Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"5 Year Old Mentality"

Did you ever watch five year old children fight? I don't mean hit each other; I refer to the yelling contest that they engage in when they engage in "conflict'. It is never their fault, they always have a scapegoat, they always have someone else to blame. "Johnny made me do it", or "You never told me not to do it Dad" are common answers when these tiny politicians plead their cause.

Yesterday, Barack Obama did what every five year old does when he doesn't immediately get his way. He cried that someone else is responsible for his failure; it's never him. I remember the "lab coat guys" he surrounded himself with when he was forcing his socialist health-care bill through Congress. This attempt to give validity to his program was almost laughable in its theatrics. He was saying "Look America, I'm surrounded by doctors; they believe me". Yes Barack, all doctors wear lab coats whenever they travel.

Obama is all about showmanship and presentation, and very little about substance. When he touted health-care, he had a lot of platitudes and slogans, but when details were inquired about, there was little response. He did do his best to blame the Republican Party for slowing up his process of its passing. What nerve they had asking that the bill be read before it was passed! Damn those obstructionists! As his popularity sinks, he looks at people like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly and blames them for his unhappy situation. Who are they to criticize him; he's BARACK OBAMA!

In the White House Rose Garden, he took the podium to, once again, place blame on somebody else. He, once again, pulled out his favorite whipping boys ; the Republicans. He paraded some people in front of the camera who are victims of Obama-nomics, unable to find work. I, along with all Americans, feel badly about their situation. This is the problem with dumping money on government "pork" and strangling our financial community.

He said the Republicans are blocking the unemployment extension, like villains in a silent movie. In reality, the Republicans just want to handle any extension in a responsible way. The Republican leadership is blocking this current initiative because it calls for further debt extension. They want the administration to use existing funds to finance this proposal. They believe Barack Obama has plunged us into enough debt! Barack is busy pointing fingers and calling names, instead of telling the truth to America. Americans are tired of this "WAH! WAH! WAH!", attitude from Mr. Obama. Say what you will about George Bush, I didn't hear crying like this from the White House when he was in office. Grow up Barack, act like a big boy now, and stop casting the blame!

1 comment:

  1. American's are waking up to this. I've said it from the beginning, he thinks he's a rock star. His lack of business acumen, lack of leadership skills and lack of character, are all becoming glaringly apparent.
