Thursday, August 19, 2010

"14th Amendment"

John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson are the names of some of America's most infamous killers. Gacy and Bundy are dead; Manson still sits in prison paying for his heinous crimes. Murder binds them together, also notoriety in their continued interest by the public in their crimes. There have been books, movies and television specials about all of them. Millions of dollars have been spent by the American public seeking to learn more about these men. Gratefully, none of the money generated by these products profit those criminals or their families. In America, you are not allowed to profit from the commission of a crime; you can receive nothing of value from the fruit of a poisoned act. An easy example is this: if someone steals a car and is caught, he will not get to keep that car because he spent time in jail. I know this sounds ridiculous, yet some people feel entitled to keep what they steal as long as they did the time (criminals aren't very bright).

Recently, the issue of "anchor babies" has been brought up in regards to the huge influx of criminal illegal aliens having children after they have invaded our borders.

The 14th amendment of the United States Constitution states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States of America; and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States..."
This sounds pretty clear in definition, yet there are some legal questions that must be raised. In July of 1868, this amendment was written to protect former slaves from being denied their constitutional rights as citizens.

Is American citizenship something of value? To me, being an American citizen is of great value; it gives us our rights under the Bill of Rights and all of the privileges granted under the Constitution and its' amendments. Should a criminal profit from his crime? I am not calling babies criminals; I'm saying these children are being used as a tool to gain something of value as fruit of a criminal act. Countless criminal illegal aliens cross the border on a regular basis very pregnant, in order to have their children born on American soil. This borders on criminal conspiracy; they illegally crossed our border with the intent of stealing American citizenship, and giving them an edge to remain in our country in spite of the commission of their crime. Perhaps we could change our law to read: "Those children born in the United States are free to remain within our borders as American citizens and wards of the state; but illegal entrants will not be exempt from deportation because of guardianship to those children."

We must do something to stem this invasion! We must not allow our Constitution to be manipulated by criminal illegal aliens. It is time to re-examine our laws; it's time to close up loop-holes. Criminals can't profit from their crimes. Few things in this country are as valuable as our citizenship. Don't let our citizenship be stolen!

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