Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Force NOT Choice!"

When I go to the grocery store, I’m always a little in awe of the amount of choices I have for even a single type of product. If I wish to buy a can of soup, there are around a dozen different companies that make canned soup; this applies to bread, cookies, chips, cake mixes, mac-n-cheese and even toilet paper! I like being able to pick and choose the products I will purchase, or choose not to purchase. I pay tax on my purchases at the register for everything I CHOOSE to buy; no one in the store pulled me to a shelf and FORCED ME to buy anything in my cart. I like “Progresso” soup; I think it is a good quality soup, although I prefer to make soup from scratch when I can. “Progresso” offers a product in the free market, and has to be competitive in order to succeed; it must offer quality at a good price.

Some people buy “generic” foods in order to try to save money, and I understand that, especially in our current economic distress. I have tried some “generic” product, and for the most part, quality isn’t quite the same as the “name brands” have.

What if the grocery stores all across America ceased to offer any other products other than “generic brands”, and all freedom of choice was taken away from you when you entered the store, plus a store employee was waiting for you with a filled cart saying that you must purchase only what was in that cart? I’ll bet there would be some pretty heated conversations in that grocery store. We like the freedom of choice when we are spending our own money; we’re Americans and historically, we don’t take to being forced into anything.

This week was the start of Supreme Court hearings on the issue of “Obamacare” and the bill’s Constitutionality. The real question at issue is the ability of the federal government to force a citizen to purchase a product or service. You can throw all of the arguments about cost savings and citizens without coverage out the window; the real question is what the government can “make you do” through the force of its will!

The issue of affordable healthcare should be handled by the free market; the government could request each company to offer a “bare bones” plan which those who are in a state of poverty could purchase; the government could even offer some type of financial aid in those cases, but the actual business of healthcare should be handled in the marketplace. not the Oval Office. Several options were offered to President Barack Hussein Obama, but he turned a “deaf ear” to anything that wasn’t a government controlled program. We passed a bill of over 2,000 pages, which is still revealing things that are both surprising and disturbing as they come to light. Many issues in this bill are “NOT RELATED TO HEALTHCARE”, but are policies hidden within this spurious legislation, things that are intended to further limit your individual rights!

If the Supreme Court allows this bill to remain law, the only alternative for the American people is a change in the White House, and the Senate in November, as repeal will be our last resort. It is my hope that the Supreme Court will stand by our Constitution, and not ideological agenda, or we will all surely suffer because of this bill. I, for one, would like to choose what goes in my “grocery cart”; how about you?

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