Shakespeare once said “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” What does that mean? It means that no matter what you call that flower, it will still smell the same way! I’ve heard hot dogs called “tube steak”, but believe me, there is a big difference between a wiener and a rib-eye! When I was in the Army we ate powdered eggs and powdered milk; and I don’t care what you call them, neither resembled milk or eggs! I have watched soccer on television and it was called “football”, but honestly, to me, it definitely has nothing to do with the FOOTBALL that I watch.
I watch the program “Cops” on occasion; I really enjoy the action and reality. The people that are arrested are usually caught “red-handed” in whatever criminal act they have perpetrated, although the show always has a disclaimer that “all persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law”.
We have a saying (not racial) that says “Let’s call a spade a spade”, it means let’s be honest in our speech when we address an issue or problem. If you murder, you are a murderer; if you rape, you are a rapist and if you steal you are a thief. Mincing words to distract from the truth only serves to hide the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts; that is a fact of life, and people will have to learn to deal with that fact.
For decades, the United States of America has been under siege at our southern border from “CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS”! I said the “I” word!! I have said something that the left is now trying to equivocate to racism; this is LUDICROUS!!! If you do something illegal, you are a CRIMINAL!! You have committed an ILLEGAL ACT!! Stealing jobs and benefits from LEGAL CITIZENS is a crime, not a “racial slur”, regardless of what some leftist tries to make you believe!
A spokesperson for a group called “Drop the I-Word” is trying to push the term “Illegal Alien” into the same genre as the “N-Word”. As far as I know, it isn’t illegal to be black, and the “N-Word” is definitely a racial slur of the worst kind, and should never be tolerated.
What is the real purpose of this group? In actuality, the whole purpose of this group is to soften a view that sneaking across our border to steal jobs and benefits is not a crime, and those who entered the United States illegally are not criminals. The fact is that they came from another country without going through the proper procedures by crossing our borders ILLEGALLY; therefore they are “ILLEGAL ALIENS”. This is not a “stigma”, it is the TRUTH, and no matter how anyone tries to rationalize this, those who cross our borders from other nations illegally are “ILLEGAL”!!
For those Americans who have been called a Dago, Wop, Kike or Mick, the idea of using the term “illegal alien”, a racial or ethnic slur must seem very foolish. I didn’t choose to be an Italian-American, my wife didn’t choose to be born a Jewish-American; we were born in the groups that God chose for us, and we are proud of them. Thieves choose to steal. The committing of illegal acts are choices of the perpetrators of those acts, and no one else.
Black is not a choice; Yellow is not a choice; Red is not a choice: crime is a choice and the term is “ILLEGAL”, like it or not!!
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