Wednesday, February 24, 2010

" Love America At All Times!"

In 1953 I was in the 1st. grade, way back then things were a bit different then they are today. It seems today we must be more sensitive to our children's' feelings as we could inhibit their spirit with too much structure or discipline and cause some kind of damage to their young minds. The parents of today must walk a delicate line that has been drawn between family taught values and political correctness.

In 1953 the first thing we learned was "The Pledge Of Allegiance"; we all stood up with our right hands over our hearts, faced the Flag, and recited the "Pledge" every day without exception. I don't ever remember anyone complaining about the practice, and if someone would have we would have probably considered it weird. We were the children of the "Greatest Generation", those Americans who stepped forward to sacrifice more than any other generation to attain victory and preserve freedom throughout the world. Back then it was in vogue to be patriotic, to wear love of country as a badge of pride and honor. Fourth of July parades across the nation always featured a large contingent of veterans, many of them were neighbors and friends, parents; just regular folks who gave to our country in time of need.

Somehow during the 60's we drifted away from patriotism into cynicism, we confused love of country with honest dissent. It was no longer fashionable to stand up for America because America wasn't doing exactly what the critics wanted. We were confusing politics with what the meaning of America really was. Our nation became polarized, them versus us, liberals against conservatives, democrats against republicans. We lost our identity as just plain Americans who have honest differences.

There is nothing wrong with honest dissent, it is the foundation of freedom, it keeps everybody "honest"; but we should never let political difference infect our dedication to our great nation. Perhaps we should revisit our youth, to remember what we memorized as children. We need to listen to the words, and their true meaning.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands,
with Liberty and Justice,

Simple and to the point, words that we as Americans should carry with us on a daily basis. No matter what our political differences might be, no matter what the politicians do to make our collective hairs stand up; we should glorify the ideals that this "Pledge" extols. We may not like the politics, but we must love the principles. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

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