Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Code of Conduct?"

I remember my Dad telling me something when I was very young, perhaps seven or eight years old, he said “Everything you do outside this house reflects on you and your family; never do anything to dishonor your family’s name.” Now being a kid, I got into my share of messes, but nothing too severe; maybe those words my Dad spoke about in my early years had some impact on my later behavior. What my Father was doing was giving me a “code of conduct” to live my life by.

When I was seven, I began going to church and learning about God and His laws, you know, the Ten Commandments. A list in plain language would probably sound like this.

1.         Honor God before anything else in your life.
2.         Don’t pray to any images of this world, just pray to God!
3.         Don’t use God’s name to curse anything, it is to be respected.
4.         Honor God on the Sabbath day; he comes before everything, even the NFL!
5.         Honor your parents, this is not a suggestion, it’s a rule.
6.         Don’t murder!
7.         Keep yourself pure, this is how you will honor your future spouse (get married first).
8.         Don’t steal!
9.         Don’t lie!
10.       Don’t worry about what somebody else has; he worked for it, and it’s not yours.

These are some pretty good rules, and they will definitely help build good character.

The Boy Scouts also have a “code of conduct” which says this:

“On my honor I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake, and morally straight.”

These sound like some really good things too, also meant to build good character.

Our military also has some words to describe how they should conduct themselves:
The Marines say “Semper Fidelis”, always faithful. The Navy says ”Honor, Courage, Commitment”.  West Point says “Honor, Duty, Country”. The Air Force says “Integrity First” and “Service, Before Self”. The Coast Guard says “Semper Paratus”, always ready.

All of those are great slogans to live by and it takes commitment to live by them.

This week, we are seeing the OCCUPY movement once again pollute our cities with their endless diatribe against the American way of life in an effort to promote their socialist and communist agenda. So far, 66 people have been arrested across the country for perpetrating vandalism and causing public disturbances outside the boundaries of peaceful protest. Since the start of this movement, there have been hundreds of arrests, and even alleged acts of homicide committed by these “peaceful protestors”. Private property has been destroyed and police have been assaulted with missiles of all types, including human waste! These groups have seen the likes of Neo-Nazis, communists and socialists throughout the crowds at every demonstration site.

I wonder what “code of conduct” these people have had taught to them? Our current educational system is overrun with ex-Hippies and 60s protestors who have “infected our children” with a bunch of socialist and communist garbage, and the best part is that hard working American parents have paid to have this un-American propaganda heaped upon their children. Nancy Pelosi admires this movement, along with her boss, Barack Obama! I wonder what their “CODE OF CONDUCT” might be?

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