Monday, February 15, 2010

"Our Stooges!!"

When I was a boy I used to watch the "Three Stooges" nearly every day after school. I remember laughing at those old black and white shorts with all of their great slapstick humor as the Stooges bumbled from one absurd situation to another. One episode I remember in particular was when the boys went on a fishing trip. They got all of their equipment together piled into their car and off to the woods they went. They were chased by a bear, fell down a mountain, and had an encounter with a skunk before they ever got near the lake. Eventually they started to paddle away into the middle of the lake. As luck would have it about the time they got to the deepest part of the lake the boat began to leak. As water seeped in Curly began drilling holes in the bottom of the boat. Moe asked him,"What do you think your doing!!", Curly's retort was,"I'm drilling these holes to let the water out! Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!". Now even as a ten year old kid I knew that drilling the holes was a bad idea, but the foolishness was very funny, as for a brief moment Moe was considering the idea as a viable option to avoid sinking.

We are in the greatest economic crisis since the "Great Depression", we have unemployment at record levels across the nation with little hope for quick improvement on any of the aforementioned problems. The average family is feeling the crunch in a very real way as they alter their spending habits and exercise stricter judgement about any expenditure they may be considering. Common sense habits tell a logical person that when times are tight one must do their best to live within one's means. Continuing to spend at reckless abandon will eventually lead to destruction.

Last week our own version of the "Three Stooges", Reid, Pelosi, and Obama, showed us their idea of the "logical course" to pursue as the "intelligent" way to cure our economic woes. We have increased our national debt ceiling to accommodate further foolish spending programs thus plunging us into even deeper debt than we have already incurred. This continued policy of more and more debt is suicidal for the economic recovery of the United States.

Like Moe, Larry, and Curly,our Stooges are in the middle of a deep economic lake of debt, and the water is seeping in the boat a a rate more rapid rate than any other time in history; and their answer to this is to drill bigger holes in our financial boat. Does this policy make any sense to the reasonable and logical citizens of America?

Our "Boat" is sinking and the "Captain" is totally oblivious to the water around his ankles. It is up to us now to condemn this ridiculous path into financial "Armageddon".

When Moe, Larry, and Curly made mistakes it was hilarious; when Nancy, Harry, and Barack make mistakes it is disastrous!!

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