Thursday, April 26, 2012

"It Wasn't a Laughable Moment!"

How many of you remember the T.V. show “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In”? Way back in the late ‘60s, this show was the “hippest” thing on television; everyone from John Wayne to Sammy Davis Jr. made appearances on this show. Perhaps the most famous appearance on this show was made by Richard M. Nixon, who spoke those famous words “Sock It To Me?” on a cameo spot during some fast paced gags. Nixon, who had the persona of a quiet and conservative guy, was the admitted hit of the evening, and many said his appearance on “Laugh In” was a turning point toward his election. I watched it and I really thought it took some nerve for Nixon to do this, as he was known for being a private and somewhat shy person. Later on, another very hip show called “Saturday Night Live” (perhaps you’ve heard of it) made quite a few jokes at the expense of Richard Nixon (courtesy of Dan Aykroyd). Dana Carvey had quite a time, as he invoked the image of George H.W. Bush in a satirical extravaganza, to which the senior Bush was delighted and perhaps a little flattered. Aykroyd also had some fun with Jimmy Carter on several occasions. Phil Hartman did a few bits mocking Bill Clinton, and Will Ferrell had a good time poking fun at George W. Bush on several occasions.

Comedians from Bob Hope to Jay Leno have had a good time laughing with and at our Chief Executives, from “Ike” to “G.W.”, presidents have been under comedic scrutiny; most of the time the humor has been done with a measure of respect, without any rancor toward the person in office.

I am sure many of you know the name Jon Lovitz; he is an alum of “Saturday Night Live” and has appeared in several motion pictures and other television shows. He is famous for his character “Tommy Flanagan, the Compulsive Liar”. Mr. Lovitz has a degree in Theatre Arts from the University of California at Irvine. His father was a medical doctor to the “Jackson Family” of musical fame. Like many of the people in “show business”, Mr. Lovitz is a Democrat, and he voted for Barack Obama in the last Presidential Election.

A few days ago, Mr. Lovitz “unloaded” on our President Barack Obama. A “pod-cast” called “The ABC’c of SNL” turned into a tirade by Lovitz aimed at Barack Obama. Laced in profanity, Lovitz called Obama a “F@#king A$&hole!” (You fill in the blanks) in regards to the President’s tax plans. Lovitz said “If I make a dollar and out of every dollar I’m taxed at 50, half, 50 cents…”, well the rest isn’t too complimentary toward our President, to say the least. This wasn’t good-hearted satire, it was genuine anger toward Obama and his policies, and it’s not limited to Jon Lovitz. Lately, there have been other “show-folk” who are distancing themselves from our current Chief Executive.

When the “Hollywood” people start to move away publicly, Obama must admit to the fact he is in real trouble. You don’t have to be a conservative to move away from the Obama policies anymore; all you need to be is an informed American, who has seen what over three years of Barack Obama has done to our nation. Perhaps, in November, it will be America’s turn to “Sock It to Barack Obama”!! Maybe we will find out who “The Compulsive Liar” really is!!

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