Saturday, January 4, 2014

"New Year, New Lies"

Have you ever heard the term “If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”? The NAZIs did this on a regular basis in order to exterminate 6,000,000 Jews, along with Gypsies, Pols, Catholics and political enemies.

Klan and other White Power groups say “All blacks are lazy, shiftless and sub-human” and have touted that mantra for generations, drumming it into the heads of their followers until they all believed it to be truth. These types of lies continue to infect us today.

When lies permeate the national media, entire people may be misled and unethical and evil intentions may infiltrate the thinking of everyone that believes them.

“You may keep your doctor if you like him”; a lie, “Your insurance rate will go below $2400”; a lie, “If you like your plan, you can keep it”; a lie and “Benghazi was caused by a YOU-TUBE video”; a BIG lie! “Voter intimidation didn’t take place in the last election”; a whopper of a lie, “Our borders are safer now than ever before”; LIE, LIE, LIE! “We have a strong national defense”; unbelievable lie! “Americans don’t mind paying more taxes”; a stupid lie! “Food stamps and welfare are good for the economy”; a ridiculous lie!

All of the above lies have been told under the cover of the Obama Administration, with his knowledge and approval. The dispersion to the public of all these lies has been approved by the Obama Administration. The continued affirmation of these lies is still coming from the Obama Administration.

We are now in a new year, 2014, and we are waiting to see what “new lies” will come from the Obama Administration. Deception seems to be the watchword for Barack Hussein Obama; throughout the last twelve months we have seen him deny statements that have been well documented on video, yet he continues to say “that’s not what he meant” at the time.

The “party newspaper”, the New York Times, is now reverting back to the Benghazi murders being caused by a YOU-TUBE video, even though there are countless facts which show this to be untrue. Why is the New York Times churning up the ashes of this spurious story again? Is there a vain hope this will distract the American people of the dismal failure that Obamacare has shown itself to be? Is it possible that the Democrats that are up for reelection in November need an issue that will pull attention away from the misery caused by this new law that was voted in on STRCTLY PARTY LINES?

Is the New York Times doing its best to give tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for a 2016 presidential run so she may distance herself from the Benghazi disaster, for which she must share much of the blame?

America is seeing a “tower of lies” being built in order to “cleanse” the Democrats of the horrendous failures of the past six years so they can maintain power in Washington.

We are entering a Congressional election this year, and it will be an election which all Americans will have a chance to restore a ‘Constitutional Government” back to the people.

Lies, upon lies, upon lies have been told to all of America’s citizens since Barack Hussein Obama has entered the Oval Office, and if his party remains in power after the November election, all of us can depend on more lies and more deceptive practices from “the most transparent administration ever”. See through the “transparency” and “Throw the rascals out!”

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