Friday, August 31, 2012

"Juan Joins the Dividers!"

Do you remember when Juan Williams was fired by NPR? Juan made some remarks about being “uncomfortable” when he saw Muslims on the same plane he was on; the next thing you know is Juan is looking for work! Although I’m a pretty conservative guy, I like Juan Williams because he has always seemed more rational than the average liberal advocate. I expect David Axelrod and Debbie Wasserman Schultz to sound like clueless leftist talking heads, and I’m pretty sure no one with any type of cogent thinking takes much notice of their mindless ramblings.

Presently, the Obama Campaign is one filled with character assassination, name calling, false charges and unfounded rumors against Mitt Romney, and so far it is failing miserably in this strategy. Mitt is a committed Mormon, and he doesn’t have much fodder in his life that could be considered scandalous. Mitt’s biography is open to plenty of inspection, and thus fa,r he is pretty close to squeaky clean; you know, no interns in his office, zero drug use, alcohol or even caffeine. Mitt has a personal record of charity and public service that would be the envy of almost everyone in the public eye. What can be left to say in order to do some political harm to the Romney Campaign?

Ann Romney made a rousing speech at the Republican Convention on Tuesday evening, describing her husband in a personal way that only a wife could know, along with her feelings about women in today’s America and the problems that they face. The general reception of Mrs. Romney’s speech was overwhelmingly positive and has been hailed as the best speech from a prospective First Lady that has ever been given.

As I listened to next day accounts of Mrs. Romney’s speech, I heard good things along with criticism. The most ridiculous thing I heard was a comment about how blond her hair was; I guess that was all the columnist could come up with as a criticism, pretty weak! I’m sure I will hear other criticisms over the next few days that will be just as ridiculous; after all, when you have nothing else, you must resort to insult and personal attack.

I said in the beginning of this article I like Juan Williams, but even Juan Williams can come up with a stupid remark, and I am a little disappointed with Juan. The Democrats continue on their path of division and now Juan Williams has jumped in as he said “Ann Romney…looked like a corporate wife…” he went on to say because of her wealth, she couldn’t identify with the problems of the average American wife and mother. I don’t believe there is much difference in wives and mothers who are concerned with the well being of their families; poor or rich, our wives and mothers always want the best for their children and their husbands. Ann Romney raised a large family and battled cancer, without so much as a whimper. These trials aren’t spoken about too much by the liberal media.

I am sorry that a man like Juan Williams has decided to go along with this “separation of America” philosophy that the Democrats have now pursued. I thought he was a more reasonable man than that, especially since he was so poorly treated by the “tolerant” liberal media. Juan must remember we are all Americans, and we all see the destruction that has been left in the wake of a Barack Obama Presidency, regardless of our economic station. The Bible says “A house divide against itself cannot stand” and that seems to be the campaign of the Democrats in 2012. We should all recognize our commonality as Americans, and the possible damage Obama will do in FOUR MORE YEARS!

(My next blog will be on Wednesday of next week due to the Labor Day Holiday. Enjoy your holiday weekend!)

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