Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"A Good Tracker"

A while back I wrote a story about my dog "Charlie", today I am going to write about my dog "Simon". We got "Simon" about two months after "Charlie" died. I'm a fan of big dogs, yet as soon as I saw "Simon" I was hooked. He Is only about 50 pounds, he is a Lab-Border collie mix, and he is the craziest little guy I've ever seen. He follows me everywhere, and I mean everywhere; into the kitchen, up to the bedroom, out to the deck, watching every move I make through our front windows when I pick up mail or pull in the trash can, and even manages to push open the bathroom door and peek into the shower (scared me the first time). Nothing gets by "Simon".

"Charlie" was a big dog, about 110 pounds at his peak. He was very friendly but his bark could scare a mountain lion away. "Charlie" was a great watch dog, nobody could get near the house without me knowing about it, and if you didn't know him his appearance was a little menacing. His bark and his size were his weapons, but that was as far as it went, all he wanted was "The Ball".

"Charlie" was like Robert Gibbs, large, noisy, and kind of the house watch dog with little to no bite. He growls at anything that may be a possible threat to his master, and prowls the press conferences like a "junkyard dog", in the hope that his mere presence will put off any threat of inquiry into his masters possible mistakes. In some cases his presence works, it causes some media members to "soft peddle" their questions, to always give in and not pursue a path of more pointed inquiry.

"Simon" is like FOX NEWS, he looks into everything that is going on. No event, no visitor, no noise goes by unexamined. No matter what you try to conceal, no matter how hard you try, nothing stays hidden very long, "Simon" like FOX NEWS will sniff it out. Perhaps that is why the "watch dog" doesn't want him around, turning over "baskets" and revealing things that the master wants kept out of the public eye. "Simon" has the nose of a tracker, just like FOX NEWS, if he gets the scent he will follow it to the quarry regardless of the amount of time or the resistance that the prey puts up.

The White House has announced a new policy of attack against anyone who opposes the administration's policies. Quick response toward all opponents will be the "new order" of the day, attack and destroy, demean and belittle; this is the "high road" that the Obama administration has chosen.

The thing about a good tracking dog is his tenacity, he never gives up until he reaches his prey. Mr. Obama could learn a lesson here; no matter how much he may try to "stink up" the trail a good hunter will continue to pursue to the finish. Yes Mr. Obama " This dog will Hunt!"

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