Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Distraction Man!!"

What is a distraction?: in football, it is something to cause the defense to move in a direction away from the planned play; slight movement in an effort to pull a tackle or linebacker in the wrong direction and give the quarterback or halfback that split second that is needed to make a successful play. Magicians use distraction to pull the audience’s attention away from the slight- of- hand needed to complete his illusion. Used car salesmen will call a customer’s attention to the paint job or the leather interior of a vehicle in order to distract them from the oil leak or bald tires on a potential sale car.

All in all, distraction is something that is done to take one’s attention away from something important to give the distracter a chance to fool someone into watching something else.

Over the course of the last several weeks, we have seen several distractions from the campaign of President Barack Obama in order to distract the American voter from Mr. Obama’s abysmal economic and employment record over the last 45 months. Failed charge after failed charge has been made about Mitt Romney; all proven to be false, all for character assassination purposes and all to pull attention away from Mr. Obama’s failures as Chief Executive. Mr. Obama has been very careful to avoid facts and statistics about his performance of the last 45 months; I don’t blame him, there isn’t much to cheer about!

In February of 2009, America’s unemployment rate rose to 8.3% and continued to rise to a high of 10% in October 2009; in November of 2009 it dropped to 9.9% and hovered at over 9+% until September of 2011 when it dropped to 8.9%. We are currently at a rate of 8.3%, and it seems to be rising again. This is the worst record of unemployment since the “Great Depression” of the 30s and 40s. Massive government programs have done close to nothing to help our national woes in the employment market. Last month, unemployment rose in 44 states; this is a sure sign that any recovery is stalling and a possible economic downturn may be imminent.

Economic forecasters have predicted that United States poverty levels are on track to exceed that of the 1960s. A 15.7% level is within reach in the very near future; a figure of 47 million Americans may be falling into that statistic with little hope of climbing out of it if Obama’s policies continue.

None of the statistics mentioned above have been spoken about by the current administration; I’m sure you understand why.

The big question is what distraction will Barack Obama use next to pull America’s attention away from our most important issue? Romney has been called a felon, a woman hater, a tax cheat and lately he has even been called a murderer in efforts to keep the public eye away from the real issues that need to be dealt with by his poor administration’s performance, and spurious policies.

America must ask Barack Obama to answer the real questions that he has skirted thus far! We don’t need a “Side Show” of distraction. We need to hear whether he will continue on this path of growing government spending and lack of fiscal responsibility. What can Mr. Obama do to stop this epidemic unemployment that he has done little to remedy? What is the Obama plan for a prosperous America? I don’t think I’ve seen much prosperity since January of 2009; have you? Enough distraction Mr. Obama; straight talk is necessary at this time, if you can do that!

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