Tuesday, March 16, 2010

" Will America Get Pinned?"

From the time I was a young boy I've been a wrestling fan. I remember staying up late and watching the likes of "Killer Kowalski","Georgeous George", and "Haystacks Calhoun" thrill me with their ferocity and courage in the ring. Sometimes my Dad would pick me up and "slam" me into our mattress, we had a great time back when all t.v. was black and white. As I grew up I continued to watch my ring heroes, "Baron Von Ratchke", "Yukon Moose Cholack", and "Ernie Ladd" were early morning fare for me on Sunday and I rarely missed a show. I later passed on my "addiction" to my little girl, we would spend many hours watching "Hulk Hogan","Macho Man, Randy Savage", and " Andre the Giant". The "high point" for Gina was when we surprised her with a live show at the Rosemont Horizon where the "Hulkster" took on "Killer Khan". I'll never forget the look on her face when she realized what was actualy going on that night, as I picked her up I could feel her little heart pounding in her chest. One of our favorite "bad guys" was Ted DiBiase, better known as "The Million Dollar Man". His catch phrase was " Everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man", his claim was he could buy anything or anyone. He even bought the "title" from Andre the Giant on nation wide television. In actuality Dibiase is a great guy who often makes appearances at churches giving youth groups talks about doing the right things in life, and choosing the right path, but his wrestling image still follows him around.

In the very near future our Congress will be taking a vote on Obama-care. This is in all probability the most talked about and least understood bill ever to be addressed by our legislature. Our own "million dollar man", Barack Obama, is at the spearhead of the "sell job" of this debacle. All opponents of this travesty have been hit with a barrage of shells from all sides by Obama's minions. Most of us who have been following this issue have seen the blatant attempts to buy votes with gigantic sums in funding to specific states for pet projects and vague promises of judicial appointments for relatives of some legislators. I'm sure we are aware of the threats that are available for Pelosi to wield as the Speaker of the House, and I'm sure she is not above using them. Barack Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are "tag teaming" to gain a victory over the American people. Integrity is being challenged on all levels as the "hard sell" is pressuring Congress to submit to Obama's will.

America now we must wait and watch the process; we must judge the integrity of our elected officials. Over the next few days we must decide who will yield to pressure and who will stand up in the face of adversity. We will now see who found his price from "the Million Dollar Man"!!

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