Friday, May 11, 2012

"New Sodom!?"

At one time, I worked in a company that had some volatile chemicals, and we needed to keep stringent records as to how we used and handled those chemicals. There were special numbers we had to call to verify the formulas and compounds in each product we used. Most of these products had specific rules to follow on the proper procedures to take when using those products; rules which stated what protective clothing to wear and what to do in case of contamination or accidental ingestion of those products. We had an entire on-line test we had to pass to qualify each employee on all of those procedures; if you didn’t pass, you were in danger of losing your position. We weren’t allowed to leave out any steps or rules of handling in the use of those products.

In most household cleaning products, there is a place on the label with warnings and safety procedures; these are mandated by the government (a government regulation I agree with).

Games all have rules and regulations that are supposed to be followed in order to play the game properly; number of players, length of time, proper uniforms and padding and physical requirements can all be included in the rules and regulations. A player can’t change the rules just because he doesn’t like them.

Where am I going with all of this rules and regulation stuff?

If you have read my work for any length of time, you know I am a Christian, a Bible believing Christian, from Genesis to Revelation. I believe all the things that are in the Bible are words inspired by Almighty God. I believe God is unchanging, He is the only constant in the entire universe, unlike a politician who changes with every shift of the wind (know what I mean).

A few days ago, another law suit was filed about the Ten Commandments.  A school in Virginia is under fire for displaying the Commandments. Somebody is upset that those words are on display in a public building. The Liberty Council is representing the Giles School District in this litigation and they are being opposed by the A.C.L.U.; now isn’t that a surprise! Matthew Staver from Liberty University School of Law believes the Ten Commandments are part of your “protected free speech rights”, and the A.C.L.U. says NO!

Federal mediation has been ordered to try to resolve this situation. A Federal District Court Judge, Michael F. Urbanski. has made a suggestion to try to find resolution for both parties involved. The judge has submitted a “compromise” which would delete the first four Commandments in order to make them acceptable in a secular setting.

I guess I’m a skeptic, because I think the school district will cave on the issue and adopt the “edited” Commandments in an attempt to make everybody happy (A.C.L.U.), and that is extremely unfortunate. I don’t think the AUTHOR would be too happy about having His words changed or deleted (read the last verse of Revelation).

Earlier this week, I wrote about America being a Christian nation, and the statistics proved I am well based in fact. We were founded on Christian principles and Christian laws, and the further we walk away from those laws, the more perverse we have become. We live in a nation that allows the legal murder of unborn children and the perversion of marriage. America needs an about-face or we will suffer the fate of other nations who turned from God’s laws. We should be promoting the Ten Commandments instead of eliminating them and giving our children a moral compass to live by. I would hate to see America become the new “Sodom”!

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