Monday, June 18, 2012

"Another Wounding of the Constitution from Obama!"

I am an American citizen. I was born in the United States of America. I am a “natural born citizen”. My grandparents were American citizens; they were “naturalized citizens”; they learned about America, passed a citizenship test and took an oath to become American citizens. I served my country in the armed services, as did my father, uncles and cousins served. I have been paying taxes to the United States for several decades now, as my father, uncles, aunts and grandparents had done in previous generations. I vote in all state, local and national elections; it is a privilege given only to legal citizens of the United States of America.

For several years my wife has worked at a university. She now works in the “Honors College” of that university; previously, she was employed in the “International Programs” of that university.

During my wife’s tenure with “International Programs”, we had several students to our home for holiday meals and gatherings. These young people came from many different parts of the world, and they were all bright, interesting and respectful while at our home. Another thing they all had in common was a respect for the United States and her laws. Most of those students planned to receive their education and then return to their home countries to benefit their own people. Some of those students wished to remain in the United States, as they liked our country with its free enterprise system and equal protection under the law (I like that stuff, too).

Anyone arrested in the United States, regardless of their “legality”, has equal protection in our legal system, yet they aren’t to receive any “special treatment” connected to their “illegality”. The commission of a crime doesn’t entitle anyone to any type of “special privilege”.

Last week, our President, Barack Hussein Obama, twisted the Constitution once again. Playing politics, rather than being a President, Mr. Obama issued an executive order which created a system of rewarding criminal illegal aliens, and made it easier for them to remain in America, drain our benefit systems and take jobs away from LEGAL American citizens and LEGAL resident aliens. Regardless of Mr. Obama’s statement of “For all intents and purposes these people are Americans”, they are NOT Americans. What this is in actuality is an attempt by Barack Obama to pander to America’s Latino voters for the upcoming election in November. The most divisive President in American history has found one more way to divide America. This is a back-door into America, and a way to sneak in the “Dream Act”, which failed to receive American support in 2010.

Even with the “special math” that the Obama Administration has used, our unemployment figures are still dismal; Obamanomics is a failure. Mr. Obama wants to issue “work permits” to some ILLEGAL aliens; yes, my fellow Americans, Barack Hussein Obama wants to add CRIMINAL ILLEAGAL ALIENS to compete with LEGAL AMERICANS in our limited supply of jobs in our ailing economy! He says “This is the right thing to do”; what do you think about that? I guess Mr. Obama’s heart is “bleeding” over their plight. What else is “bleeding”? Our welfare system is “bleeding” tax dollars and our citizens are “bleeding” their savings while trying to find jobs that they must now compete for with “criminal illegal aliens” as their rivals!

The “Right thing to do”, Mr. President, is to put the welfare of LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS first. After nearly four years in office, Barack Hussein Obama still doesn’t know his “Oath of Office”, and he continues to operate as a monarch instead of a President. We need a President that will work for the good of American citizens and worry less about those who aren’t! Perhaps Mr. Obama would do better as President of Mexico!!

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