Thursday, May 24, 2012

"To Those Who Paid Our Price"

I went to see my barber yesterday, as I have neglected my hair a little too long. I drive about 25 miles to see my barber, as I like the way he cuts my hair, and he is also a close friend of mine; despite the fact that he is a Cub fan. The route I take to see him goes through quite a bit of farm country and a couple of small towns; I even pass one of Lincoln’s log cabins on the way.

I was wearing my veterans cap to conceal the excessive hair growth on my gray head; pretty bushy even for a man of “advanced age” as myself. As I drove along, I watched the scenery around me; rolling hills, churches, farm houses and large fields surrounded by trees; really very beautiful in bright sunlight. America is a beautiful country; we have great forests, high mountains, great bodies of water, abundant fields and orchards and glistening cities. I don’t know of any other nation that offers the variety of scenery that America has.

I sometimes wonder if we take the time to appreciate what surrounds us, or just take it all for granted. Our nation has fertile fields enough to feed our millions of citizens; we have coal and fossil fuel just beneath our feet, and a free market economy that when, left unfettered, can provide income for the majority of its citizens, Our children can go to school every day in schools that our taxes support, and we are free to attend any house of worship we like. There are very few people who are as blessed as those who are Americans; if we only realized it!

All of the things I’ve mentioned above are the result of our freedoms stated in the “Bill of Rights”, the first 10 amendments to our Constitution. Over the course of generations, we have seen those times when despots and dictators have become a threat to the American way of life, and the freedom of the world. We have seen Hitler try to eliminate an entire people, and try to take all of Europe as a trophy for his Reich. The cost for stopping Hitler and all others of his ilk is the blood of free people, who are willing to pay the ultimate price for the freedom of mankind.

In November, we have “Veteran’s Day”, and I kind of like that holiday, as my wife treats me a little better than usual, and I certainly take advantage of that! I laud every person who has taken part of their lives to serve our nation; it is not always an easy thing to do!

Monday is “Memorial Day”, a day dedicated to those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines who paid a price that the rest of us didn’t; they gave their lives that we might live in a free America! Every day we read newspapers, watch television and listen to the radio and go on with “life as usual”, not thinking of why this is possible. Men and women have given up their last breath so you and I could speak freely, without reservation about anything we like. We can travel where we like, eat what we like and worship where we like; and this is all courtesy of those who put us ahead of themselves!

On Monday, when you start those charcoal fires, and put on those burgers and hot dogs, and watch that baseball game on television, try to remember those people who aren’t doing any of those things; they paid the price for you, and they did it gladly!

I salute all of those who have given so much. I hope America never forgets those freedoms which these brave Americans have died for. Celebrate them on Monday; I’m sure they will hear you from a much “higher place”!

(This is my last blog until next Wednesday; have a great holiday; display our Flag!)

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