Thursday, May 17, 2012

"First Hand Knowledge!"

Did you ever get “picked on” when you were little? There are few of us who haven’t had to deal with a “bully”, and it isn’t much fun. My Dad’s advice was to stand up to him, call his bluff and issue a well placed kick. I always liked my Dad’s incite. Bullies are usually “jerks”, who can’t stand up against someone who shows them for what they really are.

Recently, there has been a story circulating about Mitt Romney saying he “bullied” some boy while he was in boarding school because the boy exhibited “gay tendencies”. The details I read said that the boy was held down while others (not Romney) cut his hair. This story has been spread all over the media over the last few days. It has now been revealed that there is no factual basis for this tale; it is all conjecture and innuendo. There are no witnesses to either verify, or deny this incident ever took place.

Mitt Romney has been in the public eye for several years now, and I find it odd that until he became the presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee, this incident remained undisclosed. At no time during the battle for the nomination did any Republican hopeful say a word about this alleged behavior, when “bloodletting” is rampant by fellow candidates. Thus far, Governor Romney has “soft-peddled” the entire story as a non-issue; a very intelligent decision on his part. He says he has no memory of the alleged confrontation, and I have a tendency to believe him, as any victim of this abuse would have come forward long before this campaign season. I don’t think Mitt Romney is a bully.

During the campaign for President in 2008, Barack Obama admitted to trying cocaine as a college student; this is not a story, it is an admitted fact from our current President. Our jails and hospitals are full of people who have abused drugs during their lives. Drug abuse in America is at an epidemic level. Children in junior high school on up through college have been found to have severe drug and alcohol problems. It’s nice to know that our “Chief Executive” has some first-hand knowledge in this area.

Mr. Obama stated that he hasn’t touched any drugs for many years, and that may be true, so I will give him the “benefit of the doubt” in this area. I do believe that a college student, with “exemplary grades” should have shown better sense that to try illicit drugs for fun, after all, he was near “adulthood” at that time, but “boys will be boys” I guess.

An adolescent doesn’t have adult maturity while in a high school or junior high school environment; most of the time, decisions are not well thought out. Many times a young boy will “opt for stupid” when submitting to peer pressure. I know because I have “opted for stupid” myself while growing up.

The fact that the media is churning up this story about Mitt Romney, from decades ago, shows the desperation of the left. Currently, Barack Obama is pandering to the “Gay Community”, and anything that will cast an aspersion toward Mitt Romney is “fair game”, even if it’s an untruth!

The next election should be decided on issues, not allegations, especially allegations that are proven to be LIES! Mr. Obama should be talking about his last four years in office, you know, his record. Perhaps, facts are not Mr. Obama’s strong suit! What do you think America?

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