Thursday, May 13, 2010

" Belief Should Be Consistant!"

"After this, I have no territorial ambitions..", Adolf Hitler, after he was given Sudetanland, he lied! "I'm a legitimate businessman who wants to live out his days in Israel..", Meyer Lansky, member of "the commission" of organized crime in New York City; he was lying. "I did not have sex with that woman..", Bill Clinton in reference to Monica Lewinski, he lied. "I'm not a crook...", Richard Nixon, in reference to the Watergate Affair, he lied.

What is a hypocrite? A hypocrite, by definition, is "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings". I believe this statement describes all of the above individuals; they deceived through their statements. Their actions and their ambitions were contrary to what they said they were. Hitler even lied to Stalin; wow what a bummer! When one dictator lies to another, who can you trust? I'll bet Stalin was really upset!

At a Catholic conference, Nancy Pelosi called upon those to whom she was speaking to, "speak from the pulpit", to "play a very major role" in supporting immigration reform. She said, " ..immigration reform is a manifestation of our living Gospels..". This is the same Nancy Pelosi who supports abortion rights. When Ms. Pelosi met with Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope said, " Her pro-abortion support puts her in serious difficulties as a Catholic, ...". Ms. Pelosi said later on "Meet the Press", " shouldn't have an impact on the woman's right to choose..".

It is odd that Ms Pelosi calls on the church to support immigration reform, when she is in direct opposition to the church's position on abortion. She says it stems from the Gospels. I find this a little odd, as I am a reader of the bible and have found no evidence of this in any of the Gospels. Jesus preached that we are obligated to obey the law of the land and to love one another. The Gospel message is the message of salvation through the sacrifice of Christ for our sins; nothing in the Gospel is about pending legislation!

Ms. Pelosi, it seems, uses her, "so-called" faith when it suits her, and discards it when it isn't convenient for her purposes. Isn't it funny that those on the left are all about separation of church and state when a child wants to pray in school, but it's okay to use faith to push a bill in Congress? Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!!?

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