Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Hot Pants for Barack!"

When you were little, did you ever get caught telling a “fib”? I’m sure you all must remember a time in your childhood when one of your siblings or friends caught you in an untruth. Some childhood “stories” are done to promote one’s self image, or to cover up something that one was not too proud of; you know, a screw-up. At times, when you were caught, you may have heard these words: “Liar, liar, pants on fire!” You may even have heard references to your nose growing (Pinocchio). Most childhood “fibs” are innocent attempts to embellish our accomplishments to our peers; lies to our parents are usually a more serious offense that can lead to “overheated underwear”.

As I have grown older, my childhood accomplishments seem to have grown more “legendary” in their re-telling, and my failures seem to have diminished; years change perspective. The baseballs I hit have gone further and the victories on the wrestling mats became epic battles. We like to build ourselves up in front of others; we all have “pride issues”.

Now, the occasional “tall story” is told by just about everybody, it is human nature. If a man tells his grandchildren of his exploits, and “adds” to his stories, I have no problem with that; it is a grandfather’s prerogative to “stretch the truth” in that situation. I do have a problem with a man who makes things up, or juggles the books, to make him into something that he isn’t to attain personal gain.

Over the course of the last 41 months we have watched our National Debt grow to monstrous  proportions; a debt so high that it will take generations to rectify. We have seen our GNP crawl and employment stagnate. Our economic growth is shameful and business is expanding at a “snail’s pace” due to over regulation and the persistent pressing of an ideological philosophy of taxation and wealth re-distribution.

The current President of the United States, Barack Obama, has plunged this nation into an era of the worst fiscal irresponsibility in American history. There is no argument that can be made to rationalize the Obama policies that can justify this economic debacle.

About a week ago, Barack Obama made some statements about being the most “conservative spender” since the Eisenhower Administration. I’m glad Ike wasn’t around to hear this; I’m sure he would take serious issue with Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama has once again tried to shuffle the pages of history and put some blame on George W. Bush, who has been out of office for FORTY-ONE MONTHS. Obama refuses, once more, to take responsibility for the works of his administration. Mr. Obama is “fibbing again”, to build up his image.

Whether Barack Obama likes it or not, that 15 trillion dollar financial behemoth belongs to him, and nobody else. In FORTY-ONE MONTHS he has more than doubled the Bush deficit of NINETY-SIX MONTHS! Mr. Obama’s “green initiative” has lost BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER’S DOLLARS on failed projects that have produced nothing but some profits for a few close friends.

Mr. Obama is depending on an electorate that will just take him at his word about all of his “fiscal accomplishments” and his “conservative values”.

It is our responsibility to call him out about his spurious claims of conservative spending. This Administration and this President are the most financially irresponsible branches of government that America has ever seen, BAR NONE, and all the facts are at the fingertips of every person who can read in America.

The next time Mr. Obama looks in a mirror, he may want to check the length of his “nose” and look behind him for some “blazing pants”!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Freedom is a funny thing; if you never had any, you probably won’t miss it, but if you get a taste of it you get hooked on it. I remember my first few weeks in the Army, and I found out what it meant to have limitations on your freedom. Here I was at Fort Benning, Georgia, the hottest place I had ever been up to that point of my life. At 4:30 A.M., I was roused from my bunk by a most irritating sound, a baton being banged against a trash can; what a great start to the day! We had what seemed like seconds to shower, shave, dress and be standing in formation, or there would be “consequences”. I was told when to eat, when to sleep and when I could go to the washroom; there were no options, or opinions allowed, except those muttered under your breath. My time in the service gave me a great desire for individual freedom; I really appreciated being able to express my opinion after not being allowed to have one.

Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they made free speech our 1st amendment; I really like it! All of our other rights are connected to that “No.1 Right”, and without that right, we could easily be in danger of losing all the rest. We must be very wary of any proposed ordinance or legislation that proposes limitations on our right to free speech.

Last week, I read an article about my old friend, Vladimir Putin. Mr. Putin now sits in the Kremlin as President of Russia, once again. Since his recent election, there have been some rumblings of discord from those who don’t support the old KGB Chief, and Mr. Putin doesn’t like that.

The article I read said new “draconian” fines have been proposed for those who protest currently instituted policies from Putin’s new administration. Fines have been increased 200% for infractions committed by protestors; Mr. Putin is now beginning his CRACKDOWN on free speech in Russia.

The new proposed legislation has been demonstrated against by the Yabloko Party, and several dissidents were rounded up by police. I saw no reports of any violence or criminal acts being perpetrated by the opposing demonstrators; unlike America, where some protestors of the OCCUPY movement who threw feces and openly assaulted American police officers. It was only in the case of open assault and criminal activity that warranted arrests in those OCCUPY protests, otherwise they were free to protest in a peaceful manner.

Russia has had a republic for a relatively short time, and all the “kinks” in this new type of government haven’t been completely worked out. There are some old “hard liners” who still subscribe to the ways of the old Soviet Union, and would happily embrace a return to government control of everything, being told where to work, when to work and what was correct speech from the citizens. I believe Mr. Putin, under his blue suit, still wears a KGB heart and a desire to bring Russia back to the days of the Soviet Gulag, and newspapers controlled by the party.

I have several Russian readers, and I appreciate them very much. Please, my friends; guard your speech rights dearly; once they are gone, you are left with very little recourse in self government. I stand for you in your quest to maintain your freedom; good luck “Tovarich”!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"To Those Who Paid Our Price"

I went to see my barber yesterday, as I have neglected my hair a little too long. I drive about 25 miles to see my barber, as I like the way he cuts my hair, and he is also a close friend of mine; despite the fact that he is a Cub fan. The route I take to see him goes through quite a bit of farm country and a couple of small towns; I even pass one of Lincoln’s log cabins on the way.

I was wearing my veterans cap to conceal the excessive hair growth on my gray head; pretty bushy even for a man of “advanced age” as myself. As I drove along, I watched the scenery around me; rolling hills, churches, farm houses and large fields surrounded by trees; really very beautiful in bright sunlight. America is a beautiful country; we have great forests, high mountains, great bodies of water, abundant fields and orchards and glistening cities. I don’t know of any other nation that offers the variety of scenery that America has.

I sometimes wonder if we take the time to appreciate what surrounds us, or just take it all for granted. Our nation has fertile fields enough to feed our millions of citizens; we have coal and fossil fuel just beneath our feet, and a free market economy that when, left unfettered, can provide income for the majority of its citizens, Our children can go to school every day in schools that our taxes support, and we are free to attend any house of worship we like. There are very few people who are as blessed as those who are Americans; if we only realized it!

All of the things I’ve mentioned above are the result of our freedoms stated in the “Bill of Rights”, the first 10 amendments to our Constitution. Over the course of generations, we have seen those times when despots and dictators have become a threat to the American way of life, and the freedom of the world. We have seen Hitler try to eliminate an entire people, and try to take all of Europe as a trophy for his Reich. The cost for stopping Hitler and all others of his ilk is the blood of free people, who are willing to pay the ultimate price for the freedom of mankind.

In November, we have “Veteran’s Day”, and I kind of like that holiday, as my wife treats me a little better than usual, and I certainly take advantage of that! I laud every person who has taken part of their lives to serve our nation; it is not always an easy thing to do!

Monday is “Memorial Day”, a day dedicated to those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who paid a price that the rest of us didn’t; they gave their lives that we might live in a free America! Every day we read newspapers, watch television and listen to the radio and go on with “life as usual”, not thinking of why this is possible. Men and women have given up their last breath so you and I could speak freely, without reservation about anything we like. We can travel where we like, eat what we like and worship where we like; and this is all courtesy of those who put us ahead of themselves!

On Monday, when you start those charcoal fires, and put on those burgers and hot dogs, and watch that baseball game on television, try to remember those people who aren’t doing any of those things; they paid the price for you, and they did it gladly!

I salute all of those who have given so much. I hope America never forgets those freedoms which these brave Americans have died for. Celebrate them on Monday; I’m sure they will hear you from a much “higher place”!

(This is my last blog until next Wednesday; have a great holiday; display our Flag!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"My Kids"

I stated in earlier articles that I have a part-time job as a crossing guard for our local elementary school. I have been doing this job since last August and I really enjoy the time I get to talk to the kids as they walk to school. I have been given flowers, candy and even a rock from some of my “admirers”; I signed my first autograph on a little girl’s book last week. This job is more than a few dollars toward gasoline and groceries to me. I have a real attachment for “my kids”.

Yesterday was the end of the term; you must remember, that last hour or so we had to return to school for report cards, a required state attendance day. I decided to wait at the school rather than return home. As I sat in my van, I thought about the summers I spent as a little boy, running around the grade school playground, playing softball, riding my bicycle and finding dead animals with my buddies (it’s a boy thing). We didn’t have video games or computers, and television only had five channels (including PBS). If you got stuck in the house, all you had were board games and books, and who wanted books after a year of school. I remember sitting in our kitchen while my Mom ironed and listened to “Stella Dallas” on the radio, or “Don McNeill’s Breakfast Club”. America was in a time of prosperity and world leadership; it was the standard for everybody else. Even as children, we all knew nobody could “whip the U.S.A.” and we were proud of that. My Dad and my Uncles got rid of Hitler and Hirohito, who could stand up to the power of a free America; the Russians, not a chance!!

I now look at the world “my kids” are going to be living in and I’m concerned for their future. It seems America is no longer the “Tower of Power” it once was. Not everyone’s dad has a job, or if he does, it doesn’t allow for their moms to stay at home with them, as she needs to work too. They live at a time which has blurred the lines between what is right and what is wrong, and many of them are confused in this society that has bred confusion about every aspect of their lives. Some of them may have teachers who tell them America isn’t a good place, that America has guilt for the rest of the world’s problems. Our children face ambiguous morality, and nobody wants to commit to setting a standard for fear of offending one minority or another. They are in a country where their President has apologized to people who are responsible for killing innocent Americans with an unprovoked attack. There isn’t much they see at the store that says “made in U.S.A.”; it is usually China, Korea or Thailand. This may be the reason why their dads sometimes do not have jobs. Some of these kids won’t be able to take a vacation because the cost of fuel makes that vacation unreachable for their parents.

I wonder where this country will be over the course of the next few years. Our businesses and industries have been slowed down to the point of stopping because of over-regulation and fringe group interference in the market place. Our national security is in jeopardy from policies that weaken our defenses both at home and abroad, and our nation is perilously close to a financial collapse because of a huge debt which we accumulated in only four years, and our current leadership seems intent on increasing.

As the kids ran out of school today, many of them stopped to give me a hug and wish me a good summer. I have great fondness for those children. I hope America can respond to what those children really need; not an America on her knees, but an America committed to her founding principles and morals. These young smiling faces deserve our best, and that is giving them a government that won’t interfere, but will encourage; a strong America that stands in fear of no other nation, an America we can be proud of!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Obama's Mr. Wright!"

I just finished watching the “Cross-Town Classic” last week-end, the big series between the White Sox (my guys) and the Cubs (not my guys). This is a huge event in Chicago; if you think politics is divisive, you need to watch the fans during this series. If you can get a ticket, you will pay dearly for it. I don’t know if it can be rivaled by anything short of the World Series to any baseball fan in the “Windy City”.

This year’s series at Wrigley Field was “swept” by the White Sox!!! I am very happy about this, and have not been a very humble guy to some of my friends who are Cub fans. I would apologize, but it would be insincere; I loved it!!

I would have loved to hear the conversations at Wrigley Field during and after each Sox victory, as fans (me included) will always make excuses for their favorite team’s losses.

I did remark to one of my Cub friends that their team needs to load their line-up with long-ball hitters, as Wrigley Field is a “shooting gallery” for home runs, and their choices of managers have left something to be desired lately. Even at this early part of the season, it looks like the Cubs are already just “riding it out ‘til next year”; something Sox fans do not tolerate from their team.

My criticism has not been well taken from my Cub friends, even though it was heart-felt and truthful. If you want to be a winner, you must take truthful criticism, unless you are fearful of the truth. Yes, the truth sometimes hurts!

Over the last week or so, we have seen much talk about something that has not taken place yet, but seems to be the heart of a great controversy. A political action committee wants to start a campaign about Jeremiah Wright and his influence on Barack Obama. Wright was Obama’s Pastor for 20 years in Chicago, and preaches Black Liberation Theology (Black Victimology). The “hoopla” over this proposed campaign has been enormous from both sides of the political spectrum. Rahm Emanuel says it is an insult to the President, and has no place in American politics; folks on the right say it is truthful and the public has a right to know. Obama admits to attending the incendiary preacher’s church for many years, and even said Wright was a mentor to him during those years. I won’t go through a series of Wright’s quotes, as they are easy enough to find on You-Tube. Let me suffice in saying, Wright’s views on America are, at best, on the fringe of disloyalty, and extremely radical in their content.

There has been an anti-Romney ad that talks about his time as CEO at Bain Capital. The ad shows some people who lost their jobs because of a Bain Capital take-over and downsizing initiative to make the acquisition profitable. The innuendo was that this was Mitt Romney’s fault; but it seems that Mr. Romney was already gone from Bain Capital for two years when this take-over took place! There is a lot to be said for fact checking!!

Since the last election, we have heard quite a bit about Jeremiah Wright; none of it is too flattering, but it is all available for public viewing. Barack Obama has done everything short of cleansing the public record to distance himself from his “mentor”.

Everything George W. Bush did was put under a microscope by the left, and there was little criticism that it was inappropriate to drag Mr. Bush’s life before the American public. Once again, we see the bias toward Barack Obama rear its ugly head, as Obama isn’t held to the same standard as any other President

What else will the American public have hidden from them by those who “protect the image” of Barack Hussein Obama? We know very little about the man who now sits in the White House, and I find this very disturbing; do you?