Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Impeach the April Fool"

There has been a lot said lately about approval ratings. I am trying to understand the priorities of approval ratings. I know the first George Bush went from a very high approval rating during our conflict in Iraq, Operation Desert Storm; and it plummeted as the American economy took a downslide to an all-time low.

Nixon was doing fairly well in office as he opened doors with Red China and the Soviet Union, until the Watergate scandal drove his rating down and he eventually was forced to resign from office.

Bill Clinton is the ultimate survivor, as he continued in approval, even though he was assuredly hurt by the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Poor judgment certainly plays a role in approval ratings dropping, and continued poor judgment will only serve to underline a poor leader’s ability to serve the will of the people.

Bush, Nixon and Clinton all did things in office that the general public didn’t like; and one resigned under public pressure and possible legal ramifications. All of these men were tested against public opinion; only one was measured against his obligation to our Constitution, and he resigned.

Our current Chief Executive, Barack Hussein Obama, has reached an all-time low in approval by the American people, dropping in approval from all segments of our populous. Poor handling of the economy, poor handling of the new healthcare initiative, poor foreign policy and the sliding image of the United States seem to be the key reasons for Mr. Obama’s record slide in approval.

All of the above reasons are valid for Mr. Obama to be losing popularity, yet, I believe many Americans are missing the bigger issues in this President’s mishandling of the office of President of the United States.

Since Barack Obama became President, America has sustained an attack on our Constitution; rights that we hold dear have been ignored and trampled by this administration.

Free speech is currently being threatened as our President wants cameras in newsrooms and an oversight on what stories should receive attention. This is a disturbing agenda from an administration that has exhibited real animosity toward any news source that criticizes its actions. The Internet has been mentioned as a place where “oversight” could be used on content.

Gun rights have been assaulted from the first day Obama took office and this assault continues today, even as “carry and conceal” has swept the country.

When the Tea Party had a rally in Washington, it was called “racist” and “Un-American” by members of this administration, even though the gathering was peaceful and orderly. The right of free assembly is being scrutinized as we speak.

Back door agreements with the United Nations are being used to institute treaties that will infringe on our rights to bear arms, an abandonment of the Constitution from a man who has sworn to “protect and defend” that document.

These issues are what should be driving down the Obama approval rating. All of the other issues are of great importance, yet they pale in comparison to those things that have been done to eat away at our basic rights as American citizens.

These things are the reasons that we should not only disapprove, but move for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama; his deeds merit more than poor ratings!

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