Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I had a friend who worked for the "Dominick's" food store chain, and I once asked her if she ever shopped at any other store. She told me she rarely shopped at any other store, and there was an unwritten policy of employees only shopping at "Dominick's". I guess this makes corporate sense; an employee should support their company rather than go to a competitor. I used to shop at "Dominick's", and I found it to be a well stocked store with a pleasant atmosphere (this is not an endorsement). I also shopped at other stores when it was more convenient, or I could get a better price on the items I was shopping for; but by and large, I usually shopped at "Dominick's". We are now face to face with $4.00 a gallon gasoline; and America is not very excited about paying this price! My wife and I shop the area for the cheapest gas prices, and we combine all of our errands to limit gas consumption. I live in "Small Town America"; median income is nowhere near what the major metropolitan areas are; $4.00 a gallon has a major impact on everyone who lives here. Last week, our President, Barack Obama, was in Brazil making a speech about Brazilian oil production. Mr. Obama was encouraging the Brazilian people to drill! Yes, my fellow Americans, the man who is supposed to be looking out for our well being is encouraging industry in another country. What is worse than this is this same man is doing virtually nothing about our existing oil reserves in America. In Europe, gasoline is $8.00 a gallon; they have an excuse, there is no oil in Europe! Now, I'm going to tell you some things you may not know, and you may get upset. In February of 2008, the United States Geological Survey said the Bakken oil formation in North Dakota could boost American oil reserves by 10 times their present level! Are you beginning to become upset yet? They believe there is anywhere from 175 to 500 billion barrels of removable oil from this area alone. This discovery was announced in 1951! Marathon Oil has invested in that area, in the belief that 700,000 barrels of oil are easily retrievable! Are you upset yet? Now comes the big shocker; there is an estimated 2 trillion barrels of oil in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming! Some scientists believe we have the ability to recover at least half of that oil, which would make us oil "independent" from OPEC! If Mr. Obama wants to invest in America, perhaps this would be a good place to start. If he wants to "Go Green", that's fine, but right now, America need to use what God gave her. How many jobs could be created if we pursued the reclaiming of our own resources, instead of sending for oil at a price of $340 billion dollars and 14 million barrels a day! What is Barack Obama doing? Our economy is as fragile as a "castle built from a spider web", yet he encourages other nations to do things he is suppressing right here in America! WELL AMERICA, ARE YOU UPSET YET?

1 comment:

  1. I worked in the Oil & Gas business from 1979-1987. The problem is not that there is not enough oil & gas, but who controls the price. The Bakken is part of the Williston Basin which has been produced for nearly 60 years. The production of the Willston and the Bakken should be unleashed so there can be a dent put in imports of oil. Drill baby drill...
