Do you like being forced into anything
that you really don’t want to do? I believe most Americans are an easy going
lot, who like to kind of “go with the flow”. My neighbors are nice quiet people
and they live their lives as they see fit, and I stand behind their right to do
that. They stay at home on Sunday; I don’t believe they are church goers, and,
in America, you aren’t forced to attend church. I have neighbors who are
liberal Democrats, and I believe they certainly have a right to their political
beliefs, no matter how much I disagree with them. I believe in our
Constitution, and I believe it is constructed to give every citizen great
individual freedom. I also believe our Constitution protects us from others who
wish to infringe on our beliefs and freedoms.
Recently, the new “hot button issue”
in America is homosexual marriage rights. Barack Obama has made it known that
he “has grown” over the last three+ years and he now believes in homosexual
marriage. He even believes this may be a civil rights issue.
We have civil marriage ceremonies
performed every day of the week in courthouses all over America. Two people
stand in front of a judge and he or she does a ceremony that binds one person
to another, supposedly for life, but sometimes, they don’t last that long. Most
folks on the left advocate homosexual marriage; I’m not too surprised as the
“Gay Community” is overwhelmingly leftist.
Mitt Romney and virtually all
conservative Americans believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman;
you know, traditional marriage that has been recognized since this institution
came into existence. Marriage is based in Old Testament Biblical teaching, as a
union created by Almighty God. The Judeo-Christian marriage has definite rules
and precepts defined in the Bible. The precepts of the Bible aren’t very
agreeable to the beliefs of the “Gay Community”; in fact, the rules
specifically say men should not lie with men, as they lie with women; it is an
abomination in the eyes of God. I’m pretty sure the Quran is even rougher about
this than the Bible; it calls for death and beheadings for this “offense”.
Believe it or not, I understand the
argument for homosexual marriage from a point of view that sees the desire for
a legal binding between people who are engaged in a “long-term relationship”. I
understand those homosexual couples want certain protections that heterosexual
couples have had over the course of their lives.
I have a certain point of concern on
this issue though: if the United States were to adopt a policy that advocated
homosexual marriage, would a church, Mosque or Synagogue have libel issues if
they refuse to perform a homosexual wedding?
We are now living in a society that is
rampant with litigious citizens, and the A.C.L.U. who love to instigate lawsuits
against any institution that wants to stand by “spiritual principles”, and mask
the suit as an issue of intolerance and prejudice; perhaps, even bordering on
“hate speech” and “hate crime”. Will Pastors, Priests, Rabbis and Imams be
accused of a crime if they refuse to condone a homosexual marriage?
In my “heart of hearts”, I know there
is a homosexual couple somewhere out there that is already contemplating this
confrontation with a traditional church, just to test this out.
I attend a Bible believing church,
which teaches marriage is between a man and a woman; period, no exceptions.
What will happen if my pastor says NO to that first homosexual couple that
knocks on our church door? Does the government have the right to force a
religious group to do something that is in direct conflict with its core
beliefs? The government is already trying this with health care; what is next?
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