Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"$4, $8,$10; STOP!!!"

I remember when I was a young boy, whenever we were taking a long trip, my Dad would stop at a service station and buy $3.00 worth of gasoline. Back then, $3.00 was about 12 gallons of gas; now that was “the good old days”. America was one of the world’s oil giants with production in Texas, Oklahoma, California and Kansas, plus several other states supplying our energy needs. In later years, we have had our domestic production limited because of some concerns about environmental impacts on plant life and certain animal’s migration patterns. We are currently producing a little more oil due to some policies instituted during the George Bush administration (sorry Barack, it wasn’t you).

The current mantra from most of the Republican hopefuls is “DRILL, DRILL, DRILL AND DRILL”. I must say, that with current technology, we have a real chance to drill our way out of this mess. It won’t be an overnight cure, of course, but it will help America in more ways than just finding more oil. Obama has rejected the Keystone Pipeline, which cost America over 40,000 jobs. America hasn’t built a refinery in over forty years; what could be accomplished if our oil companies were allowed to renovate and build new refineries in conjunction with expanded domestic drilling. We have enough oil and oil shale under America to dwarf OPEC, yet it remains untouched because of certain outdated environmental regulations, which are unnecessary with today’s modern drilling techniques. According to the National Resources Defense Council, the earliest we can expect any real production of bio-fuels will be in the year 2050; that is only if we jump headlong into research right now! President Obama says our future lies in bio-fuels produced through algae. This lab experiment is far from a realistic goal at this time.

Those of you reading this are probably between the ages of 30 and 70 years old. Those of you 30 year olds will be 68 years old when you can buy some “Obamagas”, and if you are 70, YOU WILL BE DEAD!

I have been fact checking this relentlessly, and can find no expert that believes bio-fuel will be of any type of immediate relief to the American people. The continued stonewalling of domestic drilling from the Barack Obama Administration is in direct correlation with the spiraling cost of fuel at the pump! I personally believe Barack Obama is using this fuel crisis to, once again, divide the American people, casting some type of perverse blame on the oil industry which only has a profit margin of 4%! Yes, my fellow Americans, that “evil monster” has a 4% margin of profit; to put it simply, they make $.04 on every dollar!

America, we must ask ourselves, who the real villain is in this situation? We are literally standing on top of the cure for our energy problems, yet we have a Chief Executive who is committed to ignoring what lies beneath America’s feet! The next time you “filler’up” at the pump and pay $100.00+, you can thank a “Do Nothing President” for that unnecessary cost, and think what it means to the guy working at McDonald’s!

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