Most of you know I believe we can learn quite a bit from history; I believe most despots will behave in a similar manner; the words of a dictator can seldom be counted on to be truthful. I have spoken before about Hitler and his “word” in the acquisition of Sudetenland. Chamberlain believed Hitler’s pledge of “no further territorial demands”, and we all know how true that turned out to be.
On September 1st 1939, Poland was invaded by Hitler’s NAZI regime under the pretext of Polish soldiers attacking a German radio station. History has shown us that the entire attack was staged and political prisoners were dressed as Polish soldiers and shot at the scene of the so-called attack, thus giving a provocation for war. The NAZIs said they were only protecting themselves from an aggressive Poland; no one believed them, but Hitler didn’t care.
Over a year ago, I wrote about America and the START treaty with Russia, and I said that Vladimir Putin most certainly out-smarted Barack Obama, as Obama gave up much of our Eastern European nuclear defense shield. Not long after that, the Russians revealed a new warhead with the capability to hit several targets at the same time from a single missile. Obama was caught flat-footed again by a clever Putin. When Obama announced a new fortified defense system, Russia immediately said it might withdraw from the START initiative; so much for treaties with Vladimir Putin.
Last week, Russia announced that a “pre-emptive strike” was a possibility on new defensive missile sites in Eastern Europe. This is more than “saber-rattling” from the Russians who have already cast a hungry eye on Eastern European countries who were formerly associated with the old Soviet Union.
Since the recent elections in Russia, Putin again holds the whip hand of leadership, and he certainly seems like the old KGB Chief in his rhetoric. I wouldn’t be too surprised that the near future could have a revision in the Russian Constitution giving Vladimir some “extra” powers, just in case of a “national emergency”; I know a “little corporal” who did the same thing.
Obama has already proven he is more “Chamberlain” than he is “Churchill” in his dealings with dictators, as he practically kissed Hugo Chavez and has shied away from real confrontation with Iran, who has consistently thumbed its nose at Obama’s sanctions. Obama has kept Israel at “arms length” while it has been “under the gun” from many aggressive neighbors. What will Barack Obama do if Russia decides it is “under a threat” and launches that “pre-emptive strike” against defensive missile sites? Previous performance says Mr. Obama will give a “stern speech” and “point his fingers in dismay”, but little else will be done by this weak President, as he fears “rocking the boat” toward Russia.
Documents of the past suggest that Josef Stalin was in fear of the power of the United States and that was his reason for not pursuing a conflict with America; and he was correct at that time, we were the “big boy on the block”.
The international picture is now quite different than it was at the end of WWII, and our current Chief Executive is quite different from a Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan, none of whom were appeasers, and none of whom that were fearful.
I don’t know how long Putin, or any other aggressive leader will take before they test the resolve of our current leadership. Obama has already shown his “citizen of the world” philosophy, and he certainly likes to avoid confrontation, even at the cost of America’s security. In four years, we could all be speaking Russian or Chinese if we retain Barack Hussein Obama as our President, and how would you like that?
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