Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I always liked the "Tarzan" movies. The jungle is a fascinating place in the movies; filled with exotic growth, wild and dangerous animals, bloodthirsty tribes and an unforgiving environment. Old "Tarz" was a friend to all who came to the jungle with honorable intentions. There was always the occasional "slavers", "diamond thieves" and "animal abusers", who would incur the wrath of the "White Ape Man". Those evil doers would always get their "comeuppance". One of my favorite ways for the evildoers to meet their end was to get caught in quicksand; slowly sinking without any chance to escape; always pleading, saying they would change their evil ways; only to sink to their deaths. They were victims of the land they tried to abuse; quite poetic really.

Last week, the unemployment figures came out for September, and they weren't pretty for the Obama administration. Once again, in the "summer of recovery", unemployment went up to 10.1% from 9.3%., according to the latest Gallop Poll. The Huffington Post said, "Private sector employers cut 95,000 jobs; and the government cut 159,000 jobs last month." Underemployed numbers came up from 18.3% to 18.8% during this same time period; not the signs of a recovering economy. Gallop Poll also said these signs indicate a poor projection of the nation's holiday spending season. Those projections are causing employers to delay hiring as they expect another economic slowdown.

Paul Asworth, senior U.S. economist, said "The budget pressures on state and local governments aren't going to ease for a while yet, so further public sector job losses should be expected...(this) adds evidence that the recovery is losing what little momentum it had." Diane C. Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial, said "The unemployment rate will likely rise to 10% at the beginning of next year". The Financial Forecast Center, a non-partisan group, projects rising unemployment at least until April 2011, and possibly beyond that.

We have poured billions upon billions of dollars into this administration's economic "voodoo" policies with no real results. It seems government spending has only accomplished one thing; forcing us into deeper debt and higher unemployment figures! Our foreclosure rate is astronomical; yet, we now have frozen foreclosures to make a poor real estate market even worse than it was. Money is not moving in this economy for fear of Obama tax policies. Banks aren't lending, employers aren't hiring and investors aren't investing; all because Obamanomics don't work! The President continues to rant about the problems of the economy, yet he wants to continue on the path he has created, which has produced nothing but more economic distress.

Barack Obama has dug in his heels and refuses to admit he is on the wrong path to America's recovery from this financial abyss. America's journey into the economic "jungle" has been full of dangers."Bloodthirsty natives" have attacked our tax money. Wild spending has depleted our budget. What can happen next? Are we so deep in Obama's "quicksand" that we may not be able to pull ourselves out? We need to push those free spending Congressmen into that quicksand in November. They will beg and plead that they will change their ways if given another chance. DON'T BELIEVE THEM: THEY WILL PULL YOU DOWN WITH THEM!

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