Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Life Is a Test!"

"Pop Quiz today!"; these words have sent fear and trepidation through the hearts of numerous students over the course of history. I'm sure most of you have been caught off guard by some teacher, when you were least prepared, and most vulnerable. Some of us learn from these experiences; some don't. Tests like these give us a valuable life lesson; be prepared, because life usually won't give you a "heads up" when you may be called upon to act. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters and auto mechanics all have areas of expertise in their fields. Many of those tradesmen go through an apprenticeship period with a certified expert in their chosen field; in other words, a teacher. During the course of their training, the expert will challenge the apprentice about certain situations and problems to see what the trainee knows; you know, a test. Doctors, lawyers, architects and druggists all have very specific training in order to become adept in their chosen professions, and each of those professions require rigorous study to attain a modicum of quality in their work. Testing of their knowledge is a priority in establishing a base with which to gauge the ability of those who seek to practice those professions. There isn't a teacher alive who can see the practical knowledge that rests in each student's brain without testing him. On Monday, our President, Barack Obama, made these statements: he believes students should take fewer standardized tests and too much testing makes education boring. "Too often what we have been doing is using these tests to punish students, or in some cases to punish schools": what is he talking about? It seems that Mr. Obama also believes attendance may be more important than the measurement of testing; now that sounds like a government program for sure, just show up and you'll get paid! I lived in Chicago and I understand this premise very well. Meanwhile, if we buy into this theory that testing isn't quite so necessary, we will develop a class of professionals who really don't have any expertise in their chosen fields, because they were never called upon to demonstrate it. For years now, we have been fed this malarkey about testing makes some students feel bad because they may not measure up to other students; guess what? Some people are smarter than others; that's a fact of life! Mr. President, I don't know about you, but I want my doctor to be rigorously tested; I want my lawyer to know all about the law. I also want the person who rewires my house to know what he or she is doing; it's important to me! We had quite a bit of standardized testing when I was in school and I believe we produced a generation of highly qualified people. We cannot take a step backward just to accommodate those who are not prepared. Unlike you Mr. President, not everyone can learn on the job!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Only in America!"

I remember my high school graduation. I remember sitting next to a friend named Jan; each of us in our cap and gown, hotter than blazes in the gym, and stuck to the metal chairs. Our class had about 250 seniors; not huge by a city standard, so we knew just about everybody. Oddly, as we sat there, we saw people who we could not identify, who had been in our class four years. I would say "Who is that?"and Jan would reply "I have no idea!" I remember the speeches; I'm sure you all had similar ones about "hitching your wagon to a star", "this is the first day of the rest of your life"; pretty generic for most graduations. The thing is, all of those speeches preached the possibility of success because of the American promise of the "pursuit of happiness". I said the American promise, not the international promise. Don King is famous for saying "Only in America!", and he is right. Nowhere else in the world is the possibility of success more attainable than the "Good Old U.S.A.". As Americans, we want our children to become successful; we re-mortgage our houses so they will get a college education; we are willing to make sacrifices so they will be better off than we are. We believe in the AMERICAN DREAM! Last week in Washington, President Obama was speaking to the Spanish language television network, Univision. An illegal alien student made a call on Skype and asked Mr. Obama this "My question for the President is why (is the government) saying deportations have stopped or the detention of many students like me; why are we still receiving deportation letters like this one?" The President assured the caller that our justice department was focusing on criminals, not for those who are "doing the right things" in America, and adjustments will be made. He said 'We want you to succeed!" I'll bet not too many illegal aliens are remortgaging their homes to send their illegal children to college. I'll bet a whole bunch of them are receiving government money to send those illegal children to college; you know, our tax dollars! My wife formerly worked with international students, and we've had many of them in our home for various holidays and dinners. Those who are legal foreign students pay a higher rate to attend our universities and colleges, and they are happy to do so. Those students go through rigorous screening to come to America, and I have yet to hear a complaint from any of them. I don't have any complaint about a "legal" alien coming to America for an education. Illegal aliens have no rights to our educational system! My advice to those illegals who want to succeed, is this "GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND PRESSURE YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT ABOUT EDUCATION, YOU DON'T BELONG IN AMERICA, YOU'RE ILLEGAL!"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"It's God's Word, Don't Mess With It!"

I'm a meat eater; just ask my wife! Steak, cheeseburgers, pork chops, sausage, fried chicken or beef stew; I love my meat meals! I also like animals; not only for supper, but as faithful companions. When I lost my old dog "Charlie" to cancer, I wasn't much fun to be around for quite some time; he was my "best friend". If you have read my blogs in the past you know I'm a Christian, and I serve as an elder in my church. The bible is very important to me; I believe the bible is the anointed word of God, and that it is divinely inspired. Verse 19 of Revelation says "and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book." This is a very serious statement to me and to all believers. I believe the bible is a sacred book and should not be tampered with to fit into one's personal or political agenda. In Genesis 1:26, it says "Let Us make man in Our own image according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth". God, in this verse, says we are not the equal of animals; we are given dominion over them. In Genesis 9:3, it says "Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you, I give all to you as I gave the green plant." PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants to change the words of the bible to make it more "animal friendly". This organization wants to give animals a different persona than the bible intends them to have. They want the animals referred to on the level of "he or she" instead of "it". Oddly, it seems that PETA feels they have a better handle on creation than the Creator. The Old Testament is filled with animal sacrifice for atonement of sin; will PETA want to "edit" that part out of the bible next? As a Christian, I don't believe we should be elevating animals to the level of people; that was not God's intention for the animals. Animals are here for man's use; as food or beasts of burden; I'm sorry if this offends the people of PETA. This doesn't mean that man has license to abuse animals; God has given us a trust to use them properly, and treat them properly. When I see clips from bull fights, I cheer for the bull! When I see people who use dogs for fighting, I am appalled and I wish the punishment was more severe than it is. I don't know what the Qaran says about animals; my experience is with the bible, but I'll bet there are passages about animal sacrifice. PETA should ask the Muslims to change their holy book and see what happens. PETA should stick to the secular world and leave spirituality alone. As a certain public servant once said "It's out of my job description!"

Monday, March 28, 2011

"It's Not Up to Frank!!"

I am a senior citizen; this is only the result of one accomplishment, staying alive. It takes no particular skill to stay alive; avoiding death and illness are a prerequisite in this process. This puts me in a special interest group, "live people", as opposed to "dead people". One of my God-given rights is LIFE! Our Constitution guarantees me the right to life. I enjoy being alive, and I'm sure I would prefer it to death. It doesn't matter whether I'm a conservative or a liberal, black, white, yellow or any other color; the Constitution says I have the right to LIFE. Jewish, Christian, Muslim or atheist, my Constitution says I have the right to LIFE. I'm really happy that the Constitution doesn't use discrimination when it comes to LIFE. Our Constitution was designed to serve all Americans without exception; I like that. When I vote for someone, I like to know whether or not they believe in that Constitution. I have a problem with folks who try to manipulate the Constitution to fit their purposes, or use it to deny rights to anyone. Obviously, with the massive amounts of cultural differences there are a lot of differing opinions in America; all of them should be protected under our Constitution; even the "crazy ones". Last week, Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) said something that no United States Senator should ever say: "The Tea Party Republicans in Washington claim they're concerned about the budget balance, but it's a disguise! It's not true! It's a lie! That's not what they want. They want__they want other people not to be able to have their own opinions. They don't deserve the freedoms that are in the Constitution! But we'll give them to them anyway!" It sounds as if Senator Lautenberg is the one who chooses who gets rights, and who doesn't! Mr. Lautenberg is "Pro-Choice", and he is quite vocal about it; it is his right. Mr. Lautenberg is pro illegal alien rights; that is also his right. I find it interesting that Mr. Lautenberg has more empathy for criminal illegal aliens than the rights of unborn American children. Mr. Lautenberg is an advocate of partial birth abortion; that is his right. Do you know what the process of partial birth abortion is? Here is a brief explanation of this barbaric practice: the living baby is partially extracted until the "doctor" can make an incision into the base of the brain; sutures are then used to spread the wound and a probe is used to disconnect and "scramble" the brain of this unborn baby. It is then delivered, and disposed of; you know, like garbage! Most doctors agree that the unborn child will feel the pain of this process before they are murdered. I wonder if Senator Lautenberg would allow this process to be used to get rid of illegal aliens. I'm not advocating this barbaric practice on anyone; I'm just making a point about rights. We cannot deny the rights of any American. Personally, I think Senator Lautenberg represents everything that is wrong and bad about the left; yet, I wouldn't infringe on his rights to present his views or I would be as big a "political bigot" as he is! I'm certainly glad that Senator Lautenberg is "giving" the TEA PARTY their rights; although I really didn't know it was up to him. Thank God we have our Constitution, and thank God it's not up to Frank Lautenberg to decide who gets to use it!

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Strange Bedfellows"

What constitutes terrorism? What is the most devastating act that one could perpetrate that would cause the most damage to the American way of life? Obviously, 911 had a devastating effect on America; thousands of innocent Americans senselessly murdered by cowardly fanatics will be etched into our minds for generations. All of us have strong feelings about that date. What could be worse than that? Possibly a criminal conspiracy to collapse the American economy in an attempt to totally change the American free enterprise system would qualify as the worst thing that could happen to our people.

Within the last few days, we have seen the evidence of a criminal conspiracy to destroy the American banking system by manipulating the mortgage market by advocating the deliberate non-payment of mortgage debt to the loan holding financial institutions. This is economic terrorism!

Stephen Lerner, a member of note in SEIU, has been recorded saying that current mortgage holders should withhold payment in order to put undue stress on the American banking system, causing it to collapse. This was stated during a progressive conference in New York last week-end. It must also be noted that Mr. Lerner has been a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, being there four times over the last two years. What is that saying about politics makes for "strange bedfellows"?

This revelation has caused Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT.) to send a letter to our esteemed Attorney General, Eric Holder, as to what action our Justice Department will take. Rep. Chaffetz said the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform may, at any time, investigate any matter which could have such a grave impact on the American people.

I strongly urge all of my readers to research Mr. Lerner's statements in regards to this matter; they are both frightening and eye-opening. These statements reflect a callous and calculated plan to destroy the American economy with the purpose of installing a socialist system of redistribution of wealth and property, and the destruction of individual freedoms. Perhaps, I'm a little jaded, but I don't expect Mr. Holder to pursue any prosecution in this matter. Past experience shows that the Justice Department under Eric Holder has a tendency to "pick and choose" the violations it will prosecute. I would also like to hear from our Chief Executive in regards to his involvement with Mr. Lerner and SEIU. How about it Mr. President; what do you think?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Where Are We Headed?"

"We reject an international economic order sustained by private profit", "we share a vision of a humane INTERNATIONAL social order", "equitable distribution of resources", "to regulate the market, protect the environment, and ensure a basic level of equality and equity for each citizen", "such regulation will increasingly occur through INTERNATIONAL multilateral actions", "promoting such bonds is the responsibility of socialists and the government alike" ; did any of you request this philosophy when you voted in the last election? Guess what, we have numerous members of Congress who find these precepts quite attractive, and they lend support to these ideals. The above statements are from the Democratic Socialists of America; the largest socialist organization in America. We see an obvious sentiment of being subservient to an INTERNATIONAL government or body. I find this philosophy totally UN-American. Going all the way back to 1776, we are a nation based on our own sovereignty and the rights of the individual; not the collective! This mantra of leveling out the world seeks to make the individual a servant of the collective. Oddly, when an individual is successful, their success will normally spread into society; successful businesses grow the economy, new invention contributes to national growth. Collectivism rarely contributes to growth or success. The Soviet collective farms of the old 5 year plans were well under the levels of privately owned farms. Ask anybody from the old Soviet Union, and they will tell you of food and housing shortages. A policy of redistribution will never be successful; it attains mediocrity, or worse. SOCIALISM IS CRAP!

Now let's see who like the policies of socialism! Here are some names you may recognize; Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Cynthia A. McKinney, Jesse Jackson, Danny Davis, BARNEY FRANK, JOHN CONYERS, CHARLES RANGEL, and Dennis Kucinich; all are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus; and all are subscribers to this socialist clap-trap! These are not all the names on the list, unfortunately there are many more! It seems funny that so many are millionaires, who can attribute their success to the capitalist, free market system. Here are a few organizations involved in this spurious philosophy; Americans for Democratic Action, Campaign for America's Future, National Education Association, AFL-CIO, National Organization for Women and the National Association for Public Hospitals. This is a tiny number of the groups that assign loyalty to this socialist agenda.

If we, as Americans, don't become more vigilant, we will be bound to a course of "redistribution and social justice" that we will never be able to recover from. The terms "International Body" and "World Government" scare the Hell out of me! I believe most Americans want to govern themselves, without the aid of outside bodies or organizations. I believe most Americans subscribe to the principles of the Bill of Rights and the God-given rights of individual freedom. Somewhere along the way, a perception of internationalism has infected the American psyche. We must retain our own sovereignty; we must retain our own philosophy; we must retain our own destiny. We will have another election coming next year. Do you, as Americans, want to continue on this path? All we have seen from socialism is a history of misery and failure. In order for America to succeed, it must return to what made it great in the beginning; individual freedom and individual success!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Left-Right, Hawk-Dove?"

Have you ever heard the terms "You can't have it both ways", or "You can't have your cake and eat it too"? Wouldn't it be great if we could satisfy our every wish and ambition? I wish I could eat as much as I like, without gaining weight, or exercising! Oh, what a wonderful world that would be to live in! I sometimes wish that my lawn could cut itself, and my bushes would reach an acceptable height and just stop there; my life would be so much simpler! Every goal comes at a cost; sometimes that cost is financial, sometimes physical and sometimes personal. If one starts a business, a financial cost is necessary; a certain risk is always present. The entrepreneur is always at the risk of losing his investment; it's a chance he must be willing to face. Every athlete must put his or her body at risk in the efforts to attain a championship; you know the phrase "no pain; no gain"; it is the mantra of most athletes. Most goals require an acceptance of risk of failure. Alienation of some people, when making decisions, is always a possibility when taking a stand on any issue. Abraham Lincoln said "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time; but you can't please all of the people all of the time." I believe there is no truer political axiom than Mr. Lincoln's observation. It is impossible to be "all things to all men", and by trying to do so you will end up being nothing to anyone.

Barack Obama is a man who wants to be "all things to all men" and now he is finding this to be a difficult path to walk. Mr. Obama wants social justice, yet he says he is not for "redistribution of wealth". Mr. Obama says he is Pro-America, yet he believes we should yield to United Nations' laws over our own Constitutional laws. He says he is pro-peace, yet we are bombing Libya. Unfortunately, for him, his military action is displeasing both the left and the right. The left is saying he has no business bombing anybody; and the right says his actions aren't strong enough! There is talk of "impeachment" over Mr. Obama's current decision about Libya; not from the Republicans, from the Democrats! Michael Moore, Dennis Kucinich, and CODE PINK are all ranting about Barack Obama. The love affair with the "left-wing loons" looks like it's over! I never thought I would see this happen to our "rock star" President! Most of the Republicans are remaining silent during this far left "feeding frenzy" and just enjoying the show. Conflicting statements from the Secretary of State and the White House Staff are contributing to this air of confusion that is being perceived from the Obama administration.

I can't wait to see what will happen next from our "pro business, social justice, pro-America, pro- world government, dove-hawk" Chief Executive! After nearly two and a half years in office, Barack Obama is still trying to be "all things to all men", and he is failing miserably. If Mr. Obama wants the respect of the American people, he must define who he is. He needs to stop being the candidate, and start being the President. Mr. President, please choose a path; even if some don't like you, you will, at least, have an identity!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"America, I Think I Remember It"

Remember 1776, when we were born as a nation? We didn't have much of a public school system back then; most schooling was done in the home, out of the family bible. We didn't have gigantic school districts with all of the most modern facilities, filled with people specifically trained in subjects such as science, history, math and English; you know, teachers. Strangely, we went through a period of growth and invention, which today's accomplishments pale in comparison. Back then, a child was told he (or she) had the opportunity to pursue their dreams, unfettered by the limits of social station or imagination. We produced Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Walt Disney, Booker T. Washington and Martin Luther King. There are still examples of American made success today; ask Bill Gates or Donald Trump; they believe America still works. This nation has produced some of the finest minds in the world, most of which came from local schools. The pursuit of knowledge is an individual goal; a teacher can plant a seed, but only the student can make it grow. It would be nice if everybody lived in an affluent neighborhood, with all of the advantages that money can bring. Oddly, the people I mentioned in the above paragraph were not all products of affluence; yet, they still had their measures of success in America.

I just read an article from NEWSWEEK that said 38% of people tested failed a citizenship test; wow! In a nation that has the INTERNET, and the largest public school system on planet earth, our people can't pass a basic test about our government. This may explain the results of the last presidential race! Only 29% could identify the Vice-President; sorry Joe! As a "baby boomer" I was upset to learn that 73% didn't know the reasons for the "Cold War"; what is going on in school today? Here is something that should upset every American; 44% were unable to define the Bill of Rights, and only 6% could find Independence Day on a calendar!!

Now comes the crazy part of this whole article; this tribute to public ignorance is being attributed to the free enterprise system in America! It is the fault of "income inequality" and a "decentralized education system". This is the most idiotic explanation I've ever heard in my 63 years of life. Our government has been interfering in our educational system for the past 50 years, and the only thing it has accomplished is an equality of mediocrity, and a lack of inspiration. Students don't learn because they haven't been moved to do so; they have been brain-washed into a mentality of "I've got it coming to me", and ambition is something that has been eliminated from the American conscience. Perhaps, if we, as a nation, spent more time involved with our children's education and less time with "American Idol" or "Jerseylicious", then there would be real impact on our next generation. Perhaps, if tenure wasn't so confining, we could rid our children of teachers who just don't care anymore, and are just putting in their time.

Before we buy into this argument against free markets and free enterprise, we should look at those nations which have "equal educational opportunity" provided by mega-government. Yes, there is nothing more inspiring than an endless row of Red Chinese children playing violins like tiny automatons. Remember, these are also nations that do their best to stifle free thought. We are a nation based on individual accomplishment. American success has been made by those who pursue their dreams. We need to restore the value of knowledge to our children. They need to know why America is great and different from all other nations. This is not about capitalism; it's about what we, as a nation, hold as important. When adults don't know the history of our country, or how our country functions, what message are we sending to our children?

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Advice From a Hater!"

Do you know any instigators? Do you know any people who like to give unsolicited advice? Have you ever seen somebody start an argument between people, and then step away to see what will happen? I've heard some guys say "Did you hear what Tony said about your mother?" Tony would take the bait and soon, a confrontation would follow. All of our actions should be well considered before we take steps to make change, and our advisers should be people we can trust. If we glean information from the wrong person, we will surely regret it; and for a long time.

I know I've used this example in the past, but Neville Chamberlain is a great model for taking bad advice; he trusted Hitler! That was really bad advice, followed by a really bad decision!

Last week, Mr. "I Hate America, and I Hate White People", Louis Farrakhan, decided to give Barack Obama some "sage advice" regarding the deposing of Qaddafi in Libya. Farrakhan has been a racist divider for what seems like an eternity; he is a man who believes in what I call the "black victim syndrome". Farrakhan is a black separatist who has spouted hatred for over twenty years; he has opinions about Israel that fit right in with the "Reverend" Wright and Adolph Hitler, when it comes to "Jews". He now cautions Obama to be careful in the way he talks about Qaddafi. He said Qaddafi has spent over 40 years "building" Libya. Oh yes, he is definitely a nation builder! Aside from having diminished capacity between his ears, Qaddafi is dangerously violent; and not only to his own people but the entire Middle-East region. The U.N. and NATO are finally enforcing a no-fly zone and engaging Qaddafi targets; I hope it is not too late for the Libyan people.

Farrakhan has told Obama not to alienate his people in Africa. What does this mean? Are the people of America the people Mr. Obama should be concerned with, or should his concerns be with a certain race or belief system? Once again, we see Farrakhan's racial hatred and divisiveness; he believes Obama should engage in talks with an unreasonable lunatic. He said to the President "Who the Hell do you think you are?" Perhaps, Mr. Farrakhan needs a history lesson! Barack Obama is the President of the United States, not the "black" President, not the "Muslim" President; but President of ALL the people. He is to serve the best interests of ALL Americans, without regard to race, creed or national origin. Veiled threats of an American uprising from Farrakhan only serve to feed the fire of racial and ideological unrest which Mr. Farrakhan needs to fuel his radical base. Our President would be well advised to tell Mr. Farrakhan to mind his own business; there is enough bad advice available without his input! PLEASE, MR. PRESIDENT, DON'T TAKE THE ADVICE OF A RACIST HATER, HE DOESN'T SPEAK FOR AMERICA!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Is Rome Burning?"

I have a standard answer when my wife tells me she hears a "funny noise" in her car; I always say "Turn up the radio!" This is usually met with a smirk, followed by a plea to check it out. I had a friend whose wife drove for several weeks with her red oil light flashing, until one day the car stopped dead in its tracks, with a seized up engine. It would have been a good idea to watch those warning signs and do something. I recently had our crawl space insulated and sprayed for mold. I didn't have mold, but I believe it was a good idea to take some preventative action. Some people choose to ignore things until they are so far advanced in their damage, that they can't be repaired. I know of a farmer who had so much termite damage that his house nearly collapsed before he could move out. He just let it go too far, and ended up losing his house to insects. When I lived in Chicago, I saw good neighborhoods degenerate into "ghettos", because landlords chose not to keep up their property, and just bleed it for rent. You can now drive through sections of the city that are filled with abandoned buildings and empty lots. When there are problems, they should be addressed as quickly as possible before they are past the point of being salvaged.

The Middle-East is quickly becoming a "boiling pot" of violence and uncertainty. Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Lebanon, and, of course, Israel are a virtual "political earthquake" waiting to shake the world. Just yesterday, Israel seized a ship filled with arms that was bound for Egypt. The ship was dispatched from Syria through Turkey. Israel is not assigning any responsibility to Turkey in this incident. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists this was an action of self defense; and I have a tendency to believe him, as the overall sentiment in the Middle-East is extremely anti-Israel. Syria has been a behind-the-scenes supplier of anti-Israel dissidents and terrorists for a very long time, with little criticism from most of the international community. The Associated Press just released a story about Gadhafi troops getting closer to destroying a rebel held stronghold. Soon it will be too late to help the people of Libya; they are unable to stop the oppressor on their own. Unlike Israel, Libya is under the thumb of Gadhafi; they can't stop the attacks from his "stormtroopers".

The United Nations, NATO and the United States have done nothing of any real substance in the Middle-East to help calm the waters or aid the pursuit of freedom from oppression. Words of criticism and sanctions will do nothing to help those in desperate need of help. No statement of condemnation will stop a single bomb from destroying a home; no sanction will stop an atrocity from a dictator. We may be beyond the point of action already. The wringing of hands will do nothing. The United Nations, NATO and the United States are proving to be nothing more than spectators to this powder keg situation. We now will see the fruit of weak leadership as these endeavors into "paper diplomacy" fall away without regard from oppressive governments and terrorist supporters. We are watching our "International Nero Fiddle, as the World Burns"!

(This is my last blog until next Monday; watch the world while I'm gone!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"America's Golfer-in-Chief"

Over the years, I have seen several men occupy the White House; Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, G.W. Bush and now Barack Obama. Each of these men has brought something different into the "Oval Office". Dwight Eisenhower gave America the sage advice of limited government and strong defense; our adversaries knew that Ike was a general before he was a president and they knew he would not hesitate in defending our nation if it was threatened. JFK saw the potential of the American people, and asked America to help herself from within. JFK projected hope and vigor and a look forward into the future prosperity of a free market economy; I believe we still suffer today by this president's term cut so short by tragedy. Lyndon Johnson took on the Presidency after the loss of Kennedy and he used the national sympathy to institute the "Great Society", a system of welfare changes that we still suffer from to this day; I blame LBJ for the "welfare state of mind" we now have permeating our nation. Richard Nixon may be the most misunderstood president our nation has ever had. Nixon inherited the Viet Nam War, and an ailing economy; he also made great strides in the international community in our foreign policy. The "Watergate Scandal" was Nixon's downfall; had he fired all involved in the beginning of this debacle, he would have remained in office, and possibly been one of America's great leaders; instead, he became a man who will be forever remembered as the only president to resign in disgrace; what a shame. Gerry Ford was trapped in his Presidency; no matter what he did, he will always be the man who pardoned Nixon and his chance to make a mark in history would never materialize. Jimmy Carter is a textbook study on how to be a bad president; massive inflation, fuel shortages, inexperience in international affairs and a defensive policy that would have been better handled by the Boy Scouts; Jimmy Carter was a nightmare! Ronald Reagan took us from blatant incompetency to national strength and prominence in eight years. Reagan brought our economy back from double digit inflation, and shook the Soviet Union to its destruction; not bad for an actor! H.W. Bush made the worst of political mistakes; he made a promise that was impossible to keep and it cost him a re-election: "Read My Lips, No New Taxes". Bill Clinton was the "Teflon President", it seemed no matter what Bill Clinton did, he was beyond criticism. The Monica Lewinsky affair and "Whitewater" were nothing for this master of the "bit lower lip"; he could get away with anything. G.W. Bush, when we get some historical perspective on "G.W.", I think America will get a new opinion of this man. George believed in his principles, and stood, by them regardless of public perception. The Presidency sometimes calls for what's right, even at the cost of popularity, and George Bush personified this belief. Barack Hussein Obama, our current President, has been surrounded by controversy from his inauguration day on. After his initial "honeymoon" with America, the reality of government set in. We have seen Mr. Obama do little to remedy the unemployment problem that continues at disturbing levels. We have seen our defensive strength across the globe reduced to a "firecracker in a wind storm" and we have seen our personal rights and liberties under attack from over regulation and a theory of social justice.

Over the last two-plus years, we have seen Mr. Obama take several vacations; I don't begrudge the President the right to time off, yet he seems to take these vacations when they are the least viable, when the national and world situation need a president who should be "minding the store", not playing golf. Barack Obama gives the allusion of the elite and disconnected executive, a man who doesn't understand the urgency of the world trauma all around him. Our actions in the Middle-East are non-existent, while mothers in Libya cry for a "no-fly zone". Americans are openly suffering because of a failed energy policy, while our own resources remain untouched. Where is our President? OUR PRESIDENT IS PLAYING GOLF! I hope Mr. Obama's golf score is worth the cost of his distance from America's problems. Perhaps, in 2012, we can allow Mr. Obama to pursue his golf career full time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

"The Bottom Line!"

I like to watch ski jumpers in the Olympics. I've seen how graceful and brave they are when they leap from that ramp over hundreds of feet and land in perfect balance on the ground. When I was young, I thought it would be great fun to try that; from a distance it really looked like a "blast". When I was in the Army, I rode in many helicopters. I acquired a great respect for heights as I sat across from the exit door, banking into an "L-Z"; it's a long way down! After those experiences, my wish to go flying down a hill and jumping into the air was quite a bit dampened. From a distance, things sometimes appear better than they really are.

Last year, I wrote about President Obama's Medicare Czar, Donald Berwick. During my article, I quoted Dr. Berwick as saying that he didn't just like British Health care, he LOVED it. He said it was his dearest hope that we could adopt the British program here in America. I don't know if that is an exact quote, but I'm sure it's very close; you can easily find this out on your own. I went on to describe what a disaster the British system has become; please check this out, you will be highly enlightened.

I'm "Pro-Life", and it is no secret to anyone who knows me; children are a sacred trust given by God. They should be nurtured and protected from conception to the last day one lives as a parent. I also believe in an educated populous. The word "fetus" means "baby" in Latin. Back in the days of Nero, Augustus and Marc Anthony, they knew there was a baby in there! It was not a conglomeration of cells; it was a human being!

Recently, Dr. Daphne Austin, a prominent British Healthcare official, said about some premature babies "If it was my child, from all the evidence and information that I know, I would not resuscitate." She also said "We are doing more harm than good by resuscitating 23 weekers." She also said "For me the big issue is that we're spending an awful lot of MONEY on treatments that may have very marginal benefit. I would prefer to free up that MONEY to spend on providing support to people who have much more lifelong chronic conditions."

This callous attitude about the unborn is not limited to this one person; it is pervasive throughout the British Healthcare population. This is the system that Dr. Berwick LOVES! What type of a doctor could possibly love this type of a healthcare program? It seems that money takes precedence over life. This is what happens when a government clerk begins to make medical decisions. It seems that the "bottom line" is more important than a "life-line". I guess we should all thank Barack Obama for forcing this man into our Medicare system. I'M SURE HE WILL SAVE US A LOT OF MONEY!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


"My heroes have always been cowboys..."; this is a lyric from a Willie Nelson song and as a boy, I can attest that the American cowboy was the first hero of thousands of little boys across the nation. When I was young, Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were foremost in my heart. They were "manly men" who always fought the good fight. As I matured as a cowboy aficionado, I embraced John Wayne and Gary Cooper, they were still "good guys", but they were more realistic in their portrayals; they still remained a "man's man", but they did have a romantic side that Roy and Gene kept subdued in their roles. As I watched television later in life, I watched Randolph Scott and Errol Flynn ride into several western towns with guns blazing; there was also Kirk Douglas and James Garner riding "tall in the saddle". I watched countless films and television shows featuring numerous "Wyatt Earps" and "Billy the Kids", portrayed by a plethora of actors. As time moved on, we have seen Clint Eastwood, Yul Bryner and Steve McQueen show an edgier cowboy, with a dark side; yet still a "good guy" under the surface. Every cowboy was what we have come to expect as the atypical American Hero; strong, silent and unafraid in tough situations.

America is now facing a huge budget crisis. We are looking at a financial "shut-down" of the federal government and something must be done in quick order. The last congressional election was a call to arms against free spending and government entitlements. Many pet projects must be put on the "chopping block" if we intend to enter an era of financial responsibility in government. Government grants must be carefully examined for their necessity and relevance to what America needs. Obviously, some things must remain as they are of real importance to our nation; yet, there are some things that must fall by the wayside; we can't afford them!

The Congress has introduced a bill limiting the National Endowment of the Arts, H.R.1; it will de-fund several government financed programs in an effort to restore some fiscal common sense to our budget. Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is upset by this attempt to restore common sense to our spending habits. Harry is upset that this bill will de-fund a "Cowboy Poet Festival" in Elko, Nevada. I'm sure the folks in Elko don't want to lose their funding, and I'm sorry if this will cause them problems, but some people will feel the pinch of this crisis. If this festival is as popular as Senator Reid says it is, it should be able to make money on its own merits; the rest of America can't "foot the bill" anymore. I'm sure John Wayne, Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott will understand, although I never heard any of their poetry. If our legislators continue to protect this type of spending, our battle against over-spending will be lost, and America will shut down. Harry, it's time to bite the bullet, "pardner", and ride off into the sunset with these unnecessary and foolish programs. ADIOS BUCKAROO, FREE SPENDING IS OVER!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"It's Not Television Mr. Obama!"

Television, has become an integral part of the American culture. We center most of our evenings around the "tube". We all have favorite shows, and we try to be home to watch them at their appointed times. I always tried to be home for "NYPD Blue"; I still miss it. Highly rated shows make BIG DOLLARS in revenue for the networks. Recently, we have all seen the "crash and burn" of Charlie Sheen all over television and the Internet. This is a terrible tragedy for him and his family, as we can see what drugs and a life of pursuing self-gratification can bring. He looks like a man out of control in all of his recent videos, spouting unconnected and illogical thoughts, filled with profanity and character assassinations of others. Watching Charlie is like driving by an accident; it is horrible, yet we can't look away. It is a bad situation, yet it will only impact a relatively few people. The network stands to lose some money, along with the actors and others who derive income from "Two and a Half Men". The audience will probably feel badly for a while; but this to will pass after time. A year or two from now, most of us will probably have little to say about Charlie's rants, or his effect on our lives. It's only a T.V. Show!!

Unfortunately, there is another disturbed individual who has been on the news, who will have a greater impact on our lives than Charlie Sheen. Colonel Moamar Qaddafi of Libya is waging war against his own people, as they try to throw off the chains of his oppressive rule. His people are not the only ones who will suffer because of this lunatic's ravings and violence. We have seen him make the statement that he will not resign, regardless of the situation. Rioting has become civil war; armed troops are slaughtering civilians. Rebels are engaging Qaddafi forces as I write this, and oil supplies are being destroyed by Qaddafi attacks. He is holding a gun to his own people and the rest of the world. Qaddafi is a madman; his mind is violent and illogical; his continued rule in Libya will have global consequences. At this time, the entire Middle-East is in flux; world economy is bouncing up and down like a ping-pong ball; the last thing we need is a lunatic in charge of any sovereign nation. The people of Libya are carrying signs asking for a "no fly zone" over their homeland, as this dictator sheds the blood of their children and destroys their economy.

What is being done by the United States and the international community about Qaddafi? Sadly, very little of real substance is being done to help the people of Libya. The "clicking of tongues" and the "pointing of fingers" will do little to stop this unhinged dictator. Mr. Obama has made veiled threats with no actual details of action. The United Nations has done its usual ineffectual job when dealing with real crisis, and Qaddafi continues on his merry way! As oil prices rise and food costs across the world rise, action must be taken; and it must be decisive! The muddled policies of the U.N. and the clouded speech from Washington mean nothing to Qaddafi. The U.N. and Mr. Obama must do something soon; THIS IS NOT A T.V. SHOW!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Genuine Concern"

I grew up in the 1950s. I remember Joe McCarthy, and his infamous hearings. I remember the era of the "blacklist", when people couldn't get jobs because of possible political beliefs. Hollywood writers were denied work once their names were smeared with unfounded charges. America, during those years, was a nation just coming out of a great world conflict against a terrible tyrant. Our security was of uppermost importance to the average American; communism "Scared the Hell out of us!" Korea was a hot-bed, and the thought of an infection of communist ideas was a real fear in 1950s America. This was a real threat; FBI files show they found countless actual subversives in our nation. There was then, and there are now people in this country that hate America. We have threats from the "right" with groups like the "White Aryan Nation", and the "Ku Klux Klan", also the "New Black Panther Party" from the far left,along with the "Young Communist Party". These are Americans who don't like our present way of life, and are willing to resort to almost any action to change it. As someone who has some knowledge of domestic intelligence, I can say with confidence that our intelligence community is watching those folks with their "eyes peeled".

Representative Peter King (Rep-N.Y.) is involved with hearings examining Muslim extremism in America today. Since 9-11, America is very interested in the radical Muslim movement and Jihad in America. This is a legitimate concern for all Americans, even those peaceful Muslims. We have seen a number of threats and actions by some "home grown" terrorists in the last couple of years. We had the "underwear bomber" and the "Times Square bomber", whose attempts were thwarted. We've seen Army Major Nadal Hasan, who succeeded in murdering and wounding several of our soldiers at Fort Hood. Regardless of the denial of some, Major Hasan was perpetrating Jihad in America. Representative King has been criticized by Al Sharpton over his hearing on Muslim extremism. Mr. King has been clear that this is not a "witch hunt"; it is a valid investigation into the infiltration of extremist ideals into the American Muslim community. Nobody is advocating "interment camps" for anybody. If this were an investigation into a white supremacy group, I'll bet Mr. Sharpton would not be so verbose in his opposition. All Klansman believe they are acting as "Christians" in their racist rantings and criminal acts; radical Muslims also believe they are acting as good Muslims in their hate-filled attacks on innocent people, not only in America, but throughout the world.

Mr. Sharpton needs to realize that fanatics come in all races and creeds; and the investigation of these radicals is a valuable pursuit for all Americans. If, by this investigation, one radical Muslim cell is eliminated, then it has been a success. If one American life is saved by this investigation, it has been a success. Mr. Sharpton is so consumed with being a political adversary, he is forgetting about what is really important; THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


General Motors, Union Carbide, Exxon, Ford Motors and Chrysler Corporation are just a tiny number of the businesses that employ people across America and the rest of the world. Most of the workers in America are employed by "smaller" businesses than the ones above, yet, if you ask most of the workers in those small businesses, they would say their owners are "rich". Wealth is a perception that is different in each person's eyes. One of the great things about living in America is that you can "take a shot"; we each have the option to try something on our own, to dip our feet into the "free market". Some people risk all they have in order to pursue their dreams; some fail, and some succeed; that's business. When they succeed, they help all those who "came along for the ride"; stock holders, banks and employees are all benefited by a successful business. The more those businesses make, the more they reinvest; they want to grow. When those companies grow, they employ more people, who in turn, pay more tax and spend more money, and thus grow our economy. Economics 101, common sense, easy to understand, don't you think? The money those owners invested in the beginning was all their risk, the profits that they realized are theirs and not any other person's to take, except for legal taxes and tariffs. If your neighbor walked over to your house after you sold it and asked for a portion of the sales money, what would you tell him? My guess is you would say something like "This is my money, not yours, I earned it, and you didn't!" You would be correct in your statement. Outside of legal deductions, we should get to keep what we make; sorry for those who weren't ambitious enough or daring enough to try to make more, that is not the fault of those who tried. They owe you nothing!

Michael Moore, a very rich man by almost anybodies standards, has made some interesting remarks recently. Mr. Moore said "They're (rich people) sitting on the money, they're using it for their own (duh)...they're putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with our life, with that money. We've allowed them to take that. That is not theirs, that's a natural resource, that's ours. We all have this (money), we all benefit from this (money) or we all suffer as a result of not having it." I don't remember Mr. Moore sending funds to any person from the sizable income he has acquired from his participation in the free market system. If he wishes to do so, he is perfectly welcome to do that; in this country you can give away as much as you want to! The last time I checked, money is not a "natural resource" although my Mom said to "go out in the yard and shake the money tree", I have yet to find that species of tree! Money is earned, not found; it takes effort and risk to create wealth; it belongs to those who put forth that effort and took that risk. Mr. Moore needs to check to see who is paying the most toward running our republic; it's the "rich folks", Michael! They pay enough already; it's important that the general public knows this! Their money belongs to them; the government will only throw it away on unproductive spending projects. The government never contributes to the Gross National Product; it makes nothing of economic value; it is money lost! Michael, why don't you give away all of your money if that is what makes you happy; let the rest of America decide for themselves where they want their money to go; it's called "individual choice!"

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Higher Education?"

I used to drive a delivery truck all over the Chicago area. I covered an area from Lake Michigan to Cicero Avenue, and Evanston to 79th Street: this is a very large area. I was able to see quite a bit of the city; its best and its worst. I saw the homes of the very wealthy and the very poor. I saw every type of business that exists in a big city. When I would get stuck in traffic, I would watch the people on the sidewalks; they are very diverse. Every day, I would drive down Lawrence Avenue; on Lawrence Avenue was the Admiral Theatre, "Chicago's most Luxurious Adult Theatre". I believe most of you know what the term "adult theatre" means, "skin flicks", "porn", "dirty movies". I would usually pass this theatre around 10 a.m. and it would already be open for business. The behavior of its clients was almost always the same; they would walk back and forth in front of the place and look around, perhaps looking for people they might know; when the "coast was clear" they would dart in like a scurrying rat. I guess they didn't want their friends seeing them go in there. I wonder why? Today, people who desire "adult entertainment" can go through those double doors at their local video store with little possibility of their friends seeing them. This is America, and if that "floats your boat" you have the right to do that; I don't have to pay for your movie rentals.

Northwestern Illinois University is one of America's most respected halls of learning. A degree from Northwestern was a great thing to have on anyone's resume; many great doctors and lawyers, judges and educators came from Northwestern. Charlton Heston was a Northwestern alumnus, you know, the guy who played Moses! Northwestern, like hundreds of other universities, receives federal money for grants and research: all of that is taxpayer's money. Northwestern has received 100 million dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA): that's a huge amount of our money. On February 21, 2011 Psychology Professor John Michael Bailey invited his students to a "sex show" in his class. This class is about human sexuality. During the "demonstration," a woman (non-student) took off her clothes and used mechanical devices on her private parts. This type of performance used to be limited to private booths in "adult bookstores"; it was never condoned in the educational forum. If I was paying the tuition (which is extremely high) for a son or daughter at Northwestern, I would be more than upset. Prof. Bailey said these words "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but watching naked people on stage doing pleasurable things will never hurt you." I certainly hope none of my tax dollars are being used to subsidize this "peep show". As we are approaching a gigantic budget crisis, perhaps we should examine where our educational funding could be reduced. This isn't a program for computers for the poor, or school lunches. If Northwestern can afford to pay for this, they may have more money than they need. I hope those that are considering budget cuts are looking at this program and others like it. THIS IS NOT EDUCATION; IT'S PORN!

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Gun Control is a BAD IDEA!"

Do you cook much? I like to cook and I sometimes try different recipes; some succeed and some fail. Sometimes I throw things together from my cabinet, just to see what happens; a little bit of "this and that"; sometimes genius, sometimes disaster! I never use combinations again once they prove themselves "icky" in a trial dish. I try to learn from my mistakes, as should we all.

Gun control and the second amendment seem to be under constant scrutiny in America today. Our Constitution is very clear in its wording about the right of private citizen to keep and bear arms. It is number two in the "Bill of Rights", which tells us how important it was to our Founding Fathers. An armed populous gives pause to an oppressive government. I own firearms, legal firearms. I don't have a police record; I've served my country with honor and I'm a respected member of my community. I don't have any medical condition which could limit my ability to properly use a firearm. It is my private right to own these weapons and it is confidential. Our state police know who have legal firearms; this is a logical policy. My mayor doesn't know who owns firearms; it's none of his business. No outside government agency outside of law enforcement should have my personal information when it comes to firearms. Yesterday, the Illinois Legislature defeated a bill which would have given the government the rights to the names of all "legal" gun owners in the state. Thank God for ethical legislators! Believe me when I say criminals don't usually carry a firearms owners identification card; THEY ARE CRIMINALS!!

Let's look at former attempts at "gun control"! In 1911, Turkey established gun control; from 1914 through 1917, 1.5 million unarmed Armenians were exterminated; gun control! In 1935, China established gun control, when the communists took power from 1948 through 1952, 20 million unarmed dissidents were rounded up and exterminated; gun control. In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control, between 1929 and 1953, 20 million unarmed political enemies were rounded up and exterminated; gun control. It is now 12 months since Australia forced its citizens to surrender their legal weapons; here are some statistics: in Victoria, homicide is up 300%, nationwide assault is up 8.6%, armed robbery is up 44%. Here is the best part; it only cost the Australian taxpayer 500 million dollars! History has shown us that gun control is a bad idea! Regulation is a good idea; we don't want criminals or mental cases to own guns! We do want responsible citizens to be able to own guns; just as Jefferson, Adams and Franklin did. It's time our legislators paid some attention to history. I would have them follow Jefferson and Adams rather than Stalin and Mao!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Respect For All"

Do you ever question who you are? Have you ever looked in the mirror and said "What do I really believe?" Why are we the way we are? I was raised to try to be as honest as I possibly could be; to speak with a truthful voice, so there would be no question about my character or motivation on any issue. It is never a good idea to lump any group into a stereotype; you know, all Irish are drunks, all Italians are in the Mafia, the Jews are all cheap or all blacks are gang members. When we dwell on those perceptions, we do a disservice to every race and every ethnic group we have slurred. As Americans, we should find this type of behavior as abhorrent and repugnant. When a person is elected to office, they are obligated to represent "ALL THE PEOPLE", regardless of their personal experiences or political affiliation. When a political adversary is called out with no factual basis, it gives us reason to question the motives of that person who has smeared them.

Here is a news flash: President Obama is black! I don't think anyone can deny this fact; so what!! President Obama is a liberal; I don't believe anyone can deny that! Does it matter if he is black? To some morons out there, Mr. Obama's pigmentation is important; stay away from those people, they have "cranial rectal inversion", or their heads are up their anuses!

On March 10, 2010, President Obama made some statements at a White House gathering that calls to question his ability to make honest opinions about the TEA Party and its advocates. Kenneth T. Walsh, author of "Family of Freedom Presidents and African Americans in the White House", asked Mr. Obama some questions, which he candidly answered. Obama quickly said he was building a "race neutral administration"; a good statement. He went on to say "I do come to this issue (race) with personal experiences that are unlike any previous presidents." The President then went on to say "....race is still an issue for him in many ways, suggesting it was a key component to the growing TEA party movement..."Obama also agreed there was a "subterranean agenda" in the anti-Obama movement that was a racially based one.

This interview of one year ago was glossed over by the media. Why weren't these words more prominent in the reporting of the news? This interview opened a window into who Barack Obama is and what he believes to be truth. Mr. Obama believes that anyone who doesn't go along with his political philosophy is a RACIST! As a conservative, I find this a direct attack and a distortion by a sitting President on a "minority group", a form of racism, if you will. Mr. Obama needs to apologize to the members of America's conservative movement for his prejudicial remarks. Just as it is spurious to say all Irish are drunks or all blacks are gang members, it is just as spurious to say all conservatives are racists.

Mr. Obama, you are President of all the people; it is beneath your office to make statements that stereotype any group or movement. AMERICA, WHO IS THE REAL PREJUDICED ONE HERE?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"And Justice For All!"

I love my Italian heritage; the food is great, the family unity is wonderful and we have Frank Sinatra! When we go out to dinner, I always opt for Italian food when available; it's yummy! I always loved the conversations with my great uncles and my grandmother, when they talked about the "old country". My wife is from Jewish heritage, and she loves to talk about her older relatives and the stories they could tell. They also have great food! I learned about "bagels and lox" while we were dating; yummy! During my life, I heard the words "Dago" and "Wop"; they never sat well with me. My wife heard words like "Kike" and "Yidd"; these were just as hurtful. No one knows more about oppression and prejudice than the Jewish people. All that being said, when push comes to shove, we are Americans of different cultural backgrounds, all equal under the American Justice System; all entitled to the same protections under that system. Every social and ethnic group has stories of oppression and name calling. Our justice system should never choose to impose personal feelings in the meeting out of justice in America. If your feelings get in the way of equal justice, then you must resign! You are unfit for your position!

Eric Holder is the Attorney General of the United States of America, the chief legal officer in this nation. Eric Holder is black; so what! Mr. Holder's racial background should have nothing to do with his execution of his duties! When Mr. Holder wakes up in the morning, he should see an American in the mirror first; then, he should see his skin color, not the reverse! In a recent hearing over the New Black Panther voter intimidation incident, he believes that focus on that case "demeans my people"; are they the American people, Mr. Holder? Holder has been accused of failure to pursue this case and having it dismissed by the Civil Rights Commission. Holder said "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was describe it in those terms, I think, does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people." I find the term "my people" used by Mr. Holder as very disturbing. Who are Mr. Holder's people; are they not the American people, Mr. Holder? Is what you are saying is that voter intimidation is acceptable in certain situations? Are you advocating a double standard in our justice system? Mr Holder has also accused the GOP of using the "race card" in this situation. Once again, when all else fails, racism is called out! This is a tired argument and America is sick of hearing it! Mr. Holder's job is to prosecute those who break the law, regardless of race, creed or national origin. He is supposed to put personal prejudice aside. If he can't do this, then he should RESIGN!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Ocean Going Thugs!"

"Captain Blood", "Long John Silver", "Black Beard" and the "Dreaded Pirate Roberts" are names that sparked the imagination of many young boys. I remember watching a swashbuckling Errol Flynn swing aboard his intended conquest, his sword slashing through any who stood in his way. It was a glamorous thing to be a pirate. They were all handsome and virile; never harming the beautiful maidens who always managed to be aboard their captured vessels. Once the battle was over, the heroic pirate never indulged in pointless violence; he always took the high road, never turning to revenge on any helpless captive. Eventually the hero would release his victims on a desert island, with enough provisions to last them until they could be found. Back in the days of Errol Flynn, those pirates had "honor". In reality, pirates throughout history were sea going street gangs who terrorized the oceans with abandon and merciless violence; few lived through encounters with those renegade murderers and rapists. In truth, there were no "Errol Flynn's", with flashing smiles and love of "honor and chivalry"; they were thugs and sociopaths. It's too bad life isn't like the movies!

Last week four innocent people lost their lives to Somali pirates. These people were Americans who were on a mission to distribute bibles to other nations. None of them had ever harmed anyone; these were good honest people. Scott and Jean Adams, and Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle were middle aged folks who wanted to do something good when they set sail aboard the "Quest". They didn't resist their invaders; they offered no opposition or retaliation to those sea-thugs. One of the pirates said, "The hostages pleaded with us not to harm them. They cried when we captured them...and asked us to release them because they were too old and couldn't endure captivity." I guess those guys didn't watch any "Errol Flynn Movies"! They proceeded to murder those innocent people without conscience. Statements that have since been released by pirates say they will now kill any Americans that they capture, with no exceptions!

It is time for our President to issue orders to sink all pirate vessels, regardless of the flags they may fly. It is time to arm all commercial vessels with enough fire power to destroy any threatening vessels that may approach them. If these murderers want to "battle on the high seas", then we should give it to them with our fullest efforts. If any government endorses their actions, they should be put on notice that the United States will no longer exercise mercy on any ship that may aid these killers. Perhaps, if the United States provides an example of strength to the rest of the world, they will learn from it. There are no "Errol Flynn's" on those ships; they are more like "Cripps and Bloods", and should be regarded as such!!