Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Welcome to America, We Have Rules!"

Over a hundred years ago my grandparents, Vincenzo and Angelena, came to America on a ship full of immigrants from across Europe to seek something they could not find in their home countries. Way back then we didn't have any social programs to speak of; once a person hit the shores they were pretty much on their own. There wasn't any "welcome wagon" for the new arrivals, yet they came asking only for the chance that America offers all its' citizens. The only help they could possibly expect was from family members who had preceded them to the "land of promise". They entered through Ellis Island with thousands of other immigrants. Those of you who have seen the "Godfather II" may remember the scene where endless lines walked up to immigration officers giving their names and points of origin. That is how my family entered America. After a period of time and study my grandparents became citizens. Citizenship was a reason to celebrate, you could vote and you were officially an "Amedigan!",from that point forward Italy was the "old country". There may have been people sneaking into America back then, I don't know and I've seen no statistics; but it had not reached the epidemic proportions it has today I'm sure!

In America today illegal entry into our nation has become a major issue to our people. Respect for the laws of America is a memory in some segments of our society. Those laws and statutes which have worked for generations are now being questioned. Preferential treatment of any ethnic or racial group is at odds with what America is based upon. We cannot start making exceptions for specific groups or before we know it we will destroy the principles of law that previous generations respected and followed on a legitimate path to citizenship.

American citizenship cannot be used as a tool for political purpose. It is not a method for expansion of a political base. It is a precious gift that one must acquire through legal, approved procedures in an established system. When we use citizenship for a lesser reason we do a disservice to all those who came before, who saw America as more than a job across the river.

A criminal act is not the way to enter our nation, and we should not reward a criminal act with a fast track to citizenship. Doing this would be an affront to all of the "Vincenzos and Angelenas" that came to this country with respect for her laws and her heritage.

Enter legally and learn the rules, it is special to be an American!


  1. It's a complete disservice to internationals who actually follow the rules to allow amnesty regardless of political party affiliation. It's essentially giving those that follow the rules the proverbial "middle finger". The only rules that are followed are the ones that are enforced. The whole point of this is that they are ILLEGAL - so we are literally commending these crimes and by not having the attitude of "the buck stops here" - just encourages this kind of behavior all the more.

  2. Deportation is not the question,use of the law is what is being addressed.Leftists only use the law when it can be twisted to fit their own purposes.

  3. As I previously stated deportation is now far too costly, I'm speaking of law enforcement; closing our borders, and refusal to hire illegals. If we deny them work they may leave on their own instead of clogging our welfare system.

  4. If an obstuctionist is one who yields to the will of 70% of the people then consider me an obstructionist. Only arrogance denys the constituency for the sake of ideology.

  5. Perhaps you just want a society where everything is handed to you, nothing is earned,if that is your desire try Sweden. We will end up with a populous of lethagic unambitious losers, who believe the world owes them a living. As Obama moves us to the back of the bus as a nation he will realize his dream of the death of the American Dream and the rise of small a america, just a member of the pack no longer the leader of free people everywhere.

  6. Having lived in a country with socialized medicine, I will say that it sounds good on paper, but pans out very poorly. If we look at the track record of the "businesses" run by the U.S. Government - i.e. the postal service and the welfare system - why on EARTH would we trust them with our health. I for one don't.

    Our country has been on this slippery slope for awhile now, but I believe that Americans should have more backbone and and independent spirit and work for what they want. The pursuit of happiness is in the Dec. of Independence... the guarantee of happiness is NOT. Too many folks in this country ride on the shoulders of hard-working men and women and don't stand on their own two feet.
