Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Serve and Protect"

Most police cars have the words “Serve and protect” somewhere on their vehicle, and every police officer I know follows that motto. Americans are used to a police department that is there to keep them safe and away from harm.

I remember when I was growing up, my Dad saying to me “If you ever get into a bad situation, try to find a policeman, they will help you.” I have always believed that statement, and I told my daughter the same thing.

A good police officer will do anything to protect innocent civilians, even at the cost of their own safety. They are the arm of the government we look to when things get tough. I have several friends who are police officers, or former police officers, and they are all people of high integrity.

Obviously, there are cases of police officers who “go bad” but, by and large, they are the exception to the rule. They all go through extensive training and examination to become the protectors of the public, and not everyone is cut out for this job. A good officer is honest, trustworthy, brave, selfless and great self-control with the ability to make split second decisions. A good officer never tries to inflict pain on those he is sworn to protect! Don’t you wish all members of our government were as dedicated and ethical as our police community?

We are now under the “sequester rules” of mandatory budget cuts due to our Congress not coming up with a responsible budget. The Republican House has had several logical and fiscally designed alternative budgets, but the Democrat controlled Senate has yet to accept any of them. President Obama has submitted his own budget which has been dismissed by both houses of Congress because it calls for higher taxes and even more spending; it is a true exercise in futility.

The orders are now out to implement those “sequester cuts” and to inflict as much pain as possible on the American public from the Obama White House. Our airports are now suffering because air traffic controllers are being furloughed and flights are either being cancelled or given long delays. White House tours are being cut in another effort from Barack Obama to let the American people feel some pain. Oddly, there are areas in the airport spending programs that could be trimmed that would cause far fewer troubles to the general public than the furlough of traffic controllers, yet Obama won’t consider those cuts. I wonder if we could keep those people on the job if we cut some of those millions in foreign aid to countries which don’t seem to like us very much, or don’t the American people come first in the Barack Obama Administration?

Maybe the President could cancel some of his elaborate golf outings or lavish vacations that run into the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! I know he needs a vacation every four or five weeks, but couldn’t he keep it simple once in a while; you know, rent some videos and order a pizza and stay home like the rest of us regular folks.

In actuality, Mr. Obama is playing the spoiled child once again because he’s not getting his way and he wants to punish the average American citizen.

When will Barack Hussein Obama show the same character that we expect from an average police officer, or firefighter, or nurse or E.M.T.? Personally, I don’t ever see that day coming because we have a spoiled, self-absorbed demigod instead of a dedicated public servant sitting in our nation’s most powerful office!


(Early post this week – I am going on vacation just like the President!)

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