Friday, April 9, 2010

" Barack Insults Israel ! "

Over the course of the last sixty years Israel has supported, and been supported, by the United States of America. Israel is the only real democratic government in the middle-east, it is the only ally we can count on without reservation. The Jewish community in America has a special allegiance to Israel; it is the homeland promised to the children of Abraham in the Bible, and the home established by the survivors of the N.A.Z.I. holocaust.

The great thing about Israel is they won't put up with any, for lack of a better word, crap, from anybody. Ask Egypt about Israel; it took a week to let Egypt know Israel was not to be fooled with and not expect consequences they wouldn't like.

This relatively small nation nestled in the heart of the middle-east is the target of practically all of its neighboring nations. Saddam Hussein sent scud missiles flying into Israel during "Desert Storm", and Israel exercised restraint while America "convinced" Saddam this was a bad idea. Israel was vital in keeping this conflict from accelerating into something much worse than what it was. Israel allowed its citizens to be a target when it had every right to bomb Iraq into non-existence, yet it exercised restraint to help America in a difficult situation. This was truly the act of a staunch ally and friend! Golda Meir, David Ben-Gurion, both strong Israeli Prime Ministers, were great friends of America. Our nations enjoyed a special relationship, perhaps even deeper than the relationship with Britain.

Evidently Barack Obama doesn't feel a strong relationship with Israel is as important as it used to be. Iran has made direct threats toward Israel and our government has done little to nothing in recognizing these aggressive statements. Instead Joe Biden chastises Israel for building homes in its own land.

Earlier this week our great leader snubbed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, refusing to meet with him at the White House. This is the President who said he would meet with the Taliban and speak without conditions, yet, he insults one of America's greatest friends at a time when Israel faces a serious threat from a Muslim radical. This action by Obama is an affront to a nation whose support may be vital at a time when the middle-east is at its most fragile.

What has happened to this country? We have signed a treaty, yet to be ratified, with Russia to deplete our ability to defend ourselves. Now we distance ourselves from the only nation in this powder keg that has ever shown us any real friendship and support.

Barack Obama has shown us his lack of respect for the will of the people domestically, now he shows his lack of respect for those who support America in foreign policy. How much more damage will Barack Obama do?

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