Friday, February 22, 2013


Have any of you put something together from printed directions and not have the end result turn out the way you wanted it to?

We all make plans when we go on a vacation, or take on a project, and sometimes those plans don’t always come together the way we want them to. Sometimes a reservation is cancelled or an expected restaurant item has been taken off the menu, or a guest doesn’t show up and all of our plans seem to “blow up in our faces”. If it is someone other than yourself in charge, you can just sit back and watch the calamity; you know it’s like free entertainment, but if it is your plan, then it is something completely different.

Recently we have seen our President complain about the “sequester agreement” which was his initiative. It seems Mr. Obama doesn’t like the idea that his administration put into practice and he now is choosing to put the blame on the Republicans in Congress.

Forced budget cuts will automatically go into effect unless an agreement can be made very quickly, yet Mr. Obama refuses to allow any member of Congress to touch his “sacred cows” to trim our budget.

The directions on Mr. Obama’s plan aren’t turning out the way he intended them too, and he doesn’t want to take the blame for it! Does this sound familiar to you??

George W. Bush has been away too long to be blamed for this problem, so poor Barack must look for another scapegoat for another mistake he has made. Obviously, Mr. Obama won’t take the responsibility himself because, in his view as a self-promoter, he cannot believe he could ever make a mistake, his ego is too large for that. He blames the Republicans AGAIN, even though his Democrat controlled Senate hasn’t passed a budget since he has been in office, when the House has submitted a budget in each of the last four years (who’s to blame here). Each time a budget has been sent to the Senate, it has been discounted by “Dirty Harry Reid” and his gang from the far left!

We are now approaching a 17 trillion dollar debt, yet we are extending benefits to criminal illegal aliens who have committed a crime just by their presence in America. Your tax dollars are being given away while our nation flounders under fiscal mismanagement from Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies on the left.

The real question is this; “Will Americans continue to accept weak excuses and allow Barack Obama to blame others as his plans continue to weaken America?”

Other powers in foreign lands are watching with “hungry eyes” as this inept President moves America closer to the precipice of destruction. Iran, North Korea and Russia are keeping watch on this nation and they will waste no time in pursuing their agendas as they see an Obama America sink into a financial swamp.

The plan isn’t working, and it belongs to Barack Hussein Obama and NOBODY ELSE!! It doesn’t belong to the Republicans or even George W. Bush. Don’t let this master manipulator get away with this; IT”S ALL HIS FAULT!!!

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