I have a daughter who has been a real
blessing to my wife and me. She is now a successful young woman with great
skills and high ethical and moral standards. When she was born, I was a young
guy with a young bride. I can’t tell you how excited we were when we found out
about our upcoming “blessed event”.
We weren’t well off by any stretch of
the imagination; we lived from one paycheck to the next, with not much left
over to save. I remember one instance of going to work with $.22 in my pocket
on a Friday, hoping nothing would go wrong with my ’72 Gremlin before I could
cash my check.
After Gina was born, many times on
Friday I would be paged to come up front, as my Adrienne was there with Baby
Gina to pick up my check so she could get groceries and formula; we were
cutting it “pretty thin” back then.
As I look around my home now, I’m
surrounded by pictures of my family, and most of them are pictures of my
wonderful daughter, Gina. She calls me almost every day and we make each other
laugh hysterically, as we “share a brain”!
Gina had some minor problems at her
birth, and had to go into a special unit at the hospital for pediatric risk for
24 hours. I am forever thankful that nothing of consequence happened on that
night. My wife and I cherish our daughter more than anything God has ever done
for us; it wasn’t always easy, but it was always worth it.
On Wednesday, Planned Parenthood
decided to target Mitt Romney as being against women’s rights, as Mr. Romney is
a Pro-Life supporter and anti-infanticide. This organization has spent $1.4
million on a 30 second ad to attack Mr. Romney as anti-woman. Romney has no lost
love for Planned Parenthood; he believes life is sacrosanct from conception on,
and Planned Parenthood doesn’t care about unborn children. Planned Parenthood
believes an unborn child is the equivalent of a tumor, or unwanted growth that
should be removed like a kind of nuisance that is an inconvenience to a woman’s
social life.
Planned Parenthood is a well known
supporter of Barack Obama, and they are standing in for Obama in this situation,
so Obama can keep a safe distance from the issue of legal infanticide.
Obama has made noises about his
“conservatism” and his “Christian belief”; yet he has endorsed policies of
massive spending and taxes, and endorsed homosexual marriage; neither issue can
be described as Christian or conservative supported.
Barack Obama has ZERO CHANCE of
receiving the votes of Evangelical Christians or Constitutional Conservatives
in November. Mr. Obama will never “pass muster” with his stand on these issues.
Like the saying goes, “Even if you stand in a garage, it doesn’t make you a
car” and even if you say you are a conservative or a Christian, you words and
acts certainly don’t back up your speech.
I’m sure there will be other far left
organizations which will now be in attack mode against Mitt Romney, filled with
spurious facts (Bain Capital) that turn out to be untrue. In reality, all of the
facts that are part of the public record will show who Barack Obama really is;
a tax and spend, socialist ideologue who believes an unborn child has no more
value than a wart on someone’s behind! I believe the only “wart” that needs to
be removed lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.!!!!
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