Friday, December 28, 2012

"Happy New Year??"

This is the last weekend of 2012 and it is time to reminisce over all the things that have happened over the last 12 months.

We must ask ourselves if things have gotten any better in the last year. We have seen American prestige deteriorate in front of the entire world as our leader has procrastinated in decisions to improve our economic situation, and it appears our bond rating may once again be lowered. Criminal Illegal Aliens are being given more and more rights, while the Constitutional rights of real American citizens are being attacked by leftist lunatics. Our armed forces are being downsized as Iran and Korea collaborate over the nuclear destruction of Israel and America. Our nuclear arsenal is being dismantled to levels of the 1950s, and our President totally advocates those reductions, as he believes weakness is a virtue in the world of global diplomacy. Our Attorney General continues to stone-wall over several charges against him, and he has been backed up by the President in what appears to be a blatant cover-up of spurious behavior in his office, which may be of a criminal nature!

We are already seeing the impact of “Obamacare” on the business community as some companies have already cut hours of full time employees to 29 hours a week or less to avoid excessive costs imposed under the mandate of Barack Obama. The real pain of “Obamacare” is now showing its face in the homes of poor and working class Americans, along with business owners across America.

We have seen the BAD INVESTMENTS of our current administration cost us billions of our tax dollars as political cronies benefit from their relationship to Barack Obama, as friends and campaign contributors! I guess whoever said “It’s good to be the king” knew what he was talking about.

We have been promised more government regulation into our lives, just what we need in a “free” society. In New York, large sodas and fried foods are already under attack, and lunches for children which have been packed at home have been confiscated by some school district “food police”; so much for “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”.

Unemployment finally gone to under 8%, but many economists say this may only be a temporary condition as economic indicators remain bleak and GNP is slowing down again.

As our government races toward the budgetary “cliff”, our President has raced off to Hawaii to take a vacation; I’m glad he has his priorities in order; I know he needs his golf game.

Next month, we will see the beginning of Barack Obama’s second term of office, and I don’t see that America will experience much of a change from the last four years except that Mr. Obama doesn’t have to worry about another election and he can press for further moves toward a socialist or communist agenda. He still has Harry Reid in the Senate as an advocate of these spurious policies, and he can still blame the Republicans when they stand up for Constitutional rights.

Some of us will wear party hats and blow noisemakers on Monday night, hoping for a great “New Year”. I will probably go to bed early because I don’t expect any changes for the best as four more years of Barack Obama lies before America. Happy New Year to all of my readers; if that is possible!

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