Thursday, May 26, 2011


I went to elementary school in the 1950s, a much more family oriented era than we see today. I didn't know anyone whose parents were divorced until I got to high school. My Mom stayed at home to take care of us, while Dad worked two jobs to make ends meet. School was across the street from our 2-flat, I could see it from our living room. I don't remember anything of a controversial issue while I was in grade school. Parents were in control of the spiritual and moral teaching that their children would receive; we got the "3-R's" and proselytizing didn't exist, as it does today. The words "politically correct" didn't exist yet, and minority issues usually applied to racial prejudice and nothing else. I don't remember hearing the word evolution in my science class; it's only a theory you know. I never heard the term "alternate life style", and I thought gay meant happy. My Dad never discussed homosexuality with me; I didn't know it existed until much later, in my early teen years. When I finally asked Dad about it, he said somewhere in their lives those people got messed up; God didn't intend for people to act that way, and we never spoke about it again. I could see it made my Dad uncomfortable.

Having never questioned myself about this condition, I couldn't understand it very well; one look at a contraband "Playboy" and I was hooked on girls! When I became a father, our house reflected traditional values, which I believe we've passed on to our daughter. She knew more about the "gay life" at a younger age than I did, she also read her bible and believes that the "gay life" isn't what God intends for us, as do I.

Before you start screaming "homophobia", I would like to make one thing clear; an individual's life is theirs to lead, however they wish to lead it. This doesn't mean I have to approve of it, or validate it. This also means I can offer my opinion as to tax dollars being spent to advocate an agenda.

Television, radio and printed media are in the process of making homosexuality part of the norm in America, and throughout the world; I don't agree with that position. I don't hate Gay People! I don't advocate their choice in life. I don't want my children or grandchildren taught that it is a viable way to live.

In Oakland,California at the Redwood ELEMENTARY School, children of a very young age are being indoctrinated into the belief that gay and transgendered life is an acceptable alternative to traditional marriage and a heterosexual life. This is being explained under the cover of "evolution" and the animal kingdom. The quote I've read says this "(There's) a lot of variation in nature. Evolution comes up with some pretty funny ways for ANIMALS to reproduce. It turns out that there are not just two options."

As I stated earlier, evolution is a theory, never been proven by any scientist, it is all conjecture, depending on random selection. I don't subscribe to the evolution theory, and I don't want it taught as fact. I believe we are more than animals, and should not behave as the animal kingdom does. This persistent advocating of "alternative lifestyles" doesn't belong in any grade schools; let parents deal with these controversial issues as they see fit. STOP SPENDING TAX DOLLARS ON THIS SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP, AND INDOCTRINATING OUR CHILDREN!

I'm sure this blog will be unpleasant for some of you, and for that I apologize, but I believe it had to be said. God loves all of us; this is not condemnation, it is choice. Please don't force your choice on my children.

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