Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Show us YOUR Papers!"

Have you ever heard the term “turnabout is fair play” used in any situation? It is kind of like having the “tables turned” on you, or being “out-foxed” by somebody. I like the terms “What’s good for the goose, is what’s good for the gander” or “If you can dish it out, you better be able to take it”.

When somebody makes a statement, or accusation about someone else, they should be held accountable in the same way as the person they are speaking about. Some “newspapers” at the grocery store have numerous stories about different people of prominence that sound extremely outlandish, and at times, those stories turn out to be total fabrications of the author. Those stories are given just to smear a reputation and increase the circulation of the paper. Sometimes the smeared person will even go to court to cleanse their damaged reputation.

Just the other day, our clownish Vice-President made some remarks about Mitt Romney and his finances and records. He seemed to be implying that Mr. Romney was not being forthright in his personal disclosures. I’m pretty sure everybody knows Mitt Romney is worth a lot of money, and he has made no secret of that fact. Mr. Romney has pursued the American dream and he has been successful; God bless him for his good fortune in the “land of opportunity”. I have yet to see any deception in anything Mr. Romney has revealed; perhaps he is being “transparent”. Mr. Romney has been in the public eye for decades, well back to the 1960s when his father tried to get the Presidential nomination. You probably have to dig pretty deep to find something new about Mitt Romney. We have heard stories that go all the way back to Mitt’s high school days; there can’t be too much left to know.

Mr. Biden asked a question as he lambasted Mitt Romney; he said “Show us your papers” in an attempt to imply Mr. Romney is hiding something. What that could be, I don’t know.

Let us take a look at our current Chief Executive, Barack Obama. I have stated in previous articles that Mr. Obama’s school records are “sealed” and his citizenship is still a question among many voters. Nothing has been brought up on Mr, Obama’s questionable real estate dealings in Chicago; it seems to be a taboo subject. His Social Security Card has been said to be fraudulent, and this has been ignored by most of the media. He is using the shield of executive privilege to hide something in the “Fast and Furious” scandal; I don’t know what that could be. What really puzzles me are the usual charges of racism that always follow any questioning of anything Barack Obama has done, or the hidden things about him that we are not privileged to know.

It is my sincerest hope Mr. Romney decides to play some “hard ball” in the upcoming election. John McCain wanted to take it easy on Obama; be a gentleman, and all that did was not allow America to find out who Barack Obama really is. Now we sit, four years later, with a President who still has unanswered questions about his qualifications and his character.

Don’t you, my fellow Americans, think it is time for Barack Obama to “Show me your papers”?

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