Friday, April 13, 2012

"It's a Bird; It's a Plane; OOPS, NO IT ISN'T!!!"

Remember “Clark Kent” from the “Superman Comics”; the “secret identity of the “Man of Steel”. I grew up reading “Superman”, “Batman”, “Flash” and “Aqua-man”, along with many other “super heroes” who appeared on the ink colored pages of those cherished volumes. All of those heroes had certain things in common; they all had “neat costumes”, they all were “good guys”, and they all had a “secret identity” so they could mingle with the “regular people” when they weren’t fighting “super villains”.

Over the course of my readings as a youth, there were many times when some “Evil Genius” would plot to assume the identity of the “super hero”. Some of the people of the unsuspecting “Metropolis” fell, “hook, line and sinker” for the unsavory imitator; while others, who were more familiar with the “Hero”, were sure they “smelled a rat”. The “Evil Genius” wanted to deceive the citizens of the city by trading on the reputation of the real hero, even though he was the exact opposite of the hero.

If it was possible to be a hero in the Republican Party, it would probably name Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. These two former Presidents represent the ideals that the GOP would like to reflect in every one of its candidates for office at any level. These men were both great believers in the “Exceptionalism” of America and the greatness of the American Constitution.

Last week, our President,Barack Hussein Obama, made a statement that Ronald Reagan could not survive in today’s “radical” GOP. Mr. Obama seems to feel that a party which wants strict interpretation of the Constitution, a strong national defense and a strong free market economy would somehow not fit well with the beliefs of Ronald Reagan. Mr. Obama has his problems with the TEA Party, yet I certainly believe Ronald Reagan would have totally embraced the TEA Party philosophy, and they would have embraced him right back! Reagan is famous for saying “the most frightening thing one can hear is, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you!” I believe everyone in the GOP feels the same way about too much government interference in the lives of American citizens. The idea that “Dutch Reagan” wouldn’t do well in today’s Republican Party is LUDICROUS!

Obama is now trying to say his “TAX THE RICH” philosophy is the same plan President Reagan endorsed while he was in office. All the facts regarding the Reagan Tax Plan are available in the public record, and I recommend that every person who believes Barack Hussein Obama should look this stuff up; then compare them to our current President’s plan.

The more we see of Barack Hussein Obama, the more we hear him trying to compare himself to Ronald Reagan; when in reality, Mr. Obama is more like a clone of Jimmy Carter; except with a much more devious agenda.

You can put on a “Red Cape” and strut around, but that doesn’t make you “Superman”, and if you try to “Fly”, you will fall “flat on your face”. No matter how much Barack Hussein Obama tries, he will never be Ronald Reagan, but he may be the “Bizzaro Reagan” (for all of my Superman followers).

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