Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Molders of Young Minds"

Fifty+ years ago, America was a country in a blender; we had riots in the streets, a welfare system that was just getting its’ feet wet, a war not everyone supported and the start of a drug culture that has blossomed into a societal disaster today.

In the 1940s, colleges were conservative places that regarded their duty as one of promoting a mindset of success and hard work; G.I.s came home and went to school after seeing the worst devastation and murder this planet had ever seen, and they wanted something better for their children’s future; especially in America, the “Land of Opportunity”.

In later years, some of those children went to another war, a war in a small country where poverty was the norm and ignorance of anything better was all they knew.

Some of those children came home and were treated like criminals by the nation that sent them to that faraway land, and they suffered for it, taking drugs and sometimes taking their own lives. Some of those children went on to school, so their children would have a father who could provide them with those things he saw the rest of the world didn’t have.

Some of those who stayed home and became part of the “Yippies and Hippies” also went to school and many of them became the teachers of the next generation. They read their “Little Red Book” and the “Communist Manifesto”, never seeing the real effects of that horrid philosophy; and they now mold the minds of those soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors’ children. The children of those “misguided minds” are the new generation of those “Yippies and Hippies” and are continuing to spread the disease of communism with abandon to the grandchildren of those who served this nation; spreading more poison!

Here are only two names, names which most of you probably don’t know, yet names that today are shaping the thoughts of your children and grandchildren:

The first name is William Penn, not the founder of Pennsylvania, but a professor at Michigan State University, who made this statement in 2013, before the Republican Convention took place. ”If you go to the Republican Convention in Florida, you’ll see all the Republicans with their dead skin cells washing them off; they are cheap and they don’t want to pay taxes because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could!”

A similar rant took place just a few days ago by adjunct professor, Brent Terry of Eastern Connecticut State University, which raised such a stink, he was forced to make a public apology saying, “During my creative writing class yesterday, I allowed my political opinions (called Republicans racists) to color the discussion, I regret the language I used and I apologize to any student in the room that was offended.” In reality, Professor Terry was confrontational with a student who was questioning his rhetoric and Terry attempted to belittle him in front of his classmates. He didn’t know his “political opinions” were being recorded for posterity to see. I wonder how many classes this type of behavior actually took place in without the benefit of a recorded record?

I agree with two party politics, a system America has enjoyed over these many generations; yet I am disturbed that our system of “higher education” has become a “breeding ground” for miscreants who want to inflict their “personal political opinions” on young minds without the benefit of alternative beliefs being available.

I live in a college town, and I have overheard many of our young people spouting theories which I know are just regurgitated lectures from their “teachers”, laced with political venom and vitriol and with no relevance to actual fact.

I have great concern that we are allowing our colleges and universities to become “soap boxes” for the worst type of propaganda from anti-American malcontents.

This is what happens when those “Yippies and Hippies” get into a position of influence; and I don’t know if America can recover from this generation of poisoners; these “molders of young minds”!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

"Legacy, Barry, Really???"

When you were young, did you get any ribbons, trophies or special awards? Some of us probably still have a few of those things in our homes. Athletes get many types of recognition during their careers from high schools, colleges and the professional world for their achievements. MVP, the Heisman Trophy, Defensive Player of the Year and Comeback Player of the Year are just a few of the awards winning athletes receive. These achievements are hard earned and well deserved.

We have “Halls of Fame” for baseball, football and basketball that have statues and memorabilia for each of these sports greatest player and greatest moments. Sports fans from all over our nation flock to these buildings to remember those special players and those great contests, recalling victories of the past.

I recently read the newspaper and saw an article saying that Illinois Legislators have advanced a plan to spend 100 million dollars on a Barack Obama Presidential Library and Museum. This edifice will be located in the Chicagoland area. Presidential artifacts and records will be displayed there along with displays of his “achievements” in office.

Illinois is in terrible financial condition, after decades of misuse of funds, scandals and political blunders, this state has zero discretionary funding to throw away, and that being said, we need to examine the decision to erect a building with taxpayer’s money for the “doubtful” achievements of Barack Hussein Obama.

Where does one start when listing Mr. Obama’s “achievements”; unprosecuted voter intimidation from his Justice Department, that could be a start; maybe the ACORN scandal would be a place to start or dead voters or multiple voters who “cast some ballots” for Mr. Obama could be “showcased” at the museum. Perhaps the “Green Initiative” could have a wing dedicated to the hundreds of millions of dollars that were lost on bad investments and fraudulent companies would be a “fun place” to take the family.

There could be a section dedicated to Eric Holder for his participation in the “Fast and Furious” scandal and the countless acts of malfeasance in office that have taken place while he has been Attorney General; that would really be an educational experience for our children; “justice in action” so to speak!

Perhaps we could have a video room showing Mr. Holder refusing to testify at Congressional hearings, or any number of Obama supporters who have followed suit as has happened in the IRS scandal; they could sell popcorn for that show! Hey kids, these are real people, not actors!

Let’s have some pictures of all those felons who crept across our border to commit rape, murder and drug dealing while Mr. Obama was telling us “The border is safer and more secure now than it has ever been”; I’m sure the kids like “fairy tales”!

We don’t want to forget foreign policy; remember how Obama sold Eastern Europe down the river with that START Treaty and basically disarmed the entire Russian border (kudos to Putin, he really got over on Barry there).

Lastly, he could have a montage of different people talking about the “video” that was responsible for those dead Americans in Benghazi and finish it off with Hillary Clinton saying “What difference does it make” as a tag line.

Yes America, we need a building to commemorate all of the “great achievements” of this President; we need it to remind us NEVER TO MAKE THIS MISTAKE AGAIN!!

I think directly over the entrance, in large letters the words “LEST WE FORGET” would be quite appropriate; don’t you?

Friday, April 11, 2014

"Barry's "World's Dumbest"!"

Have any of you reading this ever had an embarrassing moment? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about; the trip at a family gathering, or knocking over a dish or table at one function or another. Nobody likes to look foolish in front of others, especially strangers; we always want to maintain our dignity and our image and, we want everyone to forget our mistakes and undignified moments.

There is a show on TRUTV called “World’s Dumbest” which features people at their worst moments, be they brawlers, partiers or criminals, I’m sure none of these folks are too proud of these “screw-ups” caught on video, to be remembered forever.

Don’t we “grin and bear it” when a friend or relative brings up those “blasts from the past” that make everybody laugh at us just one more time?

On April 11, 2013, President Barack Hussein Obama made an announcement about a 100 million dollar research project to help people restore and maintain their capacity to remember things. I know this was so we could all remember “Where did I put my keys?”, but it may also help us not to forget some other things that have transpired over the course of months and years.

Let’s go back to the election of 2008; I remember some “thugs” outside a polling place trying to intimidate voters who were entering. Later on, charges were leveled against them, and the video was damning, yet Eric Holder never pursued prosecution; I often wonder why.

I remember the “Green Initiative”, where government money was spent on countless “green projects” like SOLYNDRA and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost on bad investments, and sometimes fraudulent investments.

I remember “If you like your doctor you can keep him” and “If you like your plan you can keep it.” It turns out none of that was the truth, people are losing their coverage on a daily basis and a very few are able to keep their doctors as well.

I remember Eric Holder unable to remember facts about “Fast and Furious” in front of a House Committee, even after e-mails showed he really knew something about this “deadly scandal”.

I remember some dead Americans in Benghazi that this Administration said died because of a video, even after facts were shown that weeks before they asked for extra security because of a volatile “terrorist situation”. Well after these facts were revealed, the Obama Administration continued to advance the “tale of the video” as fact.

I remember Hillary Clinton telling a House Committee, “What difference does it make…” about those poor murdered Americans. She believed it was “time to move on” about this incident; odd words for someone who aspires to the Oval Office.

Memory is a funny thing, sometimes it fades with time, and sometimes it is “branded into our minds”, depending upon how important those memories are to us.

I wonder if President Obama is now regretting that $100 million he spent on helping people to remember things. There are certainly a few things Mr. Obama doesn’t want Mr. and Mrs. America to recall too easily.

Maybe one day there will be an episode on “World’s Dumbest” that will “highlight” some of Mr. Obama’s “screw-ups” for all of America to watch one more time. It’s too bad these “screw-ups” aren’t very funny!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

"Good Bye Freedom"

Have you ever been offended by a statement or remark you have heard on radio or television, or perhaps by an individual at a social gathering? I’m pretty sure every person reading this has had this type of situation at one time or another.

There are over 350 million people living in the United States now, and that is only counting those who are here legally. All of those 350 million people have opinions just about everything; civil rights, welfare, weather forecasting, religion, movies, TV, radio, literature, music and even what the best foods are to eat. I’ve heard the saying “opinions are like butt-holes, everybody has one”, and truer words were never spoken.

One of the great things about living in this particular republic is our right to speak our minds and not worry about someone being able to inflict punishment on us because of what we say, or what we believe.

Francois-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, stated something which should be carved on every courthouse wall; “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”; perhaps our Founding Fathers were thinking of this when they conceived the 1st amendment of our Bill of Rights.

The 1st  amendment was designed to protect the speech rights of all Americans, majority and minority alike should be able to voice opinions without repercussions from any pressure group or government body.

I go to church just about every Sunday, and I put an envelope in the basket at every service because I support my church, both in its’ doctrines and its’ ministries; even though I know not everybody supports those doctrines and ministries. I am willing to say that I know some people are probably offended by some of those doctrines and ministries. Everybody has the right to not like my opinions. I have no problem with that. Those who don’t like my opinions do not have the right to inflict punishment on me because they disagree with me, be they in the majority or the minority.

Last week, a gentleman named Brendan Eich was forced to resign his position at MOZILLA because he made a personal contribution of $1000 to a group that supports “traditional marriage”, marriage between a man and a woman. Mr. Eich made no grand public statement of his contribution, he never went on television or took radio time to espouse what his personal beliefs were; he was just doing what any free American should have the right to do.

Mr. Eich seems to have offended the “Gay and Lesbian” community by his “free choice” in support of “traditional marriage”. This “small minority” has caused such a strong outcry, the people at MOZILLA pressured an honest man to resign for acting in his own conscience about a social issue.

Do any of you reading this see the possible danger that is being brought forth by this precedent? Every word you say, every penny you may contribute, every organization you may belong to, may be used as a lever to put undue pressure on you and any other American who doesn’t sit silently and allow this “secret destruction” of our 1st amendment rights.

I don’t care what the “Gay and Lesbian” community say, it is their right to say it, just allow the rest of us the same courtesy that we give to you; that 1st amendment is for ALL OF US!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Impeach the April Fool"

There has been a lot said lately about approval ratings. I am trying to understand the priorities of approval ratings. I know the first George Bush went from a very high approval rating during our conflict in Iraq, Operation Desert Storm; and it plummeted as the American economy took a downslide to an all-time low.

Nixon was doing fairly well in office as he opened doors with Red China and the Soviet Union, until the Watergate scandal drove his rating down and he eventually was forced to resign from office.

Bill Clinton is the ultimate survivor, as he continued in approval, even though he was assuredly hurt by the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Poor judgment certainly plays a role in approval ratings dropping, and continued poor judgment will only serve to underline a poor leader’s ability to serve the will of the people.

Bush, Nixon and Clinton all did things in office that the general public didn’t like; and one resigned under public pressure and possible legal ramifications. All of these men were tested against public opinion; only one was measured against his obligation to our Constitution, and he resigned.

Our current Chief Executive, Barack Hussein Obama, has reached an all-time low in approval by the American people, dropping in approval from all segments of our populous. Poor handling of the economy, poor handling of the new healthcare initiative, poor foreign policy and the sliding image of the United States seem to be the key reasons for Mr. Obama’s record slide in approval.

All of the above reasons are valid for Mr. Obama to be losing popularity, yet, I believe many Americans are missing the bigger issues in this President’s mishandling of the office of President of the United States.

Since Barack Obama became President, America has sustained an attack on our Constitution; rights that we hold dear have been ignored and trampled by this administration.

Free speech is currently being threatened as our President wants cameras in newsrooms and an oversight on what stories should receive attention. This is a disturbing agenda from an administration that has exhibited real animosity toward any news source that criticizes its actions. The Internet has been mentioned as a place where “oversight” could be used on content.

Gun rights have been assaulted from the first day Obama took office and this assault continues today, even as “carry and conceal” has swept the country.

When the Tea Party had a rally in Washington, it was called “racist” and “Un-American” by members of this administration, even though the gathering was peaceful and orderly. The right of free assembly is being scrutinized as we speak.

Back door agreements with the United Nations are being used to institute treaties that will infringe on our rights to bear arms, an abandonment of the Constitution from a man who has sworn to “protect and defend” that document.

These issues are what should be driving down the Obama approval rating. All of the other issues are of great importance, yet they pale in comparison to those things that have been done to eat away at our basic rights as American citizens.

These things are the reasons that we should not only disapprove, but move for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama; his deeds merit more than poor ratings!