Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I have been married for over 35 years. I have never forgotten my wedding anniversary. I have never forgotten my wife’s birthday, and I have never forgotten the anniversary of our first date. All of those dates are very important, both to me, and to my wife. Some dates need to be remembered, lest we forget what they mean to us. 

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Just this week, I ran into a WWII veteran while I was having lunch, and he served in the Pacific; he certainly remembers this date with very high emotion.

I had a friend in the Marines who served at Khe Sahn and he vividly remembers the days of that infamous siege. 

I remember November 22nd. 1963; I remember being in my high school cafeteria when we all heard the news of the murder of President Kennedy. I’m sure millions of Americans still remember that day with great emotion.

Have you ever had someone say to you “Get over it!” when something bad happened to you? Sometimes you do have to get over bad experiences, and leave them behind you. Skinned knees, bruises and scrapes have happened to all of us, and we did get over them without too much trauma. I have a couple of scars to remind me of things from my past, but for the most part, I’ve tried to forget most of my bad experiences.

All Americans remember September 11th with great emotion and we continue to have ceremonies in remembrance of all of those innocent Americans who lost their lives in that cowardly attack by militant Muslims. 

Those of you who watch FOX NEWS know the name Bob Beckel; he is a liberal contributor to the FOX NEWS team. Recently, Mr. Beckel has said “We need to move on” in regards to 9/11. I’m trying to figure out what Mr. Beckel meant by that remark. It sounds like Bob wants us to forget this heinous attack like a “skinned knee” or a “bloody nose” that had healed.

I wonder if Mr. Beckel is endorsing the “Million Muslim March” that has been proposed on 9/11 this year as a way of putting this behind us? I don’t believe this proposed march is anything but a way to reinforce those radicals that perpetrated this crime to begin with.

After several years of listening to Bob Beckel’s twisted logic and leftist clap-trap, I believe this may be the most asinine statement he has ever made. When do we forget over 3,000 dead Americans? Why should we forget 3,000 dead Americans? I wonder what goes on in the head of Bob Beckel.

If Mr. Beckel was alive in 1941, perhaps he would have endorsed a “wait and see attitude” in regards to the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. He may even have proposed a “Japanese Pride Day” to be politically correct. Maybe we should have forgotten about those planes trying to sink our Pacific Fleet. This sounds ludicrous as it should; this is the logic of those on the left.

We must never “move on” from this remembrance, it must be forever burned into our American memory, lest it be repeated by those who still wish to murder the innocent and destroy our American way of life.

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