Monday, October 1, 2012

"Going Away Party PLEASE!!!!!"

Do you celebrate certain dates? My Dad must have been one of the smartest men ever born; he wanted to make sure he never forgot his anniversary, so he got married on his birthday, October 1st, which happens to be today! Through my own good fortune, I have never forgotten any of our most important dates; our anniversary, our first date or my wife’s birthday, and she has never forgotten mine either. All of the above dates are times of joy for both of us, and we enjoy them thoroughly. Joyful occasions should be celebrated. Some occasions are observed because of their importance in history, days like D-Day and Independence Day, will be forever in the memory of every patriotic American. We remember Pearl Harbor and 9/11 for the impact of the losses of lives to innocent Americans to animalistic fanatics. These are important occasions and they are remembered soberly and they should always give reverence to those honored dead.

In January of 2009, Barack Obama became the President of the United States of America. Many Americans cheered as Mr. Obama took the oath of office waiting in anticipation of the “Hope and Change” that Mr. Obama promised in his campaign rhetoric. I wasn’t cheering that day, as I had an idea of the “Hope and Change” that the most liberal President in American history wanted to bring about. He promised to cut our debt in half before the end of his first term; I’m still waiting for that to happen. He promised unemployment would never get above 8% and we all know how well that is working out. He said he would create jobs, yet fewer Americans are working now than were employed in January of 2009: Is this a “WHOOPS” by Mr. Obama? Mr Obama promised the “most transparent administration in American history”, yet we have seen a healthcare bill that was constructed behind closed doors and Presidential Privilege used to block a Congressional Investigation. Mr. Obama said we would have a flood of jobs from his “green initiative”, yet we have see virtually nothing from the green programs but millions of taxpayer’s dollars wasted as one green company after another goes into bankruptcy.  Mr. Obama said he has increased our reliance on domestic oil production, when in reality, our domestic production is down and he hedged support of the Keystone Pipeline, as we still rely heavily on oil imports and gasoline hovers near $4.00 a gallon. Mr. Obama touts his policies on national security, yet he is willing to reduce our nuclear arsenal to levels of the 1950s and we have once again seen terrorists murder more innocent Americans. I know bin Laden is dead, but we are far from victorious in the war on terror because of his weak leadership. As he campaigns today, he continues to cast blame in any direction rather than accept responsibility for his own actions. He once again has invoked the name of George Bush, who has no influence on the policies of this administration which has only made things worse than they were in 2008.

In November, we will see the “anniversary” of Obama’s victory, but I don’t think too many Americans are in the mood to celebrate. Our income has shrunken, our credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in history and more people in America are using food stamps than ever in history; this doesn’t sound like much of a party to me!

Instead of having an “Anniversary Party” for Mr. Obama in November, I think it should be a “Going Away Party”; then I will CHEER WILDLY!!!!

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