaving poor Will Kane alone to face the entire Miller Gang, yet he refused to run, and he ended up destroying the gang, showing that an honest man is sometimes all that is needed to defeat an evil gang.

The word “Benghazi” has been in the forefront of the news over the last few weeks and it appears America wants answers to some very delicate questions about this tale of death and abandonment of American citizens by the government they were trying to serve. Following the deadly incident, a series of excuses were given to explain why this horrid massacre took place. The first excuse was a YOU-TUBE video which enflamed some “demonstrators” and it turned into a bloody riot; this turned out to be a deception perpetrated by some high level officials to keep from calling this a “terrorist attack” in an election year where the President, Barack Hussein Obama, said terrorism was all but completely defeated by his administration’s actions. After all, my fellow Americans, this would have made Mr. Obama look bad, and he hates to look bad!

Most of you know what the term “pealing the onion” means; every layer of that “onion” reveals something new, and it usually “smells bad” with each new layer uncovered. This axiom seems to be very appropriate in the Benghazi murders.

America’s people now want answers and they want a “tough and honest new sheriff” to ask those questions that have been avoided in the past. That “new sheriff” is a congressman named Trey Gowdy, and the “bad guys” are “shaking in their boots” at the prospect of facing him in a “showdown” on the “dusty streets” of the American “town”.

Gowdy, a former prosecutor, is known for his no nonsense attitude and brutal honesty when in the pursuance of truth, and “bad guys” always fear the truth!

There have already been “death threats” leveled toward Gowdy, and he has cast them aside; he is single minded and tenacious, regardless of these cowardly words. The “new sheriff” isn’t easily intimidated by the “bad guys” and he intends to “bring them to justice” no matter what!

It is almost “High Noon” for those “bad guys” involved in the Benghazi “cover-up” and there is no place to run, and the “steely-eyed sheriff” is closing in on them. The next stop for those bad guys is either “Yuma Prison” or “Boot Hill”! Good luck “Sheriff Trey”!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

"The Cat's Out of the Bag, America"

Did you ever wonder where certain expressions come from? We have all heard the term “pig in a poke” from time to time as we were growing up, but what does it mean? The story I heard goes like this; way back in the 15th or 16th centuries, there were common markets where people would go to make purchases of grains, vegetables, fruits, livestock and other things that were necessary to have to be able to exist. These were not the “super-markets” or giant “box stores” we are accustomed to in today’s world. These “markets” were just merchants gathered in a village or on a dirt road, “hawking their wares” to all who would listen. Some of these merchants were good and honest men, and some were not. Most peasants were “dirt poor” and looked for any bargain they could find, and some unscrupulous merchants happily took advantage of them. Here is their “pitch”: “My friend, I have here a sack containing a young piglet suitable for breeding or eating, whatever your pleasure may be, and I will sell this piglet to you for the cost of only five pence, but you must take it away immediately or I will be overcome by others who want the same deal and I only have this one piglet”.

The gullible peasant would then reach into his meager purse and hand over his last five pence and take the sack, walking away happily with his bargain. Once this unsuspecting customer was out of sight, he would open his sack to gaze upon his newly acquired piglet; to his surprise, he found a squirming alley cat, not suitable for “breeding or eating”; he had been swindled!

This explains another old axiom; “don’t let the cat out of the bag”, a term used by those unscrupulous merchants to their cohorts when perpetrating their nefarious deeds on their innocent victims.

Centuries have passed since people began using these expressions, yet they still seem applicable in today’s world of lies and deceptions.

I will now speak about two occasions where these expressions apply.

Let’s first recall “Obamacare”, Barack Hussein Obama’s “pig in a poke”; remember Nancy Pelosi saying “you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”; well, Congress (Democrats) passed the bill and America walked down the road and “opened the sack” and found, not an “alley cat”, but a “skunk” that is now stinking to “high heaven” instead of the promised wonderful benefit the “unscrupulous merchant” said it would be; and who suffered, American taxpayers and thousands of workers who lost their healthcare plans as a result of this “pig in a poke”.

Let’s now recall something that has really been in America’s forefront over the last few days; Benghazi revelations! E-mails that have shown a conscious effort to deceive the American public in an effort to sway the 2012 Presidential Election in favor of Barack Hussein Obama. Trey Gowdy has just been appointed as chairman of a select committee to investigate these new revelations of lies and cover-ups by key Obama administrators. The expression “the cat’s out of the bag” seems to be applicable in this situation, and the “unscrupulous merchant” has been shown up for what he is, a LIAR and a DECEIVER!

In ancient days, “tar and feathers” were used to punish this type of behavior; today, we are more civilized, so let’s just “THROW THE BUMS OUT!”

Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Molders of Young Minds"

Fifty+ years ago, America was a country in a blender; we had riots in the streets, a welfare system that was just getting its’ feet wet, a war not everyone supported and the start of a drug culture that has blossomed into a societal disaster today.

In the 1940s, colleges were conservative places that regarded their duty as one of promoting a mindset of success and hard work; G.I.s came home and went to school after seeing the worst devastation and murder this planet had ever seen, and they wanted something better for their children’s future; especially in America, the “Land of Opportunity”.

In later years, some of those children went to another war, a war in a small country where poverty was the norm and ignorance of anything better was all they knew.

Some of those children came home and were treated like criminals by the nation that sent them to that faraway land, and they suffered for it, taking drugs and sometimes taking their own lives. Some of those children went on to school, so their children would have a father who could provide them with those things he saw the rest of the world didn’t have.

Some of those who stayed home and became part of the “Yippies and Hippies” also went to school and many of them became the teachers of the next generation. They read their “Little Red Book” and the “Communist Manifesto”, never seeing the real effects of that horrid philosophy; and they now mold the minds of those soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors’ children. The children of those “misguided minds” are the new generation of those “Yippies and Hippies” and are continuing to spread the disease of communism with abandon to the grandchildren of those who served this nation; spreading more poison!

Here are only two names, names which most of you probably don’t know, yet names that today are shaping the thoughts of your children and grandchildren:

The first name is William Penn, not the founder of Pennsylvania, but a professor at Michigan State University, who made this statement in 2013, before the Republican Convention took place. ”If you go to the Republican Convention in Florida, you’ll see all the Republicans with their dead skin cells washing them off; they are cheap and they don’t want to pay taxes because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could!”

A similar rant took place just a few days ago by adjunct professor, Brent Terry of Eastern Connecticut State University, which raised such a stink, he was forced to make a public apology saying, “During my creative writing class yesterday, I allowed my political opinions (called Republicans racists) to color the discussion, I regret the language I used and I apologize to any student in the room that was offended.” In reality, Professor Terry was confrontational with a student who was questioning his rhetoric and Terry attempted to belittle him in front of his classmates. He didn’t know his “political opinions” were being recorded for posterity to see. I wonder how many classes this type of behavior actually took place in without the benefit of a recorded record?

I agree with two party politics, a system America has enjoyed over these many generations; yet I am disturbed that our system of “higher education” has become a “breeding ground” for miscreants who want to inflict their “personal political opinions” on young minds without the benefit of alternative beliefs being available.

I live in a college town, and I have overheard many of our young people spouting theories which I know are just regurgitated lectures from their “teachers”, laced with political venom and vitriol and with no relevance to actual fact.

I have great concern that we are allowing our colleges and universities to become “soap boxes” for the worst type of propaganda from anti-American malcontents.

This is what happens when those “Yippies and Hippies” get into a position of influence; and I don’t know if America can recover from this generation of poisoners; these “molders of young minds”!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

"Legacy, Barry, Really???"

When you were young, did you get any ribbons, trophies or special awards? Some of us probably still have a few of those things in our homes. Athletes get many types of recognition during their careers from high schools, colleges and the professional world for their achievements. MVP, the Heisman Trophy, Defensive Player of the Year and Comeback Player of the Year are just a few of the awards winning athletes receive. These achievements are hard earned and well deserved.

We have “Halls of Fame” for baseball, football and basketball that have statues and memorabilia for each of these sports greatest player and greatest moments. Sports fans from all over our nation flock to these buildings to remember those special players and those great contests, recalling victories of the past.

I recently read the newspaper and saw an article saying that Illinois Legislators have advanced a plan to spend 100 million dollars on a Barack Obama Presidential Library and Museum. This edifice will be located in the Chicagoland area. Presidential artifacts and records will be displayed there along with displays of his “achievements” in office.

Illinois is in terrible financial condition, after decades of misuse of funds, scandals and political blunders, this state has zero discretionary funding to throw away, and that being said, we need to examine the decision to erect a building with taxpayer’s money for the “doubtful” achievements of Barack Hussein Obama.

Where does one start when listing Mr. Obama’s “achievements”; unprosecuted voter intimidation from his Justice Department, that could be a start; maybe the ACORN scandal would be a place to start or dead voters or multiple voters who “cast some ballots” for Mr. Obama could be “showcased” at the museum. Perhaps the “Green Initiative” could have a wing dedicated to the hundreds of millions of dollars that were lost on bad investments and fraudulent companies would be a “fun place” to take the family.

There could be a section dedicated to Eric Holder for his participation in the “Fast and Furious” scandal and the countless acts of malfeasance in office that have taken place while he has been Attorney General; that would really be an educational experience for our children; “justice in action” so to speak!

Perhaps we could have a video room showing Mr. Holder refusing to testify at Congressional hearings, or any number of Obama supporters who have followed suit as has happened in the IRS scandal; they could sell popcorn for that show! Hey kids, these are real people, not actors!

Let’s have some pictures of all those felons who crept across our border to commit rape, murder and drug dealing while Mr. Obama was telling us “The border is safer and more secure now than it has ever been”; I’m sure the kids like “fairy tales”!

We don’t want to forget foreign policy; remember how Obama sold Eastern Europe down the river with that START Treaty and basically disarmed the entire Russian border (kudos to Putin, he really got over on Barry there).

Lastly, he could have a montage of different people talking about the “video” that was responsible for those dead Americans in Benghazi and finish it off with Hillary Clinton saying “What difference does it make” as a tag line.

Yes America, we need a building to commemorate all of the “great achievements” of this President; we need it to remind us NEVER TO MAKE THIS MISTAKE AGAIN!!

I think directly over the entrance, in large letters the words “LEST WE FORGET” would be quite appropriate; don’t you?

Friday, April 11, 2014

"Barry's "World's Dumbest"!"

Have any of you reading this ever had an embarrassing moment? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about; the trip at a family gathering, or knocking over a dish or table at one function or another. Nobody likes to look foolish in front of others, especially strangers; we always want to maintain our dignity and our image and, we want everyone to forget our mistakes and undignified moments.

There is a show on TRUTV called “World’s Dumbest” which features people at their worst moments, be they brawlers, partiers or criminals, I’m sure none of these folks are too proud of these “screw-ups” caught on video, to be remembered forever.

Don’t we “grin and bear it” when a friend or relative brings up those “blasts from the past” that make everybody laugh at us just one more time?

On April 11, 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama made an announcement about a 100 million dollar research project to help people restore and maintain their capacity to remember things. I know this was so we could all remember “Where did I put my keys?”, but it may also help us not to forget some other things that have transpired over the course of months and years.

Let’s go back to the election of 2008; I remember some “thugs” outside a polling place trying to intimidate voters who were entering. Later on, charges were leveled against them, and the video was damning, yet Eric Holder never pursued prosecution; I often wonder why.

I remember the “Green Initiative”, where government money was spent on countless “green projects” like SOLYNDRA and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost on bad investments, and sometimes fraudulent investments.

I remember “If you like your doctor you can keep him” and “If you like your plan you can keep it.” It turns out none of that was the truth, people are losing their coverage on a daily basis and a very few are able to keep their doctors as well.

I remember Eric Holder unable to remember facts about “Fast and Furious” in front of a House Committee, even after e-mails showed he really knew something about this “deadly scandal”.

I remember some dead Americans in Benghazi that this Administration said died because of a video, even after facts were shown that weeks before they asked for extra security because of a volatile “terrorist situation”. Well after these facts were revealed, the Obama Administration continued to advance the “tale of the video” as fact.

I remember Hillary Clinton telling a House Committee, “What difference does it make…” about those poor murdered Americans. She believed it was “time to move on” about this incident; odd words for someone who aspires to the Oval Office.

Memory is a funny thing, sometimes it fades with time, and sometimes it is “branded into our minds”, depending upon how important those memories are to us.

I wonder if President Obama is now regretting that $100 million he spent on helping people to remember things. There are certainly a few things Mr. Obama doesn’t want Mr. and Mrs. America to recall too easily.

Maybe one day there will be an episode on “World’s Dumbest” that will “highlight” some of Mr. Obama’s “screw-ups” for all of America to watch one more time. It’s too bad these “screw-ups” aren’t very funny!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

"Good Bye Freedom"

Have you ever been offended by a statement or remark you have heard on radio or television, or perhaps by an individual at a social gathering? I’m pretty sure every person reading this has had this type of situation at one time or another.

There are over 350 million people living in the United States now, and that is only counting those who are here legally. All of those 350 million people have opinions just about everything; civil rights, welfare, weather forecasting, religion, movies, TV, radio, literature, music and even what the best foods are to eat. I’ve heard the saying “opinions are like butt-holes, everybody has one”, and truer words were never spoken.

One of the great things about living in this particular republic is our right to speak our minds and not worry about someone being able to inflict punishment on us because of what we say, or what we believe.

Francois-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, stated something which should be carved on every courthouse wall; “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”; perhaps our Founding Fathers were thinking of this when they conceived the 1st amendment of our Bill of Rights.

The 1st  amendment was designed to protect the speech rights of all Americans, majority and minority alike should be able to voice opinions without repercussions from any pressure group or government body.

I go to church just about every Sunday, and I put an envelope in the basket at every service because I support my church, both in its’ doctrines and its’ ministries; even though I know not everybody supports those doctrines and ministries. I am willing to say that I know some people are probably offended by some of those doctrines and ministries. Everybody has the right to not like my opinions. I have no problem with that. Those who don’t like my opinions do not have the right to inflict punishment on me because they disagree with me, be they in the majority or the minority.

Last week, a gentleman named Brendan Eich was forced to resign his position at MOZILLA because he made a personal contribution of $1000 to a group that supports “traditional marriage”, marriage between a man and a woman. Mr. Eich made no grand public statement of his contribution, he never went on television or took radio time to espouse what his personal beliefs were; he was just doing what any free American should have the right to do.

Mr. Eich seems to have offended the “Gay and Lesbian” community by his “free choice” in support of “traditional marriage”. This “small minority” has caused such a strong outcry, the people at MOZILLA pressured an honest man to resign for acting in his own conscience about a social issue.

Do any of you reading this see the possible danger that is being brought forth by this precedent? Every word you say, every penny you may contribute, every organization you may belong to, may be used as a lever to put undue pressure on you and any other American who doesn’t sit silently and allow this “secret destruction” of our 1st amendment rights.

I don’t care what the “Gay and Lesbian” community say, it is their right to say it, just allow the rest of us the same courtesy that we give to you; that 1st amendment is for ALL OF US!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Impeach the April Fool"

There has been a lot said lately about approval ratings. I am trying to understand the priorities of approval ratings. I know the first George Bush went from a very high approval rating during our conflict in Iraq, Operation Desert Storm; and it plummeted as the American economy took a downslide to an all-time low.

Nixon was doing fairly well in office as he opened doors with Red China and the Soviet Union, until the Watergate scandal drove his rating down and he eventually was forced to resign from office.

Bill Clinton is the ultimate survivor, as he continued in approval, even though he was assuredly hurt by the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Poor judgment certainly plays a role in approval ratings dropping, and continued poor judgment will only serve to underline a poor leader’s ability to serve the will of the people.

Bush, Nixon and Clinton all did things in office that the general public didn’t like; and one resigned under public pressure and possible legal ramifications. All of these men were tested against public opinion; only one was measured against his obligation to our Constitution, and he resigned.

Our current Chief Executive, Barack Hussein Obama, has reached an all-time low in approval by the American people, dropping in approval from all segments of our populous. Poor handling of the economy, poor handling of the new healthcare initiative, poor foreign policy and the sliding image of the United States seem to be the key reasons for Mr. Obama’s record slide in approval.

All of the above reasons are valid for Mr. Obama to be losing popularity, yet, I believe many Americans are missing the bigger issues in this President’s mishandling of the office of President of the United States.

Since Barack Obama became President, America has sustained an attack on our Constitution; rights that we hold dear have been ignored and trampled by this administration.

Free speech is currently being threatened as our President wants cameras in newsrooms and an oversight on what stories should receive attention. This is a disturbing agenda from an administration that has exhibited real animosity toward any news source that criticizes its actions. The Internet has been mentioned as a place where “oversight” could be used on content.

Gun rights have been assaulted from the first day Obama took office and this assault continues today, even as “carry and conceal” has swept the country.

When the Tea Party had a rally in Washington, it was called “racist” and “Un-American” by members of this administration, even though the gathering was peaceful and orderly. The right of free assembly is being scrutinized as we speak.

Back door agreements with the United Nations are being used to institute treaties that will infringe on our rights to bear arms, an abandonment of the Constitution from a man who has sworn to “protect and defend” that document.

These issues are what should be driving down the Obama approval rating. All of the other issues are of great importance, yet they pale in comparison to those things that have been done to eat away at our basic rights as American citizens.

These things are the reasons that we should not only disapprove, but move for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama; his deeds merit more than poor ratings!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

"Prayers for my Love"

Last week I wrote about my "valentine", the love of my life, my Adrienne. This week my darling wife is having an operation of some severity and will require some weeks of bed rest and healing time. Because of this situation I will be concentrating my time on helping her to mend.
It will be about five or six weeks until things can get back to our normal lives, so I am suspending my blogs until that time has passed by.
I would appreciate all prayers on my Adrienne's behalf as we are trusting God in all things.
Thank all of you for your readership, but most of all for your prayers at this time. God Bless you all.

Monday, February 10, 2014

"My Valentine!"

This week is "Valentine's Day", a day for celebrating our sweethearts, girl friends, boy friends and fiancées! We celebrate all of those special people in our lives that we designate as "valentines". I know that the kids at my school will exchange cards and have parties this Friday, some will give candy to each other, unlike us old folks, I don't expect to see any flowers given away.

When I first met my "valentine", I was at work, and as most guys, I was taken by her appearance. She had, and still has, bright and expressive eyes and a welcoming smile; she was well dressed without being too flashy; and she was friendly. After a while, we eventually began seeing each other on a very regular basis; rarely a night went by when we weren't with one another. Ah, romance in the beginning is like a whirlwind, swept up in emotion and infatuation.

Soon my "valentine" became my wife. We have been "valentines" for nearly 40 years now and it still seems to be working out well; at least for me anyway!

You may ask how does a "valentine" last for such an extended period, and I believe it is because of all of the shared life we've experienced together.

We have sat through thousands of breakfasts, lunches and dinners and still manage to find something to talk about at each sitting. We still laugh late at night when we say something funny in the bedroom when the lights go out. We still feel that "something" that we don't feel when we are with anyone else, and we aren't interested in looking anyplace else for that "something".

We have lived through each other's illnesses and injuries, feeling each other's pain and doing what we could to make the pain go away. We have each cried over loss of loved ones and found comfort in each other's arms. We have each argued with one another without using words that would cause the kind of hurt that doesn't leave quickly. We have both petitioned God when things looked bleak, and thanked Him when things go well.

She still looks at me like my hair isn't so thin, or my waistline isn't so thick; to her I still feel like a guy in his twenties. Yes I'm still that guy when I'm with her.

She will always be the girl God picked out for me. She is the first face I look for in the room, and the last face I see at night; I don't understand how she has managed to stop the aging process after all these years, but she's done it for me! Her name is Adrienne, she is my "valentine", she is the one that brings out the best in me! I only wish that everyone who reads this can have a "valentine" as great as mine is to me.

Celebrate love this week with someone that makes you better than you are, and tell them so; HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

"5 Bucks"

I remember many years ago I went to visit a friend at his college for the weekend. I stayed in his dorm room and we spent some time talking about our high school experiences. He set me up with a blind date, nice girl, but not for me. The Saturday I was there, he had asked if I wanted to go to a “mixer” in the student union; a name band from the 60s was performing and the cost was $5.00, a good chunk of change way back then, but I said fine and that evening we walked over to the union for music, girls and dancing.

The girls were friendly and the union was modern, soda and fast food was available at reasonable cost. Everyone was anticipating the group that was featured for the night, they had a “Top 40” record out and we expected some good sounds.

The group walked out on the stage to rousing applause and cheers. They all had on “bell-bottom jeans and wildly colored T-shirts” and they looked the part of “rock stars”.

They stood at center stage and the lead singer flashed a smile at his band mates and the music began.

Evidently, the studio engineers are very important people in the music industry and play a great part in “refining” the music you hear on the radio. The noise that assaulted my ears at this “concert” was tantamount to a “cat caught in a potato-peeler”. I had never heard noises like this outside of a “horror movie”. I paid 5 bucks for this, and I was not happy! I said to my friend “These guys stink! I’m not staying around to listen to this garbage!” My friend agreed with me and we left for a small club in town for the rest of the evening.

I know this cost me $5.00, but I couldn’t stand the crap that was passing for music so I “bit the bullet” and walked out.

Last week, America heard President Barack Hussein Obama make his State of the Union Address to Congress. His message was part rehash of last year’s speech and part Obama saying he was going to bypass Congress to enact his agenda for America.

I won’t lie, I couldn’t sit through another Barack Obama speech, so I opted to ignore it for anything else that was available; and it didn’t cost me 5 bucks to do it! This was easy for me, as I had no peer pressure to watch his speech so I could turn it off at my pleasure.

I heard there was one courageous man who was sitting in the Capitol Building who had finally had enough of this President’s ideological rhetoric and disregard of the Constitution and he got up and left the hall!

Congressman Steve Stockman from Texas was fed up with Barack Hussein Obama and he walked away in disgust. This is a man with real nerve and real principles. I’m sure you will hear howling from the left for weeks about his action, but he only did what millions of Americans would have done had they been sitting there with him.

I have heard that Representative Stockman has begun impeachment inquiries for Mr. Obama, and I laud him for this action. It is tough for a politician to take such a visible course in the arena of Washington D.C.; it could mean political suicide, or it could mean he takes his job seriously, as a public trust.

I wish Congressman Stockman well in his pursuit, as he is one of the few who is actually looking out for the people of the United States of America! Let me know if you need 5 bucks!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

"Obama Is No #42"

I’m a pretty old guy, and I can remember the tail end of Jackie Robinson’s playing days in Major League Baseball. I haven’t seen the new movie “42” about Jackie’s break into the game, but it is on my list. I have seen several programs and an old movie about him and he was truly an inspiring man.

There were many great black ballplayers back then in the Negro League and Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, could choose from all of them and he chose Jackie, not only for his talent, but also for his character. Mr. Rickey knew the type of pressure Jackie would be put under and he believed Jackie was the type of man who could respond in a way that would reveal his fine character and open the doors for other black players to enter “the big leagues” with less stress and controversy.

Jackie never made an issue of his color when being interviewed, even though he suffered many insults and threats in his early days from both fans and team mates. Jackie did all of his “talking” on the baseball field, and nobody could argue against his results; he was a great ballplayer. His name is now forever enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.

Jackie never said “People hate me because I’m black”; he was a class act who never looked for an excuse and let his actions speak for themselves.

Recently, the “New Yorker” magazine published an interview with President Barack Hussein Obama. Obama, who has set a record for the lowest approval ratings of any standing president, was pensive and unhappy about his drop in the polls. Mr. Obama never addressed the scandals which have surrounded his presidency; SOLYNDRA, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, huge debt, Obamacare failure and weak foreign policy went unmentioned.

Mr. Obama appeared as a “victim” looking for sympathy, rather than a Chief Executive defending his administration.

In the past five years, we have seen former President George W. Bush castigated at every turn and blamed for nearly all of this administration’s failures, as responsibility is not a word that is too familiar to the Obama Administration. It seemed that all things wrong led back to G.W. and Barack could do nothing wrong.

In the interview with the “New Yorker”, Mr. Obama said “People hate me because I’m black.”

I was wondering how long it would take for this President to fall back on the “standard excuse” of the left when it came to criticizing Barack Hussein Obama. In a pathetic cry for sympathy, this man has fallen back to the “race card” as a way to blame his failure as a President on someone or something other than his ineptitude in the Oval Office.

The reality of Mr. Obama’s record setting low approval is the massive amount of failure he has accumulated while in office.

If racism was the cause of Mr. Obama’s abominable approval rating, why did America reelect him? People are unhappy because he is doing a LOUSY JOB!

Jackie Robinson won over the people with his ability on the field and his character off the field without ever complaining about his skin color.

It’s too bad Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t have the same character as Jackie Robinson, but class will always show itself from the inner man.