Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Hot Pants for Barack!"

When you were little, did you ever get caught telling a “fib”? I’m sure you all must remember a time in your childhood when one of your siblings or friends caught you in an untruth. Some childhood “stories” are done to promote one’s self image, or to cover up something that one was not too proud of; you know, a screw-up. At times, when you were caught, you may have heard these words: “Liar, liar, pants on fire!” You may even have heard references to your nose growing (Pinocchio). Most childhood “fibs” are innocent attempts to embellish our accomplishments to our peers; lies to our parents are usually a more serious offense that can lead to “overheated underwear”.

As I have grown older, my childhood accomplishments seem to have grown more “legendary” in their re-telling, and my failures seem to have diminished; years change perspective. The baseballs I hit have gone further and the victories on the wrestling mats became epic battles. We like to build ourselves up in front of others; we all have “pride issues”.

Now, the occasional “tall story” is told by just about everybody, it is human nature. If a man tells his grandchildren of his exploits, and “adds” to his stories, I have no problem with that; it is a grandfather’s prerogative to “stretch the truth” in that situation. I do have a problem with a man who makes things up, or juggles the books, to make him into something that he isn’t to attain personal gain.

Over the course of the last 41 months we have watched our National Debt grow to monstrous  proportions; a debt so high that it will take generations to rectify. We have seen our GNP crawl and employment stagnate. Our economic growth is shameful and business is expanding at a “snail’s pace” due to over regulation and the persistent pressing of an ideological philosophy of taxation and wealth re-distribution.

The current President of the United States, Barack Obama, has plunged this nation into an era of the worst fiscal irresponsibility in American history. There is no argument that can be made to rationalize the Obama policies that can justify this economic debacle.

About a week ago, Barack Obama made some statements about being the most “conservative spender” since the Eisenhower Administration. I’m glad Ike wasn’t around to hear this; I’m sure he would take serious issue with Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama has once again tried to shuffle the pages of history and put some blame on George W. Bush, who has been out of office for FORTY-ONE MONTHS. Obama refuses, once more, to take responsibility for the works of his administration. Mr. Obama is “fibbing again”, to build up his image.

Whether Barack Obama likes it or not, that 15 trillion dollar financial behemoth belongs to him, and nobody else. In FORTY-ONE MONTHS he has more than doubled the Bush deficit of NINETY-SIX MONTHS! Mr. Obama’s “green initiative” has lost BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER’S DOLLARS on failed projects that have produced nothing but some profits for a few close friends.

Mr. Obama is depending on an electorate that will just take him at his word about all of his “fiscal accomplishments” and his “conservative values”.

It is our responsibility to call him out about his spurious claims of conservative spending. This Administration and this President are the most financially irresponsible branches of government that America has ever seen, BAR NONE, and all the facts are at the fingertips of every person who can read in America.

The next time Mr. Obama looks in a mirror, he may want to check the length of his “nose” and look behind him for some “blazing pants”!

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