Monday, March 12, 2012

"The Million Dollar Man!"

Last Thursday, March 8, 2012, was International Women’s Day. This day is celebrated at nearly every nation on earth. This day is designed to honor women and their roles in the lives of their families, nations and occupations. This is a good thing; my Mom was a great woman; not a diplomat or great philosopher, yet she was an influence of great character on those around her which is reflected in her children and grandchildren to this day. My Dad always showed the greatest respect and love for her, as she did for him.

All women deserve a measure of respect, as do all men. For generations, women were treated as second class citizens, whose needs and opinions were cast aside as unimportant. Fortunately, today most opinions are heard regardless of gender, and this is a victory for everyone.

Recently, Rush Limbaugh made some statements about Sandra Fluke which were far from complimentary in regard to statements made by Ms. Fluke concerning her use of contraception. One could surmise from Ms. Fluke’s word that she was possibly a bit promiscuous, as she said her contraceptives cost her $8,000 a year, or over $600 per month if you break it down. I don’t condone Rush’s language in this situation, but I do understand the point he was trying to make. A taxpayer should not be liable for a private citizen’s sexual activity. President Obama was quick to condemn Limbaugh’s rhetoric, and he was right about the words Rush chose to use, but anybody that listens to Rush Limbaugh knows what to expect, Rush is, at times, not much of a diplomat.

It seems a little strange to me that our President, Barack Obama, didn’t take any time to castigate Bill Maher when he referred to Sarah Palin as c**t, a word I don’t use, and will not print. Governor Palin has been a faithful wife and good mother for over 24 years, yet she has been called a slut and whore on several occasions by people on the left. I guess it is alright to cast insult and aspersion on people who oppose you politically if you are a supporter of Barack Obama. Personally, I would love to see Mr. Maher engage Ms. Palin in a debate, as I believe she would rip him to shreds. I also believe Mr. Maher to be a devout coward and he wouldn’t dare enter into any conversation of substance with any intelligent conservative.

The topper of all of this is that Bill Maher has given the President’s re-election committee a check for $1,000,000! That action certainly could have an effect on Mr. Obama choosing not to address Maher’s insulting rhetoric. Money REALLY TALKS doesn’t it Barack?

Obama made statements about his mother, grandmother and his sister filled with admiration and inspiration, very touching, and very political. He made some noises about equality not completely available to all women yet, but I’m concerned that he only wants that “equality” to apply to women who agree with him. Sorry, Governor Palin, no words for you, but remember to CONSIDER THE SOURCE!

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