Friday, May 4, 2012

"A No Brainer!"

Have you ever been cut off in traffic and had to make a split-second decision? You may have had to swerve into another lane, or even drive off the road to avoid an accident. In times like those, our options become instantly limited and only one choice seems available.

In 1941, Franklin Roosevelt went before Congress to announce a formal declaration of war against the Empire of Japan. We were attacked without notice at Pearl Harbor; the cost of American lives was devastating, and America was ANGRY!

My personal belief is that regardless of who was sitting in the Oval Office on December 7th 1941, the decision that would have been made would be identical to that of Franklin Roosevelt.

Harry Truman gave the order to use nuclear bombs against Japan in 1945. Harry had the option of prolonging the war or ending it months and perhaps years earlier. Tens of thousands of American lives were probably saved by Truman’s decision. I also believe that any President who was in office at that time would have made the same decision, as a president’s first duty is the preservation of American lives.

Jack Kennedy took America to the brink of nuclear war with the Soviet Union to avoid having nuclear missiles on Cuban soil, only 95 miles from America. Once again, any sitting President would have to take a similar action to protect the American people.

Sometimes a President will be called upon to “Call Down the Thunder” on an enemy, and people will die because of his decision; most of the time those decisions are unavoidable, like driving into the next lane to avoid an accident, and are the only option that could be made at the time. At times, we call decisions like this “No Brainers”!

A year ago, Osama bin Laden was killed by a group of Navy Seals at the order of the President of the United States, Barack  Obama. Osama bin Laden was the man who took responsibility for the cowardly murders committed on 9-11, killing over 3,000 innocent American citizens; not soldiers, civilians spending a day in New York City.

Osama bin Laden deserved to die, I’m only sorry his death wasn’t more painful and prolonged! I’m glad President Obama gave that order, one of the few decisions he has made that I agree with. I must also make this observation; I believe any sitting President, including Richard M. Nixon and Jimmy Carter would have done the same thing. No person who calls themselves an American could have possibly done anything else.

Barack Obama loves to take credit for good things just like everybody else does; he enjoys patting himself on the back. He did a good thing when he eliminated Osama bin Laden, but then he went a little too far; he politicized the whole thing. Mr. Obama cast aspersions against Mitt Romney, insinuating that Mr. Romney would not have ordered the death of bin Laden. Mr. Obama even misstated Romney who made a complete statement that said he would eliminate the terrorist leader. By the word misstated, I meant LIED.
Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy never used these devastating decisions to advance their political careers; only Barack Obama is making this type of decision into a political issue, and casting a shadow on a prospective political opponent. I know Barack Obama doesn’t have much of a record to campaign on, but Obama’s statements about Mr. Romney reveals to me who is the NO BRAINER!!

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