Friday, August 17, 2012

"Maintaining Quality"

I have been writing this blog for some time now, and I certainly enjoy writing, especially when I feel a passion about my subject. My political views are very obvious to anyone who reads this blog. I believe in the Constitution as it is written; this was the intention of the originators in order for future generations to maintain the free society that they envisioned. The rights of each individual should not be usurped by any government body for any ideological purpose, regardless of so-called good intentions.

We are now in a full blown race for the leadership of the United States of America, and perhaps this is the most important election America has ever faced. Fundamental values are at stake, and the choice made in November will affect our nation for generations to come. Charges have already been launched and spurious accusations are being spread at light speed. As quickly as one charge is proven false, another charge is thrown before the American public.

The only thing that can save America is an educated electorate. We live at a time when everybody has 150 T.V. channels and 15 news stations; 30 second sound-bites are sometimes the only criteria that some people use to decide who they will trust with America for the next four years. Most people will spend more time on deciding which used car they will purchase than on deciding who will be the leader of the only real republic on this planet. Facts are out there, and they must be researched or you may end up with something less than America when it is all over.

I have been doing daily posts for quite a while now, and I appreciate the readership that has been generated. I find myself in an unusual position as I think about the importance of this blog. I always want my facts to be correct; if they are not, then this blog has been for nothing; it will have become propaganda, and I would never want that.

I spend hours when I research any subject which I comment about; it is my way of maintaining integrity in each blog. This election, with its importance, has given me a sense of the responsibility in what I am writing. At this time, I will now limit my posts to three times a week, as I would like to spend more time fact checking before I publish anything for public view.

There is enough groundless character assassination going on already in this election year. This is the dirtiest election I have seen in all of my 64 years of life, and I don’t want to shovel any dirt of my own. This election should be decided on issues and qualifications, not on false accusations.

I hope fewer posts will not be a disappointment to my readers; try to think of it as more solid research for a better blog. Truth is worth the wait, and I always want truth.

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