Monday, March 8, 2010

" Eye Exam"

Once a year I must go to my eye doctor for a regular examination and be checked for cataracts, as I have mild diabetes. I know this is necessary so I grudgingly submit to good sense even though personally I hate having my pupils dilated. I will be unable to drive home so my lovely wife is going to be my designated driver for the day. If any of you are unfamiliar with the procedure it goes like this; first there is a regular eye exam, you know looking at the chart, then drops are put in your eyes and you wait what seems like a lifetime for your pupils to dilate. The more you dilate the more light enters your eyes until light of any kind puts you in mind of a mole put in front of an atomic blast. All things are put in complete light to the point of it being painful. After the exam I will put on dark glasses and my wife will lead me around like a guide dog until late evening, as it takes a while for the effects to wear off. I spend a little time cursing and complaining about the treatment, yet I know it is for my own good.

America is being barraged with more and more scandal from Washington. Charlie Rangel just stepped down from the "ways and means" chairmanship until charges of tax fraud are resolved. He is the latest is what seems to be a deluge of scandal that is constantly erupting from our seat of government. Most of this type of behavior has been uncovered by people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX NEWS. This abuse of office is not limited to the democrats there are plenty of republicans who share the spotlight too. Perhaps the revelations of investigative reporting can be painful at times it is something that is necessary for the good of the people to have their "pupils dilated" in the public forum. We need all the light in to reveal exactly what is going on and hold those accountable for their actions whose behavior is questionable. Conversely our public servants need their eyes opened to the reality that the people of America are watching them, even when the facts revealed are not to their liking.

Medical treatment is not always pleasant, yet it is sometimes very important in the curing of terrible disease. At times we want to curse the doctor when the treatment is uncomfortable. We have seen people like Beck and FOX demonized by those who find the "light" they shed unpleasant; the "treatment" hurts.

It is time for America to take the "medicine" and the "treatment" no matter how unpleasant it might be. We must remember that no matter how bad the "medicine" may be, the "disease" is much worse. Let us stop cursing the "doctors", they are just doing their jobs. America it is time we get "dilated"!

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